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760 results found

  1. Add "Edit With" to the Illustrator menu when working with images

    Add "Edit With" to the Illustrator menu when working with images! Indesign has this and it's very convenient. Its a no brainer to add it to Illustrator!!!!!!!

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    This is done in one of the latest releases.
    Now the button in Control panel (and in Links panel menu) says ‘Edit in Photoshop’. You also can change it back to system defaults in Preferences > File Handling section.

    InDesign has more options, that is true, so please comment back if you need a larger list — but please give a solid justification why :)

  2. The recolor artwork window needs to be variable size.

    The color list form is too small. Make window resizable.
    recolor2 like it need. recolor1 like it looks now.

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  3. Add numeric controls over ALL features of gradient

    Relative position of gradient inside path.
    Origin position.
    Center position.

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  4. Collapse unfolded actions

    When actions is played, they got unfolded.
    If you have a lot of actions (not in button mode), you'll have to collapse them by hand, each one.

    So I propose this:
    1. Make 'Collapse all' command in palette menu
    2. Make option 'Don't unfold actions when played'

    And why there is no context menu for Actions Palette?

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  5. Last used script

    Please, add a command inside File > Scripts (above the line) to execute last accessed script. A have tons of these and not all of them are bound to shortcuts and smarty palettes. Sometimes I have to apply same script several times and have to dig in all 4-5 folders inside to get right one.

    And, please, make it shortcut-able.

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  6. Make units and grid settings to be bound to file

    I work for screen and print media simultaneously in different files
    I work in metric units.
    I need to have 'mm' for general-stroke-type in design for printing and 'px' in other file for screen.
    I'm so tired to change units every time I Ctrl+Tab between them. By hand, every time!
    Ctrl+Shift+U change only general units, and I have to skip all picas-inches I never use.
    I have to Ctrl+K, click Units and drop down three menus every time I need to see units I need in file I need!
    PostScript is cool, point reassigned as a strict fraction of an…

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  7. Reversing order of objects

    Sometimes it's useful to change order of selected objects, making bottom-most go topmost and vice versa.

    I understand possible complications — what would AI do when selected objects have other unselected objects between them (meaning order)?
    For example, I have these objects in Layers:
    I select 1,2,3 and do proposed 'Reverse order' command.
    I expect order to become this:
    I see two fitting places for this command: Layers palette menu or Object > Arrange
    It's scriptable, but I would like to have it by default.

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  8. Add language option inside the program

    Add language option inside the program, instead of using system standard language. And can't use Creative Cloud application. My school have already application from Adoube which is install before hand. And applications has not been added to the list in Creative Cloud, there for I can't edit language.

    Just add option to language inside the program.

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  9. Be able to copy link name like Indesign to find missing links.

    Be able to copy link name like Indesign to find missing links. Have to manually type names with lots of number codes for missing links from others, would be much easier to be able to copy the name llike Indesign.

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    I am excited to inform you all that we have started working on this request and you will soon see this functionality in the BETA builds. Please keep an eye out and let us know your feedback once you try it out!

  10. Allow to set key object inside compound path

    When you isolate a group, you can set any part of selection inside this group as key object just by clicking it with Selection tool. This is great — I can align objects inside group, yay.

    But why I can't do the same inside isolated compound path?
    Why can't I align parts of my compound path using another part of same path as a key object, as I can do inside groups?
    Please, fix this.

    See attached animation.

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  11. Increase contrast between selected font and other fonts in Font list in Character palette

    Not long ago the contrast between current font and other fonts in list in Character menu was quite sufficient (see image 1). Now it's barely visible (image 2). It makes locating current font in list rather difficult.

    Please reconsider colors chosen.

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  12. Keyboard Shortcut to select locked objects

    When needing to move a locked object, you currently only have the option of "unlock ALL" whereas sometimes you may have many things locked that you do not want unlocked - only one or two things you want to move.

    It would be helpful if by holding a button (Say Alt or control) this would allow you to select locked objects, move or alter the object, and once you deselect it continues to be locked.

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    In latest versions you can enable 'Select and Unlock objects on canvas' option in Preferences > Selection & Anchor Display section.

    This adds small lock icons for each locked object you can toggle right there without the need to unlock everything first.

    This is not exactly the solution you asked for, no hotkeys involved (and there are no modifiers left to allow this), but it does the job.

    Does it work for you? Please leave a comment.

  13. Multi color guides

    I use templates with several close guides. When zoomed in its sometimes difficult to tell which guide I'm at. If the Make Guides selection could have an additional drop down with a choice of 3 or 4 colors, if would help prevent mistakes.

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  14. Cancel button in progress bar window

    What I figured out right now, is that you can't really press Cancel when you accidentally launched a complex process.
    Applying filter, saving, complex transforming — it just won't respond no matter how quick you are and how strong you push that mouse button.
    Is there any way that Illustrator will hold a bit of it's attention to actually letting users cancel what they want and make this button a bit less decorative?

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  15. More toggle buttons in top row

    You know, AI has a lot of options that can be turned on and off.
    And some of them switched on and off quite often: snap to grid, guides, smart guides, edges, corner widgets, bounding box...

    Of course, all of them can be accessed via View menu, but uou just don't see them there! Users need no only SWITCH them, but KNOW what current state is.

    Are my guides are turned off or I've deleted them or moved occasionally?
    I want to draw a complex thing — is my grid's snap is turned on or I need to do it…

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  16. Customizable zoom levels for mouse wheel zoom

    The current mouse wheel zoom (ALT + wheel) only navigates between zoom presets, making it incredibly difficult to use since the scale factor only doubles/halves most of the time. This is especially true when using touch mouse wheels (e.g., Microsoft surface mouse).

    A setting that switches between this mode and a finer grain zoom (e.g., +/- 10% of current, possibly user-preference defined) would make this much more useful.

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  17. Allow more math operations than one and support fractions input

    It's handy when in Illustrator you have units set to picas and you input pixels just by adding the px, but not so handy when you need to add a fraction and because you don't know you have to calculate the value first, instead of for example typing 1+9/16 and not 1.5625.
    Other example is when you're setting guides or dividing grids: you need to break a space in x times or create a pattern.
    CorelDraw has it and saves a huge chunk of time.

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  18. Curvature Combs and Tunni lines

    Two ideas, both aimed at creating smoother curves:

    1. curvature combs:
      an additional visual aid that could be enabled/disabled via hotkey or option on a panel that assists the artist/user in evaluating whether a curve is continuously smooth, or whether it needs adjustment. See this blog for a quick coded breakdown:
      see this webpage for more traditional curvature combs with lines perpendicular to the curved path, in proportion to the path's curvature at that point:

    2. Tunni lines:
      an additional assist/handle for helping a user more precisely adjust a curve (or multiple curves), both symmetrically and asymmetrically.
      See this example…

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  19. Ctrl+click the swatch to mix it with the current color

    There is a small thing in Corel Draw, that AI could benefit of too.
    If you have an object selected and click in a different swatch with a Ctrl held, it adds a bit of clicked color to your current one, blending them.

    Like if you have a yellow CMYK 0-0-100-0 and Ctrl+click in 0-100-0-0 magenta swatch, you will have 0-10-90-0, 0-19-81-0, 0-27-73-0, getting more like the clicked swatch with each click. Same in EGB Very convenient for adding color reflexes and picking a color in general.

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  20. Refine (not revert to previous) zoom to selection

    Now, 'Zoom to selection' zoom AND centers.

    I think that zoom to selection should not center at all by default (and, of course, there should be an option to add centering to zoom). The selected art should stay where it is located in view, until zoom level is big enough so object will go outside current view — only then AI should move view to fit the art.

    And there should be a tick 'Only for zooming in'.

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