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768 results found

  1. Make ability to make warnings show in background and not in dialogue windows

    Right now we can click OK/Enter every time interrupting warning dialogue pops up, or tick 'Never show again'.
    I would prefer background message, same as 'Shape expanded' now appears.
    For example, I use Ctrl+J combination to connect all my segments in one closed path. I can have two or more segments, and just press this combination several times to achieve my goal, rather then count how many times I should press it. But when path is finally closed, AI throws a warning at me. Usually my hands press keys one more time after that and AI beeps-blinks, which is awful…

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  2. Make incrementation looped in angle value fields

    Problem Description:
    AI can do math in fields and that is awesome.
    But I always swear a little when I use angle fields.

    For example:
    1. Move an art with Move dialogue at 10mm and 360 degrees
    2. Select another object and invoke dialogue again
    3. Type in '+30' in angle, so it would become '360+30'
    4. Press Tab or Enter

    Actual Result:
    AI says DING (or whatever sound is set for it in your OS) and does nothing

    Expected Result:
    AI should turn this typed value into '30', that is make one revolution and don't bother me, as a…

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  3. Option to put Properties Panel at the top of the workspace.

    For those of us who find it more convenient for the Properties to be at the top of our workspace, we should be able to click and drag the properties panel into the default space along the top of the window.

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  4. [View / Outline] low-contrast mode


    It would be really helpful for those of us working in low-light environments to have an inverted/low-contrast option for the 'Outline' view.

    As it is, working on an all-white screen is very fatiguing. Having a simple switch to change the display from light to dark would be a welcomed QoL improvement.

    I've attached two images showing how I see this implemented.

    When "invert" is active I'd prefer the background not be pure-black but a dark shade of grey (shown as #1E1E1E here).

    Another option could be to make the alternate mode adaptive, where the color scheme matches the users…

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  5. The ability to increase the text size of any menu, panel or dock item. Some of us are going blind.

    Give users more flexibility with the program interface please. This will help a lot of people with eye strain.

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  6. Add dividers/separators to custom tools panel (or enable stacking/docking them vertically)

    It would be nice to be able to visually separate tool groups in custom toolbars since there is no way to stack them vertically. Think "groups" in Microsoft Office apps' "ribbon". We can currently only...

    A) Mash all of our tools into one toolbar, with no means of visual organization apart from the order in which they appear (I don't count stacking the tools as "visual organization", since I cannot see them).

    B) Snap multiple toolbars together, but not while docked to edge of UI. They will not be movable together like this, and other UI elements can overlap them.…

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  7. You can't enter isolation mode when nothing is selected

    Sometimes I want to create artwork without messing up with existing one, and without locking/hiding anything (because it's require for other operations).
    Sane way is to enter isolation mode and start there.
    But NO, AI won't let you isolate empty space! And I have to create one thing (trying to not auto-connect to existing paths), then isolate it and finally draw in peace.
    If you afraid that many users will double-click nothing and struggle understanding what has happened, make it an option.

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  8. Add option to Always update links

    Sometimes I make a lot of changes within linked images. AI always asks if I am to update links, and I'd like to have this dialogue temporarily switched off (but enable it later)

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  9. Alt + New Fill/Stroke button in Appearance should add one below current fill/stroke

    Sometimes I build appearance from top to bottom.
    Right now I have to create new fill and drag it under current fill.
    What if I just Alt+click New/Duplicate button and this will create new/copy UNDER currently selected fill/stroke/entity?

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  10. Let the "." on the numeric keypad work as a decimal separator for all countries.

    In Dutch, we user the comma as a decimal separator. (0,5 is how we write a half)
    Lots of use use the International English keyboard, and the English versions of Adobe CC. But for some reason Illustrator refuses to recognize the "." on the numeric keypad as a separator. When I type "7,2" Illustrator show this correctly in the input fields, but when hitting enter, it makes "72", just skipping the comma.
    Please make a Preference to set the "." or "," on the numpad always to act as a decimal separator.

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  11. Show reference point locator in Scale/Rotate/Shear/Reflect tool dialogue

    I wonder, why 'Transform each' has one, while normal transform tools haven't. This would be so useful!

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  12. Improve and allow customize the 'Show' info slot in the bottom bar (next to horizontal scrollbar)

    Show field next to zoom and artboard selectors below work area can now show 5 things:
    current artboard name, which is nowhere else is seen except Artboards palette;
    current Tool, that is usually visible if Tools panel is on;
    current date-time, which is visible in system clock;
    number of undos, which was quite useful when RAM was tiny;
    current profile, which is visible in document header.
    I mean, almost every info available is also available in other place!

    I would like to use this field as something exclusive:
    number of selected objects (nowhere to be seen, only PathScribe plugin can…

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  13. A big persistent Color palette offering RGB and HSB and Grayscale at a glance.

    When making Illustrations, I switch between RGB / HSB and Grayscale all the time. I have a 30" screen - room enough to show all mixers all the time.
    Please make this possible.

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  14. Reveal in Finder / Explorer option for document tabs

    Reveal in Finder Option - Currently reveal in finder you "command + click" file name at top of window, however this option is not availble when window is tied to the application frame.

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  15. Grid or Guides Calculator

    Have a make grid or guides feature with a grid calculator that was artboard dependant.

    • as in I could have different grids on different artboards
    • proportional grids
    • vertical grids and guides as well as horizontal

    The amount of time I take having to set up grids, by drawing boxes and dragging in guides, to do my layout is enormous.

    It is such a fundamental part of graphic design, I feel like it should really be embedded in illustrator. I have noticed that the new Photoshop has it. Also indesign has it. But really i need it more in illustrator.


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  16. Add an option to hide the Search/Filter field in Layers

    Search/Filter is cool, but some prefer to not have it.
    Other panels allow to choose components: we can pick sections to display in the Character panel, we can show or hide the search field in Swatches, etc.

    However, the panel does not have such an option in its flyout menu.
    Please add one!

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  17. Make title bar of inactive window look different from an active one

    On Windows there is no way to tell Illustrator window in focus from inactive one, even when a corresponding option in OS preferences is on.

    And every time Ai is not in focus you can’t use hotkeys.
    Please make at least something dynamic to tell if the window is in focus! Like it was before. Icon changing color at least.

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  18. Delete all saved selections

    There is no way to quickly delete all the saved selections (displayed in the bottom of the Select menu, once you saved them via 'Select > Save Selection...').
    You have to do it one by one, which is a torture.

    Also you can’t just right-click a name of it right there in the menu and say 'Delete' — because you have no context menu for top menu items. You do not like context menus in general.

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  19. Make keyboard shortcuts work for different input languages

    I'd love to see an update that lets me use the same physical keys for shortcuts while I have a different keyboard than English selected.

    For example, the backslash key () is used for the line tool. But when switching to German, the same physical key returns (#) and in Romanian we have a (â).

    I wish that all shortcuts activated by the press of the physical keys work as intended in the interface regardless of the language currently active so I don't have to switch so much between languages just to have my shortcuts work again.

    This could work…

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  20. Add 'Release' button for Envelope distort object in Control bar

    Control bar is still the best thing to control various aspects of selected art. You try to transfer some of those to Properties, but 'Release' button (as long as 'Expand') is still nowhere to be found (only deep in menus or on hotkeys, already taken).

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