Create an Ungroup ALL feature on layer(s).
It would extremely useful being able to select the artwork on the layer and clicking an ungroup all option This would speed up prepress production especially when there are multiple grouped objects on a layer.

This functionality is now released and available from 29.1.0 release onwards.
The current position of this command is wrong. It should be under Ungroup, not at the bottom of the section.
And please don’t make it nested! don’t introduce something like Ungroup > Once / All — don’t!
Yes, the menu is long, but it’s a different story (better fix scrolling in menus — -
Ares Hovhannesyan commented
Make easy to ungroup especial traced result
Martín commented
Much more important now with the infinitely nested groups of AI generation.
Павел Ореховский commented
The super important function is very much waiting for
Yvonne Gettins commented
Yes, yes, a hundred times yes! I often download vector stock images and need to recolour them to our branding, and it would be so helpful to ungroup all in order to select and change the individual components.
Jay Lubow commented
Yes please. I'm working with svg files exported by a scientific software package. The files come to me with a grouping hierarchy that makes no sense. I have to manually ungroup a hundred groups before I can align a column of numbers. It's maddening.
Gabriela R commented
Please do this ASAP
Al Foote commented
This is a critical need for those of us exporting to After Effects via tools like Overlord. Currently, deeply grouped items "explode" when sending over from Ai to Ae.
Rashad Nasirli commented
that's right. we need this feature, this will be very usefull
While the team seemingly does nothing to make this a thing, some workarounds are available for us:
— a paid Astute Graphics plugin VectorFirstAid, which have Completely Ungroup command, which also allows to deal with clip groups,
— a free script ExtUngroup by Sergey Osokin (based ow a work by Jiwoong Song & John Wundes), -
Nikola Krstić commented
I just realized that this would be a great idea. It's so simple to program and would save me hours
Geo Mark Sabuero commented
Yeah, its so frustrating to ungroup all groups onw by one ugh...
Amy commented
Add and Ungroup ALL and also be able to select all layers by holding the shift key and clicking on the first and last layer. Not just highlight the layer in the layers panel, actually select all the layers then ungroup all. SUPER helpful and like others have said this has been a standard feature in Corel Draw (which is a horrible program overall compared to Illustrator) for years
Jessica commented
I agree that we need to have an "ungroup all" option in AI. Almost every Illustration & CAD software that I use has an 'ungroup all' command. Please add this option, that would ungroup anything/everything selected in one shot, not just ungroup the first level of items, but ungroup every single thing that is selected or part of a selected group. Thank you.
Lucas M commented
Add it.. even Corel has had the feature for 10 years.
Sara Bequette commented
This would be SUPER helpful!
Daniela G commented
Please, please, please add the ungroup all option. I now had to waste 30 min just to ungroup things.
Juan commented
What are you waiting for? Please give us that feature.
C commented
Sooooo annoying, seems so basic to have -_-
Dani commented
I can't believe this ability still isn't a thing!