Absolute mode that always sets a fill a single click and stroke with the Alt+click/right click
Setting a color for fill and stroke depends on what is 'active' in the toolbox. This is a relative mode mode and it's unique for Adobe apps (and their imitators/imitators).
What about giving a direct way of setting fill/stroke, without remembering which is in focus now? somewhat like Corel Draw does?
Give us an option to be able to set a fill with a single click, and a stroke with the Alt+click (and additionally bringing it to focus), or right click.

A related request:
Add Focus Fill and Focus Stroke commands we can assign hotkeys to
http://illustrator.uservoice.com/forums/333657/suggestions/47384021 -
Anonymous commented
Automatic coloring of an inactive element (fill/stroke of shape/text etc.) when you press RMB (or LMB+modifier keys like Shift, Alt or Ctrl) on the color in 'Color', 'Swatches', etc panels.