Nix the Stupid Blue Share Button
Get rid of the stupid giant blue "Share" button in the toolbar. It's very distracting because it looks like I constantly have a notification. And I will never use it. We've been all through this with Acrobat already!

As per the comment, go to 'Preferences > User Interface > Share Button' and select 'Match Brightness' — it will no longer appear blue.
To achieve the same in Photoshop, try toggling 'Neutral Color Mode' in 'Preferences > Interface'.
If you still wish to just have it gone for good — please upvote this separate request.
Tim commented
I don't want it blue. I don't want it gray. I want it GONE.
Robert van de Walle commented
Please simply remove it. I have no desire to share my files this way.
Érick commented
An application fort which we pay a substantial subscription should not harass us with marketing and publicity. Showing new options at first launch is fine. But once we know that it exists, we should be able to turn it off.
B Baker commented
Glad you can take the blue color off the share button. Would LOVE to have the option of taking the share button off altogether. It's still large and distracting. Thanks!
New idea from comment
This comment was upgraded into a new idea: An option to Remove Share Button completely -
Simon Bowland commented
Go to "Preferences > User Interface > Share Button" and select "Match Brightness" - it will no longer appear blue.
Nick A commented
Agree. It is very annoying that Adobe spends time to add an ugly button to promote its entirely unwanted sharing services, instead of fixing years-old bugs. Same old Adobe - always profit before customer service.
Suddenly — if you click it once and then Cancel — it goes away and becomes smaller and gray.
I like how it basically says that we have at least a dozen people who do not want sharing their work at all. Keep them votes coming. -
troyjack commented
It is very distracting when designing and creating color themes, as I prefer to have a neutral/gray workspace when doing so.
Better put some Snap Indicators there we miss since forever.
Vote here for this request: -
roma krivenko commented
Besides it is using valuable space of far more essential elements.