Add an option to hide the Search/Filter field in Layers
Search/Filter is cool, but some prefer to not have it.
Other panels allow to choose components: we can pick sections to display in the Character panel, we can show or hide the search field in Swatches, etc.
However, the panel does not have such an option in its flyout menu.
Please add one!

Lizzy commented
This option should live inside of the layers panel "Panel Options". I was actually surprised that it wasn't there already. I regret updating now as I find this search bar takes up too much valuable real estate and when you already have a lot of layers, that extra room is needed. When I don't need something, I love having the flexibility and availability to turn off features that I do not want. Please add this one.
Brian W commented
add an option to disable search bar on layers palette
put the option in the "palette options" for the layers palette
reason: not everyone needs every feature, and screen real estate is VERY valuable. i do production, not design, so i actually need many palettes open at once (people joke that my illustrator looks like a b-52 flight panel)
also, implement the ability to disable other things elsewhere. there's a lot more options to do so than there used to be in the past, so this is along the lines of illustrator's UI customisability
Deb Schroeder commented
It would help to have the panels set up the same and give users the option to turn the search field off as can be done in the Swatch panel. Thank you!
Also, I really wish for it to be visually consistent with existing panels, like this GIF demonstrates (now VS proposed).
Sure, the Filter button can be pressed and will have some padding I didn’t include, but you get the idea.(Edited by admin)