Add TIFF format into Export for Screens / Assets dialog
We need a way to export assets (and artboards) as TIFFs using modern Export for Screens / Assets dialog.

Cassi commented
My team converts a number of vector artwork into bitmap .tifs with transparent backgrounds. Currently our process involves copy & pasting each individual file into photoshop to make the conversion. This seems like something that could easily be handled by the asset export window, and would save my team quite a bit of time. Any plans to add this file type or ideas for a quick work-around?
One way to solve this today is a script by Sergey Osokin, Export selection as AI:
Does exactly what the request is about, but using a separate dialog, not from the Export for Screens dialog.
Won’t handle EPS and TIFF, won’t deal with assets.
Free. -
Brian Jackson commented
EPS is still in use, but it is essentially an outdated file format that no longer evolves. For exchanging and using logos in various applications, it has been replaced by the native file formats of Adobe applications. For instance the PDF file format is widely used today as a scaleable vector format as a replacement for EPS and can be used in all Adobe applications like InDesign, and Microsoft applications including Word and PowerPoint. As well PDF (and SVG) files can still be opened and accessed in Adobe Illustrator.
Frozen Creative LLC commented
I wish the Asset Export feature had EPS files as an option. Currently, I have to export files as SVGs, and then bring them back into Illustrator to save them as EPS files.
Jean-Michel Le Goff commented
And what about DXF too
Bev commented
Allow to export in Ai, EPS and TIF formats additionally to the existing formats when using asset exporting feature
Jess commented
I had to chime in here because I have dealt with this issue as well- they still haven't added that option in the export for screens panel BUT I did find a work around for it!
Go to File > Save As > Select Format - .eps > checkmark use artboards (use all or make a range) and it VOILA! It will save out all of your individual artboards as EPS files and retain the file name as whatever your artboard is named. This has saved me alot of time when I have hundreds of logo iterations. Hope this helps yall!
Martin commented
Yeah, eps seems a very useful addition, please!
Ali Rashidy commented
Still not implemented! Shame.
Jean-Michel Le Goff commented
You can also add DXF ?
C Baroni commented
I also agree! I also need dxf and eps in addition to jpg, png & svg - was googling to see if it was possible and came across this comment.
Sarah Heal commented
Agreed - I design for signage so often need a full colour artwork but also DXF/ DWG counterparts in the same file. Asset export is ideal except it's limited to web design file formats.
ML commented
Batch export EPS from asset export panel. 2020 and I can't batch export EPS files. EPS files should be able to maintain the artboard name and be batch exported individually from one Ai file. Adobe, comon.
Lance commented
This is a good idea, seems like the export for screens ought to be able to export any file format illustrator is natively capable of 'saving'.
That said, I don't use eps at all anymore since we switched to PDF workflow at my company a couple years ago. Anybody who thinks eps is "essentially the same as" PDF is in for a massive shock when you start working in prepress doing color management and matching for demanding customers, or just preflight in general.
Ken Cadieux commented
I would want the option to export as .eps as well so I can bring them into AE to make trim paths
Crisanne Glasser commented
Add more file types to Asset Export - it would be helpful to be able to export png, jpg, tif, eps, and svg at the same time instead of using asset export AND save as
Alex Kirkpatrick commented
Angie, while that is a good option, and I appreciate your bringing it up, it may not be relevant depending on any given person's workflow.
I often build out a lot of art on a single artboard, and export it out individually using the asset export interface.
If I could export it out as .EPS's that would, when needed, be of a great help to me.
And, at the end of the day, this isn't actually a technological hurdle or anything. There's no reason not to do this. It's a win win, and we already know Illustrator is capable of exporting files to .eps. And of batch exporting assets.
Why can't it combine the two? (it can - they just haven't prioritized adding it yet)
Ali Rashidy commented
Thanks, Angie, I already know that but when you're designing 182 logo variations in one file and then having to create a new file with 182 artboards and naming all of these artboards only to export them in EPS format is a lot of UNNECESSARY work.
John Paulhus commented
Good point, Angie, but the idea is to have the ability to export multiple file types of the same ai document in one shot
Angie commented
You can export all your artboards as individual .eps files by just going save as > click use artboards & all