Cmd + Tab app switching forcibly keeps Illustrator in focus
When Illustrator (at full-screen mode) is in focus, and when executing the quick-app-switching Mac shortcut (cmd+tab) to the previous app, Illustrator always remains in focus. Even though the OS thinks the new app has focus — it will, for instance, invisibly receive keyboard inputs — Illustrator's UI nevertheless retains complete hold over the display, save for the OS toolbar. Chrome, Finder, even something as simple as Calculator; none of them show up. I've had to downgrade to Illustrator v.25 just to get work done.
Illustrator v.26.2.1
macOS 10.15.7
3.2 GHz 6-core Intel Core i7 Mac Mini (2018)
RX 580 eGPU

Related to this report:
iMac M1 Big Sur Cmd + Tab doesn't bring the main window to front -
c8not commented
I got same problem after updating to 27.2 at Windows. This is massacre!
Illustrator 27.2
Intel Core i7 - 12700F / 32GB RAM / GTX 1660 Super
Windows 11 / 22H1 -
JW commented
Update: this bug has reappeared in Illustrator v.26.3.1, and is more aggressive than ever. Now it keeps stealing focus in *every* screen mode, not just Full Screen. No matter what other app I try to command+tab away to — Chrome, Calculator, Spotify, Finder, anything — the OS title bar shows the new app, and the new app receives keyboard inputs (terrifyingly), but Illustrator's UI remains completely on top, obscuring everything. This is unusable.
Illustrator v.26.3.1
Mac Studio M1 Max @ 64 GB RAM
MacOS Monterey 12.4