Alt-drag from a CC library to an artboard to create a linked object doesn't work reliably
Really there should have been an option to keep the previous behaviour when you changed dragging from a CC library to create a linked rather than embedded object. However in the absence of this the workaround to get embedded objects must be reliable and it's not in Illustrator 28.5 64-bit Windows 11 Pro. This makes using CC libraries to store & share assets virtually unusable in the current versions when your workflows involve a lot of this.
— sometimes following the above actions correctly creates an embedded object.
— sometimes following the identical steps still creates a linked object. Often I have to try the identical set of actions 5 or 10 times before an embedded object is created (that's about 10-20 clicks whereas with the old behaviour it was just 1). That's just for a single object. It's unbearable if you multiply this 40 or 50 times, and have to ensure your team is also doing the same.
I can't spot any patterns from when it works correctly to when it fails (not specific assets, restarting Illustrator doesn't change it etc).

Matt commented
Thanks for the suggestion but I checked and for me it's not related to caps lock (unfortunately as had it been I could have worked around it until it was fixed and save much wasted time and frustration).
Matt, here is a similar report about Alt not working reliably for normal local links:
It is possible to happen because of Caps Lock being toggled.
Can you please check it and reply back? -
For future reference, a feature request about changing the default behaviour for Alt-dragging:
Provide an option to revert to previous behaviour when dragging from CC libraries into Illustrator