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  1. Aligned "Dashed Line": PLEASE enable for "Rounded Rectangle".

    The "Dashed Line" has an optional button that "Aligns dashes to corners and path ends, adjusting lengths to fit." for the "Rectangle Tool" (and the Star Tool, and the Polygon tool), but it doesn't work on the "Rounded Rectangle"! Why?

    Please make the "Aligns dashes to corners and path ends, adjusting lengths to fit." work for Rounded Rectangles, PLEASE.

    Thank you!

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  2. 2 votes

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  3. Offset Path - allow creation of non-joined segments

    Would save a lot of time if Offset Path could create paths with or without joining them.

    As it is now there are times when it's useful to have auto-joins and many times that it's not. Personally I end up spending a bunch of time deleting the joining path segments as I rarely use them in my workflow.

    A simple solution would be to add an on/off toggle for [Join] right above the join type combo.

    As well, per other requests, please can the panel remember the last-used settings for [Preview] on/off?


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  4. When you draw a rope knot using the pen tool it will keep track of first to last click. Using appearance pallet apply 2 strokes

    ability to draw a rope knot using the pen tool it will keep track first to last click not allowing inner color overlapping when using appearance pallet and applying 2 strokes to the path.

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    Sean, the new Beta release have an option to Intertwine objects, giving you a way to make knots like this. It won’t work exactly the way you described, especially for multiple strokes, but it’s going there.

    Please try it and give your feedback.

  5. Archimedean Spirals

    Surely this should just be a default option for spiral drawing, in the current state of design i would imagine regular spirals would be used far more often than logarithmic, the current way to create them is lengthy and cumbersome.
    Hope this makes it!

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  6. Measurment Switch Toggle Button

    You know what would be awesome? When you click on any of the marque tools (for the square, cirlce, rounded rectangle, or polygon) if you could switch the measurements that you type in.

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  7. Why doesn't ai have "Cloners?" and "Clone-to" functions

    Cinema 4D <-> Adobe Illustrator

    2D cloner objects seems it would be totally possible in the layers palette.

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  8. Free transform reference point should affect resize too not just rotation (as PS)

    When I change the reference point I use it mostly for resize, not rotation. But in Illustrator this has no effect. I believe it should happen while using Alt+resize as that wouldn't change the default. Alt would only change the position of the resized object if the reference point is moved from the middle.
    I feel this would be natural to have and I'm really surprised this is not part of the free transform implementation. Photoshop and even Animate works like this! (Animate is erroneous with Alt+drag, but you don't need to hold that there)

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  9. Make Spiral as a live shape, editable after it has been drawn

    It could be useful to have an option for adding segments, or changing decay, especially if it serves as a path for text.

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  10. Better join segments tool

    There are instances (mostly when cleaning up DXF files from 3D models) were there are a lot of broken line segments. It would be great if there were options for the join command to join multiple line segments that are within a certain distance and tangent angle to each other. It would then take multiple separate line segments and join them into one clean and continuous line.

    Maybe there would also be a preview ability that would recolor\highlight the lines that would be joined and then allow you to adjust the distance and angle until you get the desired result.

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  11. Curvature tool doesn't work for path in Text on path

    I have drawn a curve using Curvature tool.
    I've made a text follow this curve.
    I want now to edit this curve with Curvature tool, but I just can't — AI want recognize highlights and selects points in this path with this tool anymore.

    Kinda same happens with editing path in blends with Curvature tool — I have to dance with Ctrl, clicking, isolating, and then, after some combination of woodoo, AI finally sees points and allows to move them with said tool.

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  12. Please give us better Transparency tool like in CorelDraw and Affinity Designer

    I'm fighting between working in Affinity Designer and Illustrator, AD has much better drawing tools, it's faster than Ai, but I love the familiarity of Ai. If you can give us better Gradient and Transparency tools like in AD that would be amazing! It would help speed up the coloring process when making more realistic artwork. See Screen shot from AD.

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  13. Don’t zoom in to maximum if I move the cursor 1 pixel with Zoom tool

    If I use the Zoom tool and happen to move the cursor 1 pixel, do not zoom in 41500%. Nobody would ever want that to happen.

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  14. Replace objects with an object

    I have created a circle with text in it, and grouped it all together, however I have a pattern of Circles, and only want some of the circles in the pattern to look like the one I have created and grouped, so I can click the ones I want to replace, and then with a tool, select the group I've created, and it will replace the ones I've selected. Not too sure if this feature exists, though it would be a beneficial tool to have.

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    The intended solution for this is to use Global Edit feature.

    Copy the object you want to replace with, then select one of many copies you want to replace and use Select > Start Global Edit command.

    Using Shift, unmark those copies you don’t want to affect.

    Isolate the targeted copy.

    Paste the copied object and position it correctly relatively the old object.

    Delete the old object.

    Exit the isolation and end Global Edit.

    It may sound convoluted at first, but once you master the method, you’d be able to easily replace almost anything.

    Global Edit has its limitations: it doesn’t work for images, text objects, clipped masks, linked objects, and third-party plugins.

    Read more about it here:

  15. Addition to changing the corners of all vectorpoints

    addition for changing the corners of all vectorpoints in the group.I can change a vectorpoint seperately with the white angle tool but not all at the same time.
    (to change the direction of a vectorpoint. To set the points in perspective)

    Right know I could only resize them and rotate

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  16. Option to retract handles or leave in place when converting a curved anchor to a corner anchor

    When changing a curved anchor to a corner, the handles retract. Would be nice if the handles did not retract, or if there was an option to choose retract or leave the handles where there are.

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  17. An L-systems panel like Inkscape, but where you can use symbols too.

    Could be really powerful for pattern making, placing editable symbols or drawing lines or basic shapes with rules that can create patterns outside of the wallpaper set, including Penrose tiling and other fractals.

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  18. Stroked Object Transform Bug Constrain Error Adobe Illustrator CC 2017-2018

    When using the transform panel to resize an object or multiple objects, it goes without saying if you select constrain, there should be confidence it will scale respectively. A circle remains a circle, a square a square, a 16:9 Graphic stays 16:9 etc. etc.

    Unfortunately I have noticed a very concerning bug where if one of the objects has a stroke, it will not transform constrained. I noticed because the object I grabbed had a perfect circle, that seems maybe 5% horizontally compressed afterward.

    I have done this screencast to show the bug does not occur on non-stroked objects- only…

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  19. Option to have Measurements for Line - Full or Scaled.

    If I were to draw a line from pint A to B the size of that line is displayed under the line. This should be optional and be able to be turned off. Also have the ability to state scaled size so it might have arrows point to star and end of line and the size in the middle <--------- 10" ----------> or it might say 10" @ 1/10 actual size 100".

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  20. Add CAD path creation/modification tools

    Some wonderful tools that would help are Trim, Extend, and Corner tools.

    Trim allows you to stop a line at another line. So if you drew a + you could trim the top to the - and make a T.

    Extend does the opposite. It makes a line longer until it hits a target line. It turns |- into a T (rotated).

    Corner tool trims or extends two lines as need to make a corner. |- becomes L by clicking both lines.

    Look to AutoCad or Revit for examples.

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