Illustrator (Desktop) Feature Requests
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543 results found
Symetric drawing
to line
to square
to triangle
to shape defined by user1 voteIllustrator today has a way to apply symmetry to a chosen art, with using Object > Repeat > Mirror command. It can be applied to a singular object or to a group.
Consider End handles
In illustrator we can to adjust start and end point handles in open path, but it have not much sense. What about to consider this handles to adjust shape of the object fill. Not on strait line like usual, but in way like we want. By the way, if we decide to close the path, Ai should make it in that way too.
So, we doesn't need two objects with stroke and shape separately, it will be one object with adjustable end handles.5 votes -
Refining pressure sensitivity
Just like pencil drawing refining.
Using tablet, I would like to redefine stroke size with pressure sensitivity when using brushing tools on a selected line.
After the first brushing, it only modifies shape not brush size.Please I'm waiting this for a long time and I'm so surprised it still does not exist.
1 vote -
Perspective anchored objects - Advanced perspective manipulation
I've been wanting something to solve the following use-case for a while:
When adjusting a 2D illustration drawn in perspective, to a new position within that perspective (think cereal box rotating on a surface), I find myself spending a lot of time adjusting anchors and curves. The new shape tools have been a huge help, but they can go further!
It would be AMAZING to anchor 2D drawings to a perspective plane and update them with a simple rotation within that plane (like you would in 3D)
How would this work? Illustrator would assume outer lines would move more slowly…
3 votes -
オプションバーに表示して欲しい。2 votes -
Retain length of handles when modifying curves and length of path when moving anchor points.
I'd love an option to retain the length of a handle for an anchor point. It would be nice to keep the curvature equal on both sides of an anchor point. There are many times I would have liked this option to create symmetrical graphics.
Similarly, I'd also like the option to retain the length of a path when moving an anchor point. Sometimes I use lines/paths as arms of characters. If I need to change the position of an arm there ends up being a lot of guess work modifying the path.
7 votes -
Rotate tool - centering bullseye needs to be larger
So it's easier to grab, if you don't get your mouse exactly, directly on it to move it, everything rotates where you don't want it
4 votes -
Sometimes when I use the Shift (m) tool, I get duplicate layers. Is there a tool to only select the top layers and delete bottom layers?
Sometimes when using the shift (m) tool, I delete out centers of objects, and then it creates multiple layers as duplicates. I must put a stroke on the top layer so that It can be cut out by my plotter. Well if there are duplicate layers, then all the layers get the same stroke, and then my plotter cuts multiple cut lines. Is there a tool to only highlight the top showing layers, and delete any duplicate layers underneath?
1 vote -
Block no selected objects
Hi there,
I would like to ask adobe for:
Some kind of hotkey which block/freeze "no selected objects" so when you are working you don't worry about select/move/delete other objects by mistake.
Also very helpful when you are selecting those tiny anchor points.
For 2017 christmas please ;-)
Marco B.1 vote -
3 votes
1 vote -
2 votes
I have a tablet that is not a Wacom. Wish I could have pressure sensitivity with it. It seems you only support Wacom tablets. : (
I have a tablet that is not a Wacom. Wish I could have pressure sensitivity with it. It seems you only support Wacom tablets. : (
2 votes -
Make Object-Path menu a part of Right-Click menu
Or at least a full part of the Properties palette. It would be a much faster workflow when adding/removing anchor points. Most of those menu items are used often enough to warrant an R-Click placement.
2 votes -
Start drawing (onPenDown) Event option like Photoshop.
Having an option of drawing with the brush, pencil or blob tool on a (PenDown) Event, like in photoshop. Currently a dot or line, only appears on a penUp or penMove. thus it seems like there is a delay when drawing small shading or detailing lines quickly.
Any delay for artists can be annoying.It would great if Ai had that normal event of traditional drawing on paper. mouseUp and mouseMove is ok for a mouse, but a penDown is needed - i think.
If there is such an option, let me know. I cant seem to find it, or…
2 votes -
A lock for the current style (stroke weight, fill, color), but tool specific
When I need to adjust a filled object and then return to say, the pen tool. I first have to reset the color and stroke before I can go back to my line work. I would love it if there were simply a lock for this on the pallet so that while drawing I can lock it to a certain color, fill, and stroke weight/style. Perhaps a simple lock on the tool pallet under color. Gray out lock icon over color when I turn the pen tool back on would be a good indicator. So it is attached to that…
5 votes -
Circle-tool — subdivision functionality with arrow keys
As the "Effect > Stylize > Round Edges..." is a little bit flawed if working with short sections and third-party-scripts often show the same problem that short sections rounded often are not a circular section but some weird hyberbole of sorts I often use Circles and subdivisions of those as a stand-in if I need a round corner with a fixed radius. Up to now i have to manually draw a line from the center, rotate it by the angle I want and subdivide it with the knife.
If circles could behave a bit like the polygon tool and its…2 votes -
An option for the pen tool to behave like Photoshop
As a Photoshop user most of the time, I would find it would be much easier to have bezier curve anchors not delete themselves when closing a path or reselecting a path. It would also be great if nudging points with the arrow keys would not interrupt and unselect the current path.
Some preference to toggle these behaviors would be fantastic!
2 votes -
Change the basis of the the zero angle
I've always found the decision to have zero degrees along the horizontal odd and out of whack with many other applications and approaches. Being able to assign it vertical (north), would be much more useful and predictable, so as not needing to assign negative or positive values, or other weird differentials to actually get the correct angle.
1 vote -
Add option for sketch-style relative positioning for grouped objects
Ex: I create a button that consists of a rectangle with the text "submit" centered in it. No matter how wide or tall I make the rectangle, I want "submit" to remain centered horizontally and vertically within it.
Sketch allows this via "pinning". I can set a parent object-- in this case, the rectangle-- and tell a child object---in this case, the text-- to maintain a certain distance from the top, left, right, and/or bottom of the parent object, or to remain centered to the object at all times, regardless of how the parent is scaled.
In addition, multiple objects…
1 vote
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