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177 results found

  1. Rotating 3D object should allow users to choose between local and global space

    I rotate on the X axis with the gizmo, but the input fields for Y and Z all update. So this is a local rotation gizmo translating to a global space field input? Not really that helpful for the user. Stick to local or give us the option to toggle local or global space.

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  2. 3D Gizmo needs redesign: rotation feedback and axis color coding

    Gizmo needs to have a re-think. Just open any actual 3D app built in the last 20 years for tips. It gives no feedback. I rotate something, and it looks the same. it should orient itself to the object I'm rotating. Color coding each axis would help too.

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  3. Directional Feather effect like InDesign

    Can we have a Directional Feather effect like InDesign?

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  4. Introduce a way to control the cross-section for 3D Inflate profile

    For "Inflate", it would be cool to have a curves/profile editor to modify the cross-section more than the Volume slider currently allows. Currently it seems that turning down the volume essentially pancakes the object - and sometimes that's a good look! But it would be nice to have the option to retain an overall "bubble" feel like the object has at 100% Volume.

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  5. Optimization of Rounded Rectangle in Illustrator Effects

    When using the Rounded Rectangle of Illustrator Effects, I hope that the upper and lower values ​​​​can be set separately, because when this effect is applied to text, the upper and lower heights are not even.

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  6. Dimension tool style presets

    The dimension tool gives alot of style options for the arrow size, line thickness, offsets, etc. It would be great to save presets that could be switched from a dropdown list in the dimension tool options dialog.

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  7. Graphic Styles direct hotkeys

    Some of us use graphics styles A LOT. And a way to quickly apply them now requires aiming and clicking. In modern now, a precise targeted click is the most inconvenient, attention-expensive, and rather ineffective gesture.

    Pro users use hotkeys.
    Since InDesign’s Quick Apply is not a thing yet (that’s another story), we’d like to be able to assign direct hotkeys to chosen styles.

    There are several ways to approach this: by name, or by position in the list... but not as an action wrapper — we have so little of F-keys.

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  8. 2 votes

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  9. An ability to create custom bevel profiles for 3D and Materials Extrude

    We can create our own profiles for now Classic Extrude, by modifying the — located here:
    Mac: /Applications/Adobe Illustrator [version]/Support Files/Resources/[locale]
    Win: C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Illustrator [version]\Support Files\Required\Resources[locale]

    But changing the file does nothing to customize bevels for the modern 3D!
    They seem to be hardcoded.
    Please, make the same file to be recognized by the modern 3D, or perhaps come up with some better way, that does not require to modify a red-only file and restarting Ai — for both 3D methods.

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  10. I wish I could use Photoshop's Median Filter as an Effect in Illustrator. (Photoshop → Filter → Noise → Median)

    I wish I could use Photoshop's Median Filter as an Effect in Illustrator. (Photoshop → Filter → Noise → Median)

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  11. 球体のワイヤーフレーム描画に特化したエフェクトを用意して欲しい


    半円を基に、効果 → 回転体(クラシック)で作成しても、



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  12. Live Free Distort

    I would like to see the "Free Distort" effect be extended to work on the actual object, not going through a tiny dialog box that feels like I'm trying to apply it to a postage stamp. It's really difficult to apply a distorted shape to a larger area when I am guessing if a 1-pixel move of a tiny handle is going to make a difference or not. It would be amazing if four independent handles were on the actual art and allow me to move the corners exactly to the spot I want to place them at. It's a…

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  13. Photoshop効果


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  14. Make Shadow bounds for 3D and Materials to auto-match the actual shadow bounds

    Please eliminate the shadow bounds for 3D objects, or make it infinite, or at least something more generous than 400%: 4000% perhaps? 40,000%

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  15. 'Exclude stroke width' option in Transform effect

    When I apply Transform effect to a stroked object, Illustrator includes stroke width and the resulting effect isn't aligned to the main object's skeleton. Consider that I want to mirror a shape and what I expect is the paths to perfectly align to each other. But what happens is that Illustrator treats strokes like they are expanded paths. I usually have to move the effect to correct it.

    There should be an option in Transform effect that let the user exclude stroke width from effect. That would resolve this issue.

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  16. Allow new Smooth command (not the tool) to be a live effect also

    New Smooth is quite handy to deal with rugged shapes. But it is also introduces the new 'dialog-less' approach, when we are basically given a dialog that auto-commits on dropping a selection. Once it is dropped, the change is applied. We will get accustomed to that.

    But imagine I smoothed something, then get distracted, and returned to the smoothed path a while after. To undo and reapply this I’d have to go back in History (at least we finally have it).

    What if we can apply this as an effect to an object, rather than a immediate filter? It means…

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  17. Ability to save presets for each tab in 3D and Materials panels: Object, Materials, Lighting

    Illustrator allows us to save appearance attributes as graphic styles, but recently we got the complex 3D and Materials effect that has a lot of different parameters in it.

    The current system allows us to save all of these parameters altogether: extrusion depth, rotation angles, material settings, applied lights...
    But if we need to save ONE of these — that is, for example, only the material, or only the lights, or only extrusion and rotations, — Ai does not provide means to do it.

    Please introduce a system to save presets per each tab the 3D and Materials panel has:…

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  18. Make it possible for a Graphic Style to mark some symbols as being part of it.

    So right now I have a workflow that involves making a lot of complex appearance stacks, saving them as a Graphic Style, then later bringing them into another file by hitting the 'library' button in the Graphic Styles palette and navigating to it via the Other Library file picker.

    If I import a style that uses a brush or a global color swatch or a pattern swatch or a width profile, those assets will get imported. But a style that uses a symbol won't import the symbol, and this is a really annoying little exception. It is, perhaps, not surprising

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  19. Reduce / Extend path effect

    Like in After Effects, it would be very useful to have an effect or an option in the Stroke panel like the "reduce path" animation option to draw more complex strokes (instead of duplicate them), like in the RubberHose plug-in. Could be useful to draw characters or set up files to export to AE.

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  20. Randomize shape effect

    I would love a tool like "Roughen" that instead gives the shape a randomized, slightly affected path to give a more hand-drawn feel. There is a VERY small window with Roughen, that kind of gives this effect, before it gives a "spiked" appearance, but a tool to specifically randomize a "hand drawn" look would be nice.

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