Illustrator (Desktop) Feature Requests
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177 results found
3D & Materials: separate colour/material for extrusion
Please introduce the ability to apply separate colour and material to the extruded part of a 3D shape. There are multiple examples where such a feature would immensely help recreating real world objects. For example: laser cut plywood (burned edges, parallel to the surface), slice of bread, etc. Basically, any cut object which interior is different to its surface.
4 votes -
20 votes -
3D shadows color and opacity change
3D effects give only a black shadow that makes 3D object's color dirty, greyish. And it looks like 90's 3D effect. Possibility to change the shadow color? Or the shadow color bases on the object's colors and thus makes the diffuse.
42 votes -
Custom Icons to Simplify Size Identification and Improve Efficiency
I work with various sizes occasionally, if not always, and it's really challenging to identify the sizes I use because all the icons have a similar appearance. To make it simpler to find the right size, it would be nice if we had more custom icons in this section. Humans read easier and faster through images.
2 votes -
1 vote
Allow to change default settings for 3D and Materials effect
Can we please change the default settings on 3D effect to not apply anything or allow us to change the default. It takes forever to load on every project just to open it up for a simple bevel to be applied. Many times my app just crashes just opening up the window just from applying whatever the default setting is doing to the text I selected. My computer is far beyond the specs that it says the program requires until I need to open this tool on anything.
4 votes -
Allow Transform effect applied to an object to transform its the opacity mask also
If I apply Transform effect to an object with an opacity mask (to move or scale it parametrically, for example), only the object will be transformed — but not the contents of its opacity mask.
This is not consistent with the destructive method, when you actually move or scale this object...The workaround is to apply the same effect to the contents of the opacity mask, but it does not always have the same effect, since the contents can have different bounds, and the transformation points will differ.
There should be an 'Affect Opacity Mask' option in the Transform effect…
9 votes -
Some way to control the mesh density of generated 3D objects?
I'm using Illustrator to turn some 2D drawings into 3D objects which I export as OBJ/GLTF to other software. The process is really quick and simple, and produces very smooth and clean mesh objects, however... I'm having trouble with the total lack of control over the geometry density/resolution of the generated 3D model.
I've experimented with increasing the number of anchor points and size of the drawing to see if I would get a 3D model made of more polygons and vertices, but had no success.
It would be amazing if there was a proper way to control the generated…2 votes -
Calculate the bounds in Document Raster Effects Settings automatically
As for today, if you apply a Gaussian Blur or a Drop Shadow effect to a shape — with a large enough value — it often gets cropped.
A workaround exists — to go in Effect > Document Raster Effects Settings dialog and increase the 'Add' value, thus increasing the bounds of the image generated.
...but why is this still a problem that we, users, should take care of, really? Ai knows how large is the blur, it knows the resolution, yet it can’t calculate the tight bounds automatically. Like what, is there at least one user who’d like their…
22 votes -
Ability to see the size of elements in terms of KB/MB to easily find cause of file bloat
When trying to strip down a file, it would be really useful to be able to see which effects in particular are bloating the file. For example - I had a file with a load of boxes with a glow effect applied to them. I thought I had undone all of this but the size of the file was still over 40mb. I had to dig through all the boxes again in the appearence panel to see that there were two instances of a rasterize effect that i'd missed. when i deleted those the file size went down by over…
2 votes -
Neon glow effect in illustrator should be simple, we should be able to do in single click like that we do in canva
can we use scripting
// Suppress the warning dialog that appears when running external scripts
app.preferences.setBooleanPreference("ShowExternalJSXWarning", false);// Select the first layer
var myLayer = app.activeDocument.layers[0];// Create a new offset path effect
var myOffsetEffect = myLayer.effects.add(EffectKind.OFFSET_PATH);// Set the offset distance and angle; // distance; // angle// Create a new Gaussian Blur effect
var myBlurEffect = myLayer.effects.add(EffectKind.GAUSSIAN_BLUR);// Set the blur radius; // radius// Set the blending mode to Screen
myLayer.blendingMode = BlendMode.SCREEN;// Set the opacity to 50%
myLayer.opacity = 50;1 vote -
Appearance Variables
Imagine I have several drop shadows, with different colors, but same offset and blur values. Now I want to change the horizontal offset for all of them at once. Even if I use styles, it would require me change each style I have manually.
With Appearance variables though, I could have use something like '%h_shadow' in effects’ values’ fields, in all of these shadows, and set it equal to an actual numerical value in one place.
So, once I change it, every other shadow will adapt this immediately.16 votes -
Labels on cylinders scaling fails
When Labels on cylinders are scaled beyond a certain size (relative to object size?), their distortion is wrong
See attached file and video. The original size of that label is smaller, I have scaled it on the object and it just gets dirtorted at the far edges as soon as it gets too large.
2 votes -
3D rendering issues with labels
When applying a label to a cylinder, the rendering is not clean. There are artifacts generated in the nothingness. See the artifacts in the attached file. This also doesn't get soled when rotating the object.
2 votes -
Simulate "Crown-Shyness"
Crown-shyness is a phenomenon in which the crowns of trees do not touch each other, forming a canopy with channel-like gaps.
The idea for the effect is that when multiple objects are overlapped, the effect will deform the objects so a gap is created (with a user-defined width). Alternatively, when a group of objects near to one another are bloated, or the path is offset (to a positive degree), the objects will not overlap but instead leave a gap.
An additional setting could allow the user to decide whether the effect will apply to path overlaps within a single object;…2 votes -
Fit a symbol on multiple 3D objects at once
Would love that a symbol could fit on MULTIPLE objects at once, like here the bottom petal to have its symbol continue on the left one.
And I would love if I could, from the decals box, get a ctrl/right click option to duplicate one symbol. So far, I need to add it from the symbol panel again which will reset its position to the center of the object.
1 vote -
[3D & マテリアル]でも押し出しのべベルの方向を外側にできるようにしてほしい。
新しい3D機能[3D & マテリアル]でも押し出しのべベルの方向を外側にできるようにしてほしい。「3D(クラシック)」のべベルには内側か外側か選べるオプションが有りました。同じオプションを新しい「3Dとマテリアル」にも付けていただきたい。このオプションがないと、文字オブジェクトから金属活字のような物体を作成できません。(内側にしかできないので細くなってしまう)実にもったいない。
1 vote -
Let us set the default color for effects
I know this was changed in a recent release, but instead of just setting the default color for drop shadow to 100%K, let us choose what we want the default to be. Some of us might want rich black instead - or a different color. And please do this for all effects that use colors (Outer Glow, Inner glow, etc..)
3 votes -
Fractional resolution value in Document Raster Effects Settings
I live in a metric part of the world and use millimeters as my main measuring unit, including type, strokes, and raster effects.
Since inch a s SI unit, it now equals exactly 2.54mm.
For me it means 254ppi is 100ppcm, 127ppi is 50ppcm, and instead of 300ppi I use 120ppcm (equals 304.8ppi) — which gives me exact integer dimensions for all of images I use. The grid becomes meaningful and all objects behave and befriend each other.Unfortunately for me, Illustrator plays this game not as good as I want it to — I can’t enter 304.8 to Resolution…
11 votes -
Let Drop Shadow effects ignore each other
In Photoshop we can have multiple dropped shadows be applied to a single object, and they all get layered upon each other. It gives users flexibility to use different colors, densities, feathering, etc.
In Illustrator, on the other hand, the Appearance works differently. Each new Drop Shadow get applied to the previous dropped shadow. The larger the blur is, the more useless the next shadow gets.
To get a layered shadow the same way we do it in Photoshop, we have to apply each shadow to its own fill.
12 votes
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