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514 results found

  1. Multi page pdf import - need option to distribute artboards

    Here is the comparison of Importing 300 pages pdf vs creating same 300 pages via new document dialogue. Are we still in the same product?

    Expected .Distributing the artboards evenly or even giving options to distribute artboards during pdf import.

    Observed: facepalm

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  2. Save recovery data unless file is over *** MB...

    Love that AI now saves recovery data. However, half the time I'm turning it off because I'm working on a large file that takes a good amount of time to save. It would be nice if I could set a threshold for this feature - or better yet, have the time variable based on the file size. E.G. If I set saving every 5 minutes it will automatically extend that time as the file size grows larger, so say a 300MB file would save every 15 mins, etc..

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  3. Opening old Freehand files in Illustrator?

    Can you guys bring this "feature" to Illustrator?

    There are a lot of old Freehand users still having TONS of Freehand files (illustrations, assets, icons, etc.) in their archives waiting for the day when Illustrator will open old Freehand files so we can reuse them once more!

    I know this is a lot to ask, but can you guys give it a try?


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  4. Auto-trace PSDs separately by group/layer

    Transfer/convert Photoshop documents via auto-trace to illustrator vector shapes while retaining general group/layer hierarchy. Any shape layers in PSD should be converted to Illustrator shapes.

    Example: Sketch a new puppet for Character Animator in Photoshop, open the PSD in Illustrator, use auto-trace to convert each layer separately, maintaining relative group/layer hierarchy. Clean up vector paths, use Illustrator puppet in Character Animator at any scale.

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  5. Control of SVG <style> class names on Export

    Here is a detailed explanation of my issue:

    Summary: We should be able to assign/control style classes within the ai file that show up in the svg file.

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  6. import splines from 3D

    Exporting for 3D as splines requires Illustrator 8 format

    It would be great to have a set of controls, a palette of parameters, or an automated 'wizard' walk-through of selections to control how vector lines translate as splines.

    Similarly, toolset for importing splines would be cool

    Including: Bezier, Cubic, Uniform, etc point interpolation

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  7. Global Swatches for Imported Files

    When opening Illustrator files saved in other programs (Rhino, AutoCAD, etc), the default swatches never show up (probably because it was made in an outside program). It would be an immense timesaver if we could have those swatches (or even a user defined swatch) automatically populate the swatch panel.

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  8. Artboard preview in Save dialog

    In the theme of "recognition over recall," it would be great if the Save dialog allowed you to preview artboards the way the Print dialog does. When I'm working fast I don't always remember to stop and jot down the numbers of the specific artboards I need to export, and it's annoying to have to exit the save dialog, find the numbers, go back to the save dialog, repeat any necessary steps such as setting file name and location, THEN enter my desired artboard number(s) before moving forward. Having the artboard preview as part of the save window would cut…

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  9. Keep non-visible Layers from showing on PDF.

    This was not a problem in the past. If you save as a PDF, layers which are OFF will appear in the PDF. Wrong. Bad. Why? Obviously not what the user intended. Bad programming. Please fix.

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  10. Export for Screens in AI should be just like PS's Version

    PLEASE make the export for screens function precisely like the one used in Photoshop.

    In particular:

    (1) it needs to be possible to export at <0.5x, which is currently the upper limit. If I am producing assets for iOS @3x for whatever reason -- say, they include an unscalable PNG from PS for instance -- to produce the 1x asset I need to export @0.33x, which you don't allow, but PS does. (less important but also mind-boggling is why you don't allow upscaling beyond 33.3x.)

    (2) The default export option should be to export to the SAME FOLDER IN WHICH…

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  11. Upload Adobe Draw files to Creative Cloud as .ai or .eps files

    Adobe Draw currently has the option to Save files to CC as PDF or PSD files but it would be great if we could save them as .AI files

    Thanks for your consideration

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  12. Exporting Slices

    Exporting slices should not force the creation of an "images" folder. I need to be able to export a slice and save it/overwrite to a folder of my choosing, exactly like a standard Save As. Currently, Illustrator will create and nest an images folder every single time....what a waste.

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  13. Set the default EPS version with options

    I work often in projects with collaborators from all over the world. We save our work in EPS and we have standardized on CS5. We are generally scientists, so we are most likely an exception; however, a way to set "project specific" defaults would be helpful that would allow to set the EPS save options.

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  14. File Specific "Export For Screen" Settings (mainly location)

    As a designer with multiple files,
    I want the ability to set the export for screens folder per file,
    So that I don't have to constantly relocate the location of the output for each file I open up. It would be helpful to get **** done.

    • When exporting a file the location identified for the first time is saved for subsequent times I access to export.
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  15. Text to outlines on save PDF

    My printers require fonts to be outlined. This is a huge hassle. I need to convert everything to outlines, save the PDF, and then remember to undo my outlining before I save the AI file.

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  16. Save Ai file to a working svgz

    Goodmorning, I refer to the following issue:

    I am working daily on a professional basis with Adobe Illustrator. I find it very disturbing that this issue isn't solved yet. I hope you can fix it.

    Kind regards,
    Suzanne Cornelis

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  17. The ability to check an option for "convert lines to shapes" when I export different formats

    When exporting a file to SVG.... I wish there was a check box where I can specify it converts all lines to shapes on export to SVG... This way I do not have to do the conversion manually... and then revert back when I save ai version...

    Often I get messages that distract me and then I forget to revert back and accidentally save the ai version with lines as shapes... then my mast ai version gets messed up...

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    Need More Info  ·  Dirk Schulze responded

    Hi Steve,

    Thanks a lot for reporting the feature request. When you say shape do you mean you want lines to get converted to SVG elements? Does this apply to the other shapes like, ellipse, circle or rectangles as well?


  18. SVG option to convert text to outlines when exporting

    When exporting SVG I have ran into wonkyness with fonts so sometimes we export SVG graphics with text as shapes...

    But then I some times get distracted by a email or chat message and save the ai version with out undoing my text to outlines conversion...

    Why not just have a check box on the SVG export panel "convert all text to shapes" then when I export this option parse the document and convert all text to shapes...

    So I do not have to worry about undoing my convert text to shapes when I save the master ai file.


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  19. New Document Panel - make the 'thumbnails' more descriptive.

    The New Document Panel tends bring clarity, but the 'Thumbnail', containing a triangle, a square and a circle confuses this. Every size has the same thumbnail. It would be nice if the thumbnail reflects the aspect ration of the preset it belongs to.

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  20. Add Ai and EPS formats in Export for Screens / Assets dialog

    I realize that .pdf is essentially the same as .eps format, but still it would be useful to have the option to export as .eps.

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    With the v29.2, Illustrator now allows you to export into Ai and EPS format via the export for screen dialogue.

    You will also have the ability to fine-tune the these documents through the advance settings.

    We hope you would find the changes useful, please let us know your feedback or comment below.

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