Illustrator (Desktop) Feature Requests
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514 results found
Support SVG Tiny P/S
Support SVG Tiny P/S ::
This is part of the work on BIMI (, but we hope that this format will have a wider use case. It's a smaller profile than Tiny. The format may change in the future, but perhaps initial support could be created.
14 votes -
Add 'Relink image' in the right click (contextual) menu
would speed up productivity when replacing multiple linked images by allowing users to control-click or right-click on an image to relink files, rather than going to the menu bar every time.
14 votes -
Auto save!!!!
I'm tired of loosing hours of work because my work is not automatically saved as it is in all other tools I use..
14 votes -
"Asset export" - changing object not updating it in export
In this video Export assets for web and app design | it's all like perfect - after changing object color - it's will be updated too in asset export, yes...
But in real life I want not just change a color, I want to made much more changes, just by adding new polygons path, and so - it's will not update asset at export. Because only what I've selected before and dragged into asset will be updated.What needs to be done - if I right click on polygons which already "connected" with asset for export - in menu…
14 votes -
Provide SVG output scaling option (with 96 ppi default)
When using Save As... SVG, Illustrator sets the bounding box pixel dimensions in the SVG header using 72 pixels per inch. So a 10" x 10" artboard will produce an SVG file with its pixel dimensions set to 720px x 720px. This is a very old-fashioned default scaling, since every other modern application I have encountered displays imported SVGs using 96 dpi . This means each SVG produced by Illustrator appears to shrink when imported into almost any other modern application. Please either:
a) Change Illustrator's default scaling calculation to use 96 dpi.
b) Provide an option/switch in the SVG…13 votes -
Open/import CDR files (CorelDRAW)
Possible to open .cdr files, this is needed. Because in my country "Indonesia", who people are using corel and some using illustraot. We need this feature!
13 votes -
Export for Screen Quality of export
Not sure if it has been asked or discussed (spent way to much time searching for it and not finding it) but the "export for screens" exports terrible quality - mostly for jpg.
The quality is jagged and blurry when exporting a large graphic with text that has been outlined. Yet, when I use the legacy export for the same width and size I want, the quality is far superior whilst still having a small footprint in size.
Why is the legacy export, in any format, so much better than the "export for screens" that you have made default?
13 votesPlease provide comparison screenshots for the designs you can see a clear difference between these two export methods.
There is a related bug report, and perhaps the quality discussed here is actually a bug:
Even if it’s somethings else, it’s not OK the request about image quality does not have a single image as an example. Please share!
Multi page pdf import - need option to distribute artboards
Here is the comparison of Importing 300 pages pdf vs creating same 300 pages via new document dialogue. Are we still in the same product?
Expected .Distributing the artboards evenly or even giving options to distribute artboards during pdf import.
Observed: facepalm
13 votes -
Export shortcut for PNG, JPEG etc
It would be great to have either a keyboard shortcut for exporting as a PNG, JPEG etc or even a toolbar shortcut.
13 votes -
Issue with Saving Group Hierarchy in SVG Export
I am experiencing an issue where the group hierarchy is not being preserved when exporting or saving files in SVG format. No matter which variant I try, the user-defined hierarchy from the original file is lost in the SVG output.
Attached is a screenshot comparing the results of exports from different versions of the software, highlighting the issue. Despite trying multiple approaches, I have not found a way to save the groups as they appear in the original file.
12 votes -
Make Revert operation into a History step we can undo
Shielding Revert this with a confirmation does NOT work.
Having confirmations is a bad UX solution, and it’s known now — it seems like only Adobe is not aware.
People don’t read these, and either learn to not notice these or to skip these.What apps should do instead is to allow a mistake, but then giving a chance to Undo it.
Like modern email clients now do — you can undo sending an email, because there is a hidden delay.Photoshop does NOT have a confirmation, but it allows us to UNDO the Revert, unlike other apps.
Make Revert…
12 votes -
Save for Web is disabled
Open both files attached in any Ai version from 26.4.1 to 27, and try to File > Export > Save for Web (Legacy) for both.
The command will be disabled for the 'bad' and enabled for 'good', although the only rectangle in both is the same.
There is something wrong in the file structure then, but what?Also, the ExportOptionsPNG24 does nothing if a script with it gets run.
12 votes -
Export with Grid
I tried to search for how to export a document with the grid visible and found some results in Google, but couldn't apply any of them. Over an hour chatting with a Help Agent, I was told it can't be done. Why wouldn't there be an option to export/print with the grid on?
I've been learning how to do Floor Plans using Illustrator (since I already have Creative Cloud) and got reprimanded for handing in an assignment without a grid...imagine my frustration that it's not even an option AND that it took over an HOUR of chatting with someone to…12 votes -
Export Multiple Artboards in DXF format
I'd love to be able to export multiple artboards to DXF files
12 votes -
Using a character other than underscore for appending artboard names when exporting files.
Right now when exporting artboards from an .ai file, illustrator names the file with the original filename and the artboard name, separated by an underscore. I would prefer a dash, as the underscore isn't recognized as a non-word character when double-clicking to select text. Giving the user the able to select the prefix character would solve this problem.
12 votes -
Multipage PDF export in the Asset Export Panel
The Asset Export panel is really great and you can export Artboards as PDF but each artboard is a PDF file.
It will be so great to add a checkbox to export the selected Artboards as a unique Multipage PDF.
Currently you can export in PDF using Save as… PDF, you have to enter manually the pages ranges and it's not memorized for the next export like in Export for Screens (Asset Export panel).12 votes -
Upload Adobe Draw files to Creative Cloud as .ai or .eps files
Adobe Draw currently has the option to Save files to CC as PDF or PSD files but it would be great if we could save them as .AI files
Thanks for your consideration
12 votes -
Save a Copy from Adobe Cloud Document.
I've noticed that when you use the new Save to Cloud Documents feature (which is very nice and convenient) the option to Save a Copy is disabled.
I'm working on a manual to be viewed as a PDF on mobile devices, so I have to constantly save a PDF copy of my .aic document in order to send it to myself via WhatsApp (which is the target) and review it.
Not having the Save a Copy option is quite inconvenient. Could you guys enable it?
Thanks a lot!
J.11 votes -
Support SVG property 'paint-order'
Add support for the paint-order property. By default the fill is painted and then the stroke is placed on top. The paint-order property allows this order to be defined so the stroke can be placed under the fill. Without support for this a svg can look very different than the imported version in illustrator.
The file attached is an example of the property in use.
Example:$samples/Examples?revision=1530134See the following resources: votes -
Network drives support
I can't believe what I read on this Adobe support page ( about using Illustrator files only on your LOCAL drive.
How is it possible Adobe drove it's software into this nightmare?
If we really can't acces and save our files on a local network drive then I am really done with it...11 votesHi,
Apologies for the inconvenience caused. Please provide some information in order to reproduce the issue on our end. Please provide the below information –
The version of Illustrator you are using ?
Hardware details?
Your operating system?
Is this happening even with a small file?
Can you please share the file with which this is happening every time you save on server?This will help us to investigate into the issue.
- Don't see your idea?