Illustrator (Desktop) Feature Requests
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- Why is this valuable to you?
776 results found
Illustrator Panel keeps resizing its width when changing to another tabbed panel.
Illustrator Panel keeps resizing its width when changing to another tabbed panel, unlike in Photoshop. Can't you make this stop? It's been around for years. Very irritating. I usually don't put any panels underneath my Layer Panel so there is nothing there to keep it from resizing. Why do we have to put up with this? Photoshop interface is more relaxing. Why can't it be the same for Illustrator?
1 vote -
Please stop removing features from Beta that are available in regular.
The arc tool needs better features that are in the non-beta version but for some stupid reason are removed from beta in order to make things harder and less functionable. For example, I can't see the properties of an arc I've drawn, or convert a path to an arc. BUT, if I were NOT USING BETA, then I'd be able to.
I'm learning this software, and keep asking Google Bard for instructions, and have great information, only to find out that features were removed or slimmed down in Beta, giving you less function. WHY?! Isn't the point of Beta to…
1 vote -
barre d outil ne s affiche pas
la barre d outil ne s affiche pas
2 votes -
Opacity Mask Thumb displayed in color, not in grayscale
Please checkout the current Opcity Mask viewing. When you hold down the Option/Alt key to review the mask you see the objects or image in color. It should be like it used to be before in Gray scale... (black Conceals, White Reveals)
Why did you change it? In the imge I enclose you can see the dog in color..should be BW once it is in the mask area.1 vote -
1 vote -
Please bring back the scrolling in the image tracing resource’s preset area on the top bar
Please bring back the scrolling in the image tracing resource’s preset area on the top bar
1 voteSeems to be fixed in the latest versions.
Panel Calculator for Illustrator
Panel Calculator for Illustrator
My calculator panel idea in illustrator is shown in the attached picture
Approximately, as I see it and based on the tasks that I solve in illustrator.
It would also be nice if the Calculator and Transform panels work together. The principle is shown. Perhaps even understandable. An active window in one is an active window in the other...In general, a calculator is a useful thing and it would fit well into the adobe system.
It would also be nice if the Calculator panel could interact with other panels with which this is possible.…2 votes -
Panels invading workspace
At present, by default, this is how small the Layer and Artboard panels' sizes can be minimized to. They take up a lot of valuable screen room on my Mac. I still want to see these but don't want to dock them into the side as that takes up a lot more room. Currently it's too invasive to my workspace, even so when I am using more layers and artboards.
I would suggest making it possible to make these panels even smaller so I can have extra space to be able to see more of my work and space that…
1 vote -
An option to hide the HEX field in Color or make it pop in RGB/HSB only
Starting version 27.6.1, we are given a permanent HEX field in Color panel, following these two request:
2. some users do not like seeing it all the time and would like to be able to disable it, or at least pop only for RGB and HSB only.
Please add this option into Color panel’s flyout menu.
45 votes -
Erros no Illustrator
Meu elementor abre e fecha as abas instantaneamente, eu não consigo nem criar um novo projeto, não consigo salvar, não consigo abrir nenhuma aba... Isso está prejudicando meu trabalho.
1 vote -
Add an option to hide the Search/Filter field in Layers
Search/Filter is cool, but some prefer to not have it.
Other panels allow to choose components: we can pick sections to display in the Character panel, we can show or hide the search field in Swatches, etc.However, the panel does not have such an option in its flyout menu.
Please add one!18 votes -
Default Swatches and Styles as part of New Document Dialog
The first thing I do every time I create a new document is delete all those default swatches and add my own. And those pattern swatches (e.g., "Jive," "Golden Ring," "Alyssa"), I am literally never going to use those.
And those quirky Graphic styles ("Jive_GS" etc). I am literally never going to use those either.
Ideally, I'd like to load up a document with its swatches, paragraph styles, graphic styles etc as part of the "new document" dialog. I can choose artboard size, bleed, margins, all kinds of things.
How about if I could pick swatch groups, paragraph styles, graphic…
2 votes -
Right Click In General (notably context menus)
Illustrator is seriously deficient in its rightclickability. I want to rightclick on a link in the links panel and relink it. I want to rightclick on a swatch and delete it. I want to rightclick on a paragraph style and apply it. Or redefine it.
In short, bring right-click capabilities up to speed with Photoshop and InDesign.
4 votes -
Nommage des plans de travail
Dans le menu Objet/Plan de travail, avoir la possibilité d'ajouter les dimensions du plan de travail sélectionné ou de tous les plans de travail.
L'ajout se ferait à la fin du nom ou dans des colonnes additionnelles (Largeur et Hauteur) avec la possibilité d'intégrer ces dimensions dans le nom du fichier exporté. Prévoir une syntaxe compatible avec le nomage des fichier et suffisamment différentiante pour pouvoir les mettre à jour par le biais des expression régulières (Suppression puis ajout des dimensions actualisées).1 vote -
Please add 'Recent' to the Scripts submenu
Please add 'Recent' to the Scripts submenu (just like in After Effects) - I use a few scripts over and over.
2 votes -
Ajuster l'origine sur le plan de travail
A rajouter dans le menu Objet /Plan de travail :
Ajuster l'origine sur le plan de travail sélectionnéEn choisissant cette commande le repère 0,0 des règles serait automatiquement ajusté en haut à gauche du plan de travail actif.
A envisager : passer par une fenêtre de dialogue qui affiche les 9 petits carrés que l'on trouve dans transformation et qui permettrait de choisir sur quel angle ou quel centre on veut caler les règles.
Cette fonctionnalité permettra de définir la position d'éléments ou de repères de façon rapide et précise par la saisie de valeurs numériques.
2 votes -
Wrong German translation of item in the Select menu
Select > Object > Area Type Objects is translated as
Auswahl > Objekt > Flächentextoptionen
should be
Auswahl > Objekt > Flächentextobjekte1 voteThe team is planning to fix this issue for the upcoming July 2023 release.
2 votes
Move Blend Mode keyboard shortcuts from the Tools into the Menu Commands section
If you open Keyboard Shortcuts, make sure you have Tools selected, scroll all the way down, you’ll see all 'Blend Mode - [name of the mode]' commands there — empty, ready to be assigned... but. Opt/Alt cant’ be used for these. Because these are in tooools. Which means these can be bound only to naked keys and Shift+keys. Which are all taken, long time ago!
So please move Blend Mode keyboard shortcuts from the Tools section into the Menu Commands section, so we can use all possible modifiers for these, and not only Shift.
Also, why do we even have…
11 votes -
"Soft Messages" interface in SDK, as alternative to modal dialogs
Can the SDK get an interface for Soft Messages like the "Shape Expanded" message that quietly appears at the top of the screen, then fades away on its own? Sometimes modal dialogs or even floating windows are just way too intrusive to simply pass a message on to the user.
I have managed to pretty much replicate this in one of my own plugins using annotations, but it would be much simpler if a few lines of code could allow any developer and any plugin to call a behavior that already exists in Illustrator.
2 votes
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