Illustrator (Desktop) Feature Requests
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775 results found
Sort menus alphabetically when Cmd+Opt+Shift / Ctrl+Alt+Shift, like in InDesign
Illustrator has a lot of things put in menus.
The sorting order in some (like View or Object) can be unobvious for new users (and surely some older ones as well).InDesign allows to sort menus temporarily by holding Cmd+Opt+Shift / Ctrl+Alt+Shift while clicking one — make Ai do the same!
An interesting thing is — does not know about it at all. Another sacred technique :/ Terry White figured it out somewhere, but where did he get it from? ...accidentally?
10 votes -
Appearance panel needs a better way to signal 'No selection'
Very often, working on a complex appearance, we accidentaly loose the object selection, and the stack we edit remains unassigned.
The panel then gets 'No selection' in the top row... but if the attributes stack is long, this line can get hidden if you scroll the panel down.
Then, if you select something else, all your changes get lost.The workaround now is to be vigilant (ha) and save your appearance as a temp style before you select back the art you wanted to edit appearance for in the first place.
A better solution would be to make the 'No…10 votes -
Buttons with Color background
We need all active Illustrator buttons with a blue color background like Illustrator on iPad. Sometimes it's hard to find black on a dark interface.
2 votes -
Provide an accurate information about the position for a guide while dragging from ruler
Dragging a Guide from the rulers is not very accurate. Please add a way to see the exact position of the guide (preferably as an overlay near the guide, but in the Ai ecosystem maybe in the Info panel). And please let it snap to exact values when pressing Shift.
3 votes -
Move 'Show The Home Screen...' and 'Use Legacy File New...' options to Preferences > User Interface section
These two options are not 'general', they relate to specific UI choices.
8 votes -
Edit Original Link Image in contextual menu
It would be a lot less clicks if one could right-click an image file and have "edit image" be in the contextual menu. Currently, click the object, go to links palette, click on the little pencil icon... photoshop launches... Kind of labor intensive...
6 votes -
Option to simplify UI by removing % from the document tab.
Provide the option to view only the document name in the document tab. ie optionally remove zoom and color profile like attached screenshot.
1 vote -
American's with Disabilities Act Request for Adobe iOS/Desktop apps Google Play
As much as Katerina (our autistic artist) loves your apps, she has made it clear that she needs Adobe to migrate the apps for iOS/Desktop to android due to how her disabilities impact her life. We are forever grateful to Adobe for giving Katerina the ability to focus on creativity instead of her disabilities however, not having the same ability to create on Illustrator has decreased our productivity. Katerina has informed us to place an American's with Disabilities Act Request which deals strictly with access. Thanks again for creating programs which give Katerina a way to show the world what…
1 vote -
Make Redefine Graphic Style option better accessible, and from the Graphic Styles panel too
If Ai had a hotkey for this command (like this request is asking for:, perhaps this one would be less painful.
Yes, I know, you edit an appearance in the Appearance panel, and then force this changes to update the original style, using the panel’s flyout menu... but
A. I often start looking the wrong panel, thinking 'I am updating a graphic style, so the relevant command should be in Graphic Styles' — and when I realize it’s a wrong assumption, it’s too late. For some reason this habit is hard to change!
B. Why this command is…
11 votes -
Use Typographer's Quotes should be more accessible
"Use Typographer's Quotes" should be added to the Character palette to make it more easily accessible. Sometimes I'm designing a document that uses typographer's quotes, but most of the time I work with documents that reference dimensions in feet and inches, so I need to be able to switch back and forth between typographer's quotes and straight quotes quickly.
In addition to that, "Use Typographer's Quotes" should be moved from File > Document Setup to Illustrator > Settings > Type to match the way Photoshop and InDesign do it.
The Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign teams (and probably others, but those…
2 votes -
Error en la traducción al español - Menú «Ver»
En el menú «Ver», la primera opción dice «Ver CPU en uso»/«Ver GPU en uso», pero en inglés es "View using CPU"/"View using GPU", por lo que la traducción debería ser «Ver usando CPU»/«Ver usando GPU».
1 vote -
Add a setting to make horizontal scrolling / zoom with mouse wheel match operating system
In Windows, holding shift while scrolling scrolls horizontally and holding ctrl while scrolling zooms in / out.
I would like to be able to the same behavior in InDesign so I do not have to consciously change how I navigate documents when using adobe products
1 vote -
Make my palettes static
My palettes are always moving. No matter how much i adjust the size the whole group goes up. and down. Why cant they just stay in the same place? right now my swatches/brushes/symbols palette takes up the whole right side. even though i only have the very basic number of swatches. meanwhile the others are all pushed to the bottom and i have to search for each palette.
Basically I dont want to search for the palette i need. I want it to be on the side where i left it. instead of resizing. I'd rather scroll inside a palettes…
2 votes -
Bigger / resizable text field for artboard names
The size of the text input field for the artboard names is often too short - so when I want to change the last bit of an artboard name (often for a modifier like ...white, ...dark etc.), I have to marquee / hit arrow or end key to get there. That makes renaming more complicated than necessary.
2 votes -
Artboards panel showing how many artboards are there in total
Artboards panel showing how many artboards are there in total, simply have the artboards total in the bottom left hand corner, currently you have to scroll down or click goto end/last to see how many artboards.
2 votes -
Voice Over Accessibility UX - When the cursor hovers over Tool Tips and Labels etc, speak the text.
Voice Over Accessibility UX - When the cursor hovers over Tool Tips and Labels etc, speak the text. This is a basic web accessibility feature not included in CC suite. I have used the Adobe software for more than 20 years but with macular degeneration it is difficult for me to read small texts. Tell your colleagues at PhotoShop and InDesign about this.
3 votes -
Automatically open the Image Trace panel when Object/Image Trace/Make is chosen
Automatically open the Image Trace panel when Object/Image Trace/Make is chosen
3 votes -
Make clickable areas for eye buttons in Layers and Appearance as large as their sections
As demonstrated in
Clicking an 'eye' requires aiming, despite the area it is located in is pretty large. What’s a point of limiting the clickable area?9 votes -
Quick View (Space Bar on Mac) "elements" in Libraries "Tab Group"
You can hover over Libraries elements and see more written info. But as they say, a picture is worth a thousand words, and a large "quick viewing" would help speed up the identification and selection of elements from Tab Group.
2 votes -
Please allow hiding the "shape properties" from transform panel.
This area wastes half the panel.
I will never use "shapes" - why is this bit of panel always showing?
2 votes
- Don't see your idea?