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Illustrator (Desktop) Feature Requests

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775 results found

  1. Split View on Mac

    Split View on MAC, allows for full screen view while running 2 apps, with ability to interact with both sides of the screen. Its available on all apps, except Abode! I check PS and AI - they both don't work in this view.

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  2. More toggle buttons in top row / panel full of indicators

    You know, AI has a lot of options that can be turned on and off.
    And some of them switched on and off quite often: Snap to Grid, to Point, to Glyph, to Pixel... Guides, Smart Guides, Edges (can be both locked and / or hidden), Artboard Edges, Corner Widgets, Bounding Box...

    Of course, all of them can be accessed via View menu, but you just don't see them there! Users need no only SWITCH them, but KNOW what current state is.

    Are my guides are turned off or I've deleted them or moved occasionally?
    I want to draw a…

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  3. Option to maintain aspect ratio when resizing objects by default, without holding Shift

    Currently, if you want to resize an object (by clicking and dragging a corner) without distorting it, you need to hold down the Shift key.

    I would like (at least the option) to have Illustrator maintain aspect ratio by default when resizing, and hold Shift to distort.

    Even fancier would be an option to set the behavior of the top/bottom and side "handles"... distort vs. resize while maintaining aspect ratio.


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  4. Artboard search / filter function

    Add a search bar to the Artboards panel

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  5. Right-click Contextual menu with Layers panel (same as in Photoshop)

    Wouldn’t it be nice if Illustrator had a similar contextual menu as in Photoshop?

    It would be much easier to e.g. duplicate a layer, using right-click, than via tiny-hard-to-point-at hamburger menu at the layer palette.


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  6. Effects Gallery interface extremely tiny on 4K resolution screen - Windows 10. No fix for it.

    Using the latest version of Adobe Illustrator. I've just bought a brand new Dell XPS 15 it has a 1050 NVIDIA Graphics card, Windows 10 and a 4K screen. The interface is extremely tiny. It's usable but the effects gallery is too tiny to use.
    I'm not sure if this a "bug" per se, but none of the fixes available online work (this included creating a Prefer External Manifest file and code for the Illustrator executable file). What I've read says this is a problem Adobe needs to address.
    I'm extremely disappointed in this. What can I do to fix…

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  7. Dedicated buttons for Undo, Delete, Redo

    Dedicated buttons for Undo, Delete, Redo.
    Either at the top or on a floating toolbar. I'm sick of having to go to the keyboard or:
    Edit > Undo
    Edit > Clear
    Edit > Redo
    Sure I could use keyboard shortcuts — but I don't want to.
    Virtually every other program has these buttons.
    It cannot be hard to add them, even if only in that new properties panel.
    You have to assume its bloody mindedness on Adobes part, continuing not have this basic feature and thinking everyone gets a thrill out of Command Z

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  8. Nix the Stupid Blue Share Button

    Get rid of the stupid giant blue "Share" button in the toolbar. It's very distracting because it looks like I constantly have a notification. And I will never use it. We've been all through this with Acrobat already!

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  9. Welcome Back To Illustrator screen customization

    Two changes to the Welcome Screen:

    1.- Ability to edit the "Start a New File Fast" group (like, in the US, I'd like to replace the A4 format with the more used US Letter Size?)

    2.- Add a "Clear All Recent" button/option to clear all recently opened files (or follow the similar Photoshop model to clear files).


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  10. Make the "Object Selection By Path Only" and "Scale Strokes" and "Scale Corners" easily available

    Make the "Object Selection By Path Only" a check box in the Control panel. It is something that is very useful and very far tucked away in the preferences and VERY impractical for us to get to every few minutes.
    The same goes for "Scale Strokes" and "Scale Corners" and other options. These should be also accessible with keyboard shortcuts (hotkeys). I have been asking for these for years. I like to know who are the "professionals" that you consult with who don't run into these issues?

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  11. Lock palettes or allow to undo UI changes

    So many times I accidentally dragged palettes' icons instead of clicking them to open/close! Each time then I had to drag it back to place it was before or reset my workspace! A simple command 'Undo last UI change' or tick 'Lock UI' would save a lot of time for such clumsy people as I.

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  12. Make setting reference point hotkeyable

    Problem Description:
    I change the reference point all the time.
    I'm so tired of grabbing a mouse and searching for a reference grid and precisely clicking in a tiny-tiny square.
    Please add a possibility to set a hotkey for each position!

    Look, there is a whole numbers block at the right side of a keyboard (if you are not using these fancy ***** castrated versions which don't have it). I could have used it to set the reference point, using something like Ctrl+Shift+3 to set it to the right bottom.
    I can use an action for doing this, bit I'm…

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  13. Option to permanently expand areas of the Properties panel

    I have a lot of empty space in the new Properties panel.
    Having to click the '...' every time I want to access extra options seems clunky when I have so much unused space.
    In the old interface you could double-click on the top bar of a panel and it would expand to your preference and remember that expansion.
    A similar option here would be welcome.

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  14. Make rulers bigger in with larger UI scales

    I know Illustrator has the 'For High PPI Displays . . .' option for higher scale factors but, that is reliant on the OS custom graphic scaling.

    1 - Either allow for custom/pre-set ruler size or
    2 - Make it like Photoshop.

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  15. Delete Hidden Layers command - Inappropriately named?

    The latest version of Illustrator (25.3) introduces a new command in the flyout menu of the Layers palette. It is called Delete Hidden Layers.

    It's a useful command, but it also deletes hidden groups and objects inside visible layers and visible groups as well. These are not what most Illustrator users would describe as 'Layers' and thus the naming of this command may cause a lot of trouble.

    There should perhaps be at least two or three different commands: Delete Hidden Layers and Delete Hidden Objects and Delete All Hidden Items.

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  16. Add keyboard shortcut for Locate Object button in Layers Palette

    Every button and every command in AI should be bound-able to hotkey.

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  17. Make units and grid settings to be bound to file

    I work for screen and print media simultaneously in different files
    I work in metric units.
    I need to have 'mm' for general-stroke-type in design for printing and 'px' in other file for screen.
    I'm so tired to change units every time I Ctrl+Tab between them. By hand, every time!
    Ctrl+Shift+U change only general units, and I have to skip all picas-inches I never use.
    I have to Ctrl+K, click Units and drop down three menus every time I need to see units I need in file I need!
    PostScript is cool, point reassigned as a strict fraction of an…

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  18. Adding more brushes to the touch workspace...

    I would like to be able to change my brush style while I'm working in the touch workspace. I can go into the essentials workspace and it reverts back to a simple brush when you change back to the touch workspace. It's extremely frustrating. Other programs can use other brushes and change layers, so it makes using Illustrator for drawing very difficult.

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  19. Visual indicator between a layer and a group

    In the layers panel, a group and a layer look the same in appearance. Thus, when a named group un-grouped accidently, it loses its name. This mostly occurs due to lack of visual dissimilarity between and group and layer thumbnail. May be a small marker in the corner of the thumbnail (indicating whether its a layer or a group) should do the trick.

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  20. Allow to change the UI language inside the program

    Add language option inside the program, instead of using system standard language. And can't use Creative Cloud application. My school have already application from Adobe which is install before hand. And applications has not been added to the list in Creative Cloud, there for I can't edit language.

    Just add option to change language inside the program.

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