Illustrator (Desktop) Feature Requests
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- Description
- Why is this valuable to you?
426 results found
Transparency for some objects when using 3D and Materials
When extruding an object, some parts within that group need to have some transparency. If I reduce the opacity of some 2D object parts before extruding, it is lost when rendering.
Honouring Opacity would be brilliant for me.1 vote -
Im 3D Modus sollte es möglich sein, bei einem Objekt mehrere Lichtquellen anlegen zu können
Im 3D Modus sollte es möglich sein, bei einem Objekt mehrere Lichtquellen anlegen zu können
3 votes -
Adding an mascot assistant
As the Photoshop has a banana, we want mascot assistant, like the Microsoft clippy. It would work like this: when you are idle in the illustrator with new blank document it would pop up suggesting random design prompts like: "hey why won't you design the logo for the fish food' or "make a brand for the fruit vendor'
4 votes -
Manipulating Guides
If two guides are selected, the "Distance" option can be selected by right-clicking. In an extra window, the first or second selected guideline is set as the origin, as well as the axis on which the distance is to be manipulated and the value to be manipulated. It would also be useful if you could mirror guides along other guides by simply right-clicking.
1 vote -
1 vote
OBJECT > TRANSFORM > ROTATION to work with 4 decimals
When selecting OBJECT > TRANSFORM > ROTATE...manually entered rotation angles are truncated to 2 decimal places. I experience a loss of pattern repeat with that kind of truncation across large pattern rolls. If we could manually enter 4 decimal places, that would be extremely helpful to my work!
6 votes -
Illustrator (BETA) for Apple Silicon is here!
We are excited to announce the first Beta release of Illustrator running natively on Apple Silicon hardware!
This early version of Illustrator for Apple Silicon offers many of the core features that you've come to rely on for your day-to-day needs. Please give it a try. We would love to hear your feedback.
You can download this Beta through the Creative Cloud Desktop app's Beta Apps section. Look for 25.3.1 version. If you do not see the build, send me your Adobe ID at kotwal at Adobe dot com
10 votes -
An ability to update variables
I'd like to be able to bind Variables to pageItems and be able to reimport the Variable Library; that is, I'd like to be able to reimport the CSV or XML file and not have to rebind the Variable to pageItems.
This would let me create a template or master file that is ready to import new data without having to rebind the Variables.
Also, make Variable binding scriptable.
5 votes -
Artboard Mod
IDK anything, just learning tried multiple products so far AI is the only one I have accomplished anything in. My current issue may just be just be user error due to the lack of knowledge and experience. So I am designing new dash panels for an antique kenworth truck. The panels are flat with lots of round holes I have the old panels and have been taking measurements from them but I have experienced 2 problems #1 is that AI measures from the edge of the art board. #2 I cant seem use the edge of the art board as…
1 vote -
Add RANDOMIZE button (RANDOM SEED) for 3D Materials like Substance 3D has.
Add a Randomize button (RANDOM SEED) for the sbsar materials that we import when working with 3D within Illustrator. This way, 3D objects, look different within your work. Example from Stager as to what I mean that would like implemented in Ai.
2 votes -
他の機能も含めて、現在使い物にならないレベルです。3 votes -
Windows foreign language shortcut like mac.
Windows foreign language shortcut like mac.
2 votes -
Change line color and fill color of groups in one click
Let say you have multiple groups existing of line segments and filled objects (lines and circles for example). If I want to change the color of the lines and objects of a group, by clicking on a group, that is not possible. Or all line segments get a fill too or all the objects get a line too.
To fix this, I have to go inside the group, select all the objects, change the fill and then select all the line segments and change the line color.
A button to change the color of all line segments and the color…
19 votes -
Free version with limited features
Can we please have the option of a free version for life even if that means getting limited features only?
1 vote -
Allow objects to have the same set of properties of After Effects
Many animators prefer to rebuild geometrical shapes made on Ai on AE because it allows full access to the properties. But if AI incorporate the same set of properties from AE, it will be solved.
ok, I know: Overlord does it....
1 vote -
Please add a feature so that we can set scale such as 1:100, 1:50 and so, and create drawings. This helps to create technical drawings.
Please add a feature so that we can set scale such as 1:100, 1:50 and so, and create drawings. This helps to create technical drawings with much ease. Also, Illustrator will be able to increase its target customers. I have been using illustrator to create floor plans of building with much ease and lesser time than other software. This software has user friendly interface. So, please make it more suitable for technical drawings. Adding features to calculate area will also be very useful.
3 votes -
Data feature within illustrator
It is possible to merge data from excel, but it would also be a fantastic feature to have an excel feature within illustrator. You can fill a table with datasets and link the data to elements multiple times in different artboards. To change an element everywhere you just need to change it in the table (like objects, but only the data). So several different text boxes and different links to imported images can be edited at once. Would be a great feature for all different sizes for Social Media posts. You set up several different sizes change the content once…
3 votes -
Alt+drag to duplicate multiple spline knots and segments
Up until the Illustrator 23.1.1 update, splines with overlapping knots and multiple selected spline segments could be duplicated easily by:
1) using the "A" select tool to select individual knots or segments of a path,
2) region-dragging to select several knots,
3) begin dragging then quickly hold down the ALT key before releasing
This would duplicate the knot and it's connected and the newly created connected segments. If only segments were selected, then the new segments were created while dragging, <important!> keeping their anchor knots where they originated at either end of the spline. It was a very efficient tool…2 votes -
2 votes
1 voteThere are two ways to do that.
1. View > Outline mode
2. Preferences > Selection & Anchor Display: Object Selection by Path Only
Both of these will allow you to select anchors without accidentally moving an object
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