Illustrator (Desktop) Feature Requests
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320 results found
Duplicate Artboard should place the new artboard inside the canvas if possible
"Duplicate Artboard" always tries to place the new artboard to the right of the selected artboard which often makes it fall outside of the canvas, failing with the error " Cannot create artboard outside the canvas. Please rearrange and try again." "New Artboard" does not have this problem. Please have duplicate artboard use new artboard's placement logic.
5 votes -
Il est difficile de se repérer dans : « vos fichiers » car il n y a pas la possibilité de créer un aperçu avec l image d un des visuels,
Mettre un aperçu d un des visuels sur les fichiers pour pouvoir se retrouver plus vite
1 vote -
Liquid Page Layout (Artboards)
I would love a "liquid Layout" feature like InDesign has for more easily converting artwork and pages sizes simultaneously.
There are many times I create posters on a 11x17 artboard and need to easily reduce the art and page sizes to 5x7 for flyers.
InDesign has had this feature for a long time and I feel it would definitely be useful to my workflow.8 votes -
Allow us to set a custom scale instead of having only one 1/10 through Large Canvas
I know there is already a massive discussion around this topic, but I had an idea this morning. The "Large Artboard" that is now available as far as I can tell is not truly a new massive artboard. It's just doing 1:10 scale math for you automatically. I see underneath the hood when using my vinyl cutter for example. A file sent to the cutting software sees everything at 10% size. Another example is when copy/paste from large artboard to a normal board, it will come in at 10% size.
Here's my suggestion: Instead of having a single large artboard…2 votes -
Go to last-viewed artboard navigation shortcut
I would love to have a quick shortcut to jump to the last viewed/edited artboard. I often have to jump back and forth between artboards on large documents to compare items, and it would be great (!) to scroll to the place I need to compare, look at the comparison, and then have a single keystroke to jump back to where I just was previously, rather than scrolling all the way back.
2 votes -
Learn to Rearrange artboards with coinciding or nested coordinates
Illustrator will not rearrange artboards that are completely overlapping (that is, have the same dimensions and coordinates) and will ignore nested artboards, moving them along with their enclosing artboard.
It should be able to detect complete copies and give an option to rearrange smaller nested ones.8 votes -
Artboard size no longer shows 4th decimal place
You can create a document with 4 decimal places, but it will no longer show you that exact measurement in the toolbar unless you click the Artboard Options button (otherwise it is now rounded to the 3rd decimal place). Likely not an issue for most people, but this could cause confusion/issues in industries where small rounding issues can cause problems when repeating artwork. I'm fairly certain earlier versions of CC 2023 didn't have this issue, but I know for a fact this was not the behavior in CC 2022 or earlier.
1 vote -
PDF Bookmarks named with the Artboard Titles
Similar to this request for XD: exporting artboards to a PDF, the artboard title should be included in some way.
I think this could be as simple as creating a bookmark for each artboard.
11 votes -
Ability to change measurement type under "Art Board Options"
When an artboard is selected, and ART BOARD OPTIONS menu is active, you can only see measurement in whatever type is already selected DOCUMENT SETUP - i.e. if you get a file that someone built under millimeters, but you work in pixels, inches etc, you have to close the OPTIONS and go back to DOCUMENT SETUP and start over. I have to check art board sizes dozens of times a day and I have to back up many times. A drop down menu under ARTBOARD OPTIONS to change measurement type would be helpful.
3 votes -
Share only certain artboards for new feedback option
Currently, I have several artboards in Illustrator and I want to share my designs for feedback but I only want to include certain artboards for feedback. Right now when I click share and generate a link it just automatically includes all artboards. It would be nice to have the option to select the artboards you want to include for review. See screenshot for a mockup.
6 votes -
Hold Space to reposition an artboard while creating it
When I create a rectangle, I can hold Space bar to reposition it to a place I want. For some reason this is not possible when I create new artboards, which are also rectangles in a way.
Also this is not possible when I try to reposition a rectangular zone in Intertwine Edit mode, which I hope will be fixed soon too:
11 votes -
Preview of artboard before project starts
Please allow for us to see a preview of the new project we are starting. When we set the dimensions or pick a preset dimensions, we can only see those grey outlined pictures. With this new feature, we would be able to see a "sample" of what our artboard is going to look like as a blank white canvas. It's basically a preview of the artboard before we officially start the project. Especially if we are typing in custom dimensions rather than choosing the set dimensions Adobe has already. Thank you guys :)
2 votes -
Add an option to not zoom to the artboard at newly created files
When you create a document in Ai, it first gets created and they Ai fits the artboard in window. For me, at Windows, it also happens with a noticeable delay, which sucks.
But in the first place — why does it do it? I never asked for it, I want it to be at 100% and have it fitted only when the artboard is larger than my viewport, not smaller!
I’d like to have at least a key value to edit somewhere in Prefs file to disable this auto-zooming.11 votes -
Create a guide trimmed to an artboard
There is a almost unknown way to create guides limited to an artboards — you have to pick the Artboard Tool first, and then drag a guide out of rulers. The resulting guide will be limited to the artboard’s dbounds.
However, we think about it somewhere in the middle of dragging a guide, using other tools... too late in a process!
Can we get a modifier to hold while a guides is dragged out to toggle the global/local guide mode on the fly? Alt is taken to switch horizontal/vertical (and it’s cool), but Shift and Ctrl/Cmd are free and do…
22 votes -
Add artboard between 2 artboards
I Can't add a artboard Between 2 artboards
If i need to add an artboard in between artboard 9 and artboard 102 votes -
Ability to change default unit of measurement
Please add the ability to change the default units for documents. I work in print and it's frustrating (and annoying) to have to change the units from points to inches every time I create a new document.
4 votes -
Add Plus buttons as the sides of a selected artboard to quickly add new artboards
Photoshop displays nice (+) buttons to allow users to add new artboards to any side of a current one.
In Illustrator, Add buttons exist only in Control and Properties, and always add an artboard next in a row.
Not fair.
And if you add these new Add buttons — allow to disable them too. Some will disagree on having extra fluff on canvas.Mockup image by Oleg Krasnov
9 votes -
Create square artboards with Shift held when no artboards are selected
Artboard tool does a lot of things: selects, creates, moves,.. we are out of modifiers to control it properly. Specifically, we can’t create square artboards with the natural way we can create square paths, circles with Ellipse tool, like in many applications.
Instead, Ai uses Shift key to select artboards if you start holding Shift before clicking (which is fine) and uses ratio of the last selected artboard if you hold it while dragging (who even uses it?)
What if you let us to create square artboards, when no artboards are selected, but Shift is held? The alternative is to…
6 votes -
"Duplicate artboard" command should have option to create duplicate artwork on its own layer, not double all the assets in the file structur
Currently when user chooses "Duplicate artboard" command, all of the assets on all layers and sub-layers get duplicated where they are within that layer hierarchy. To make for better asset organization, "Duplicate artboard" should have an option to create a new layer and put all of the duplicated assets in the same layer/sub-layer hierarchy there so then both sets of assets are independent in the layers window.
should have option to create duplicate artwork on its own layer.
2 votes -
Document Recovery Panel
Crash Recovery or document recovery is a life saver during unexpected crashes or Force quits of Illustrator sessions. However it becomes a nightmare, when it forces to recover documents from an old session and take ages to recover those document.
A simple panel similar to MS Office will be really helpful for me to make a choice of what i want to recover and what to throw away before working..
Its not always I need to use the old opened documents which I was not editing/ creating but just viewing as reference.
Also its not always I want to waste…
2 votes
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