Illustrator (Desktop) Feature Requests
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319 results found
Cannot key in units like cm, mm, etc.
In the most recent update that I have, 22.1, the ability to resize an artboard by typing in a number and its unit has been removed. Was this intended? Please restore this function as it makes working with various units more convenient. Thank you.2 votes -
Ability to change the color of individual guidelines
I use templates with several close guides. When zoomed in its sometimes difficult to tell which guide I'm at. If the Make Guides selection could have an additional drop down with a choice of 3 or 4 colors, if would help prevent mistakes.
24 votes -
macユーザーです。イラストレーターCC2018 にアップグレードしたところ、今までデータファイルの「情報を見る」で見れていた作成時のバージョンが見れなくなりました。お客様とのやりとりでバージョンをお客様それぞれに合わせてダウングレードしていたので、簡易的に確認ができないと不便です。他に同様のアプローチができるようになっていたら教えていただきたいです。
2 votes -
Recolor multiple layers panel layers at the same time
In Photoshop, you can select multiple layers, and add a color marker at the same time to all of them. I often use the colors of layers in Illustrator for UI and packaging design to separate visually which layers are finished (green), and which ones I still need to work on (red). But I have to double click each layer one by one in order to change the color.
8 votesYep, there is a way to change the color of edges for a selection of layers — 'Options for Selection' command in the Layers panel’s flyout menu.
But perhaps the original poster meant colored backgrounds to mark layers? Like Photoshop allows to and like we can do with actions in button mode?
If yes — please make a separate request about this.
Ability to Copy&Pastle "Color Groups" in "Recolor artwork" to another document
In one document I have create created some Color Groups for recolor my artwork. Now I want to copy them into another document.
It's not possible to do currently. But it's so simple to implement!
11 votes -
As part of my daily workflow, all my art has to have a slug, when i put all the information about the file, date, time, user, CMYK and spot colors used, company logo, etc.
Editable and complete slug option will be appreciated, see attached an example of my manual slug, i use in conjunction with a plugin which puts date time, the user, etc automatically, but i don't like plugins, I want part of the Adobe illustrator Software.
See attached an example
13 votes -
Master page
It would be great if Illustrator had a master page like InDesign.
For us who design more then one page for client proofs.15 votes -
2 votes
Artboards as masks
an option to hide the objects outside of an dartboard as in Photoshop CC
2 votes -
Ability to change resolution when setting pixels as a unit
I use Illustrator for UX design, and thus I use pixels for the dimensions. However, the resolution of most modern screens, in mobile phones, and other devices, is not the default 72 ppi. Thus, when I switch between units, the pixel size does not equal what I get in millimeters. (For usability issues, e g mm based letter height is crucial.)
I know Photoshop is more of a pixel oriented tool, but doing vector graphics and using Illustrator is an advantage in terribly many places. (There is a reason for Sketch being a popular replacement...) Adding a way to customize…
5 votes -
Create artboard to three decimal places
It would be nice to be able to set artboards to three decimal places without it rounding up. If I make something at 3.125", it rounds up to 3.13", or 3.6785 becomes 3.68. Although I have not had any printers yell at me for my files not being correct, I still am concerned that it always wants to round up to the hundredths place, especially when I'm having to be sure that my materials are going into places where the sizes are set in to be such specific tolerances.
18 votes -
Option to "Show Transparency Grid" by default for all the files at all the time
I deal with a lot of white icons/svg and would like to keep the transparency grid on by default for all the files.
19 votes -
Position elements relative to artboards.
Since several improvements to artboards are in the pipeline, I think It would be worth considering positioning elements relative to the top left corner of the artboard. I haven't found a good use for keyboard entry of x and y positions. Positioning elements relatively would make it relatively easy to maintain padding / grids across multiple artboards by entering an exact value.
5 votesTo allow the artboard-relative positioning, you should switch rulers from global with View > Rulers > Change to Artboard Rulers command (or from the context menu for the zero point of the rulers on canvas).
Dragging layers between documents like Photoshop!
I find it bizarre that you can't drag multiple layers between documents, like in Photoshop. I can only copy and paste in to a new document, which combines everything as one layer, which I then have to go through separating all the objects again. This is such a time sink!
4 votes -
Show current artboard when using shortcuts to switch artboards
It would be useful if when switching artboards with Fn+Shift+Up/Down that the Artboards window reflects the currently viewed artboard. The current workaround is having to guess which artboard I'm looking at by double clicking the artboard and checking to see if the canvas switches view.
6 votes -
Ability to move Color Groups in Recolor artwork
I just want a simple drag and sort option for Color Groups.
When I goto "Recolor Artwork" I have a lot of color groups there and I just want to drag any with the mouse, thats so simple!Currently they are not moveable at all!
17 votes -
Be available to add more than 1000 artboards
We are creating a document with icons. Each icon has it's own artboard because of exporting to multiple sizes. Currently we have about 1500 icons and we would like to have all the icons in one document because of effective work with them (which is now not possible because of 1000 artboards limitation).
2 votes -
Need to select all artboards and resize them at once by entering desired size.
Need to select and change all artboard size at once. Can we have this feature in Illustrator? Because after design we need to prepare artworks from same file so we need to increase artboard sizes to add crop marks and other details of instructions for printer, It will be easier if we can change this in artboard window or from document setup.
3 votesIn latest version we can select multiple artboards and resize each one at once.
Please comment back if it’s still not solved for you.
Change shortcut for paste in place/paste on all artboards to match Indesign
I'm in a workflow where I work simultaneously with Illustrator and Indesign, linking illustrator files to indesign (they could probably be integrated more!).
However, it is probably my most irritated moments when I realize I have used cmd-alt-shift-V (shortcut to paste in place in Indesign) instead of cmd-shift-V. If you work on one artboard, it looks the same, and you don't realize your mistake until you go to another artboard and see that the pasted thing has been pasted on all artboards. And you've worked far enough to not having the possibility to undo...
2 votesYou can customize your hotkeys in Keyboard Shortcuts dialog. Search 'paste' and change 'Paste on All Artboards' to anything else or remove shortcut completely.
3 votes
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