Illustrator (Desktop) Feature Requests
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319 results found
Deleting Artboard with a button next to its name
Can you add back the little cross/close button (we used to have in CC2017) to the artboard so that I can delete the artboards without visiting the artboard pannal?
7 votes -
Move(select) multiple artboards with just a mouse
I just need to be able to select and move multiple artboards.
Thats so simple. Currently, I can select only 1, but I have 100 of them already and I want move some groups in my document, to easy re-arrange them. But I have to move one by one. AWKWARD.7 votesHi,
We are pleased to inform you that your request is available in the latest release of Illustrator version 22.0.
Visit your Adobe Creative Cloud Application and update. If you do not see an update on the application please check for update from the flyout options on the application after clicking on three vertical dots. For step by step process please visit: Regards,
Ashutosh Chaturvedi | Sr. Quality Engineering Manager – Illustrator
Adobe. Make It an Experience. -
Display Move Locked and Hidden Artwork with Artboard option in Control panel and Properties while using Artboard tool / mode
The Move Locked and Hidden Artwork with Artboard option should be displayed when the user is actually in the "Edit Artboard" mode, using the Artboard tool. It is common problem when you want to duplicate an artboard and you have locked background. In most cases, I want to move my artwork with the background.
6 votes -
Share only certain artboards for new feedback option
Currently, I have several artboards in Illustrator and I want to share my designs for feedback but I only want to include certain artboards for feedback. Right now when I click share and generate a link it just automatically includes all artboards. It would be nice to have the option to select the artboards you want to include for review. See screenshot for a mockup.
6 votes -
Create square artboards with Shift held when no artboards are selected
Artboard tool does a lot of things: selects, creates, moves,.. we are out of modifiers to control it properly. Specifically, we can’t create square artboards with the natural way we can create square paths, circles with Ellipse tool, like in many applications.
Instead, Ai uses Shift key to select artboards if you start holding Shift before clicking (which is fine) and uses ratio of the last selected artboard if you hold it while dragging (who even uses it?)
What if you let us to create square artboards, when no artboards are selected, but Shift is held? The alternative is to…
6 votes -
Bring back "hide edges" for type within a paragraph
I used to be able to select a line of type, hide edges, and then view how various fonts looked (without seeing the type bar that show's it's selected). Not being able to do this has greatly slowed down my process. Please bring back "Hide Edges" for selected type within a paragraph.
6 votes -
New document without symbols, brushes, graphic styles
New documents are pre-filled with unwanted symbols, brushes and graphic styles that bloat the documents. I always have to go in and delete these to keep file size down, especially when saving as EPS for logos, etc.
6 votes -
Option for Artboards to be non-printing
Would be very useful if there could be a setting in the Artboards palate that could make them 'non-printing' (Like in Layers) - I use a lot of pre-prepared template files and sometimes don't use all Artboards, so to 'turn them off' rather than having to delete (as I may need them later in a job) or keep changing print options would be great.
6 votes -
the ability to search with in the symbols palette
we can search with in the swatch palette, can that be carried over to the symbols palettes?
6 votes -
Set grid as percentage
Set grid as percentage so the X and Y can have the same number of divisions.
6 votes -
Create new artboard within other artboard with Shift key gone in 2018
Just switched to Illustrator 2018. In 2017 I could create a new artboard on top of another artboard by holding down the shift key and dragging with the Artboard tool. This doesn't work anymore. I can create a new artboard outside of the existing one, but I need to create multiple artboards within one main artboard. I can create a vector box where I want them all, then go to Artboard window and click Convert to Artboards, but this is many more clicks than before...not very lean.
6 votes -
Default Artboard Position
When you create a new Adobe Illustrator document the Default Position of the Artboard should not be in the center it should be in the upper left corner with a little margin top and left.
At least give us the option to choose if we like a default center or upper left corner artboard position.
6 votes -
Duplicate artboard hotkey
It should be possible to duplicate artworks not only with Alt + Drag but with a button in the artboard options aswell - just replace it with the text that says "Press Alt + Drag Cursor to duplicate artboard" and keep the Hotkey function.
6 votes -
Show current artboard when using shortcuts to switch artboards
It would be useful if when switching artboards with Fn+Shift+Up/Down that the Artboards window reflects the currently viewed artboard. The current workaround is having to guess which artboard I'm looking at by double clicking the artboard and checking to see if the canvas switches view.
6 votes -
Allow more than 100 artboards
Artboard limits should be a "soft cap" of 100 or more dependent on the user's PC specs. The user should then be able to, at their own risk of performance, increase the cap of artboards to whatever number they feel is necessary, whether or not that is unlimited is up to the user. There was a suggestion to remove this cap over 5 years ago, I believe it is time to make the change.
I need currently 120 and it's really AWKWARD to create a new file and put resources there. I 100% need all my images in one file…6 votesHi,
We are pleased to inform you that your request is available in the latest release of Illustrator version 22.0.
Visit your Adobe Creative Cloud Application and update. If you do not see an update on the application please check for update from the flyout options on the application after clicking on three vertical dots. For step by step process please visit: Regards,
Ashutosh Chaturvedi | Sr. Quality Engineering Manager – Illustrator
Adobe. Make It an Experience. -
Add the ability to reduce the size of the canvas
Currently there's no way to reduce the canvas size (not individual artboard sizes). I think it would be great if we could.
The default canvas size is quite big if you are working with small artboards. It makes using the scroll bars annoying, because it scrolls excessively far if you try to move the bar sliders in any direction by holding them with the mouse and dragging. This would not be an issue with a smaller canvas size.
Having a smaller canvas size also I think would just be nicer too because you can make all your artboards mostly fill…
5 votes -
Duplicate Artboard should place the new artboard inside the canvas if possible
"Duplicate Artboard" always tries to place the new artboard to the right of the selected artboard which often makes it fall outside of the canvas, failing with the error " Cannot create artboard outside the canvas. Please rearrange and try again." "New Artboard" does not have this problem. Please have duplicate artboard use new artboard's placement logic.
5 votes -
Guide lines colored to their corresponding layer
As someone who uses several guidelines on a project, one thing that I have found would be extremely helpful would be if the guide lines were colored to their corresponding layer. (This could be a toggleable option)
This could be particularly helpful when there are a lot of guidelines on the artboard since there is an inverse relationship between the number of guidelines and the readability of said guidelines. The more guidelines there are, the harder it can be to keep track of which guideline(s) corresponds to which element(s).
Personally, and fortunately, I am not colorblind, however, I imagine that…
5 votes -
Allow "Welcome to Illustrator" presets to be customized to actual user presets
When the landing or launch page for Illustrator CC2021 opens, there is a box of presets under the line "Welcome to Illustrator.
This system will not allow a drop or upload of either an AI nor JPG screenshot...the default presets are Postcard, Letter, Common, iPhone X, HDTV 1080p and "More Presets."
In my case, I never use any one of those presets, so I have to click "Create New" or "More Presets," which are the same outcomes, then click my way through the various options to get to "Web Large."
It would be nice if (a) the user could enhance…
5 votes -
Separate rulers for artboards
Could we get individual rulers per artboard. This would make it easier to see spacing and relationships on individual boards.
5 votes
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