Illustrator (Desktop) Feature Requests
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85 results found
Ask user before updating links (AI 26.0.1)
When opening a file containing linked images that have been revised AI will automatically update images without any alert.
This is pretty dangerous for anyone working with a team or refer/update old projects.
Would love to have it ask me first or at least tell me which links were updated. Something to create awareness that things have changed since it was last opened.
3 votes -
Improved links panel (with Relink All)
Improved links panel. List all instances of a linked image under one 'primary' link, append the filename with " (xx instances) ". Use a chevron that points right to indicate that there are multiple instances under the "primary" one shown in the list. Clicking the chevron makes the chevron point down, and displays the list of all instances.
Clicking to select the "main" instance and clicking the re-link button should allow the user to replace all instances of the same image. Allow the user to expand the list downward as described above and select a single, or multiple instances to…
14 votes -
Have a 'lock' icon for locked links in Links, and allow to unlock them with a click o the icon
Add a 'locked' icon in Links and have the layer number visible on hover, and clicking it would make to unlock this link
2 votes -
Consider a document as 'unsaved' (dirty) when a linked image gets updated
Illustrator think that updating a link is not an operation.
This leads to problems with documents that use PDF-compatibility option.Imagine you have an already saved document that have some linked images in it. You open it in Ai and then Edit a linked image in Photoshop. Make some changes in the image, save them in Ps, go to Ai and agree to update the link...
But Ai still considers the document as non-'dirty', as if no changes were made.
You can’t save the document and re-write the PDF content, to see these changes appear, say, in the InD document,…
21 votes -
Unembed JPEGs & PNGs
Please return the feature from the older versions that lets you unembed JPEGs & PNGs. I hate that it's only possible to do with TIFFs and PSDs now. It's such a pain when you're trying to reduce the file size.
1 vote -
Nommer les images incorporées
Pour avoir la possibilité de retrouver les images incorporées au besoin.
Dès que l’image est pixellisée ou recadrée, nous perdons cette précieuse information.2 votes -
ファイル検索がしやすくなると思う。5 votes -
1 vote
Save cropped image
Ability to save a cropped image is unintelligible, not intuitive. Help function is no help at all!
1 vote -
Prevent astronomic file size when using multiple copies of the same embedded image
Allow copies of the same embedded image to have one source and not just copy when duplicating these images. Copy only when a change is made to a copy of the embedded image. I like to make multiple versions of some artwork that may contain a raster image embedded and when i copy that artwork it makes another copy of that unchanged embedded image along with the copied vectors, causing a significant increase in file size when that raster image is still the same. I could use linking but file management gets harder with absolute links. Either use the same…
7 votes -
Display resolution - custom field in Document Setup and the links panel.
Display resolution should be a custom field in Document Setup and the Links panel, and should set the default scaling of placed images in the document.
Right now, linked or embedded 'RasterItems' have a default scaling resolution of 72ppi, and you can't change it. But 72ppi is an anachronism, it doesn't reflect most use cases.
The impact is that placed images appear in the document much too large, and it wastes a lot of extra clicks to resize placed images. That could all be avoided if there was a simple way to change the default display resolution to match the…
2 votes -
Select "Replace" by default once a clipped linked element is selected
This is a very simple fix for something extremely frustrating: once a clipped linked image is selected (using the direct selection tool), the importing option should be to Replace the element by default (instead of having to manually select it EVERY SINGLE TIME). If nothing is selected, the logical default behavior then would have the Replace option unchecked.
2 votes -
Crop command embedding linked images
I would be thankful if linked images remain linked (instead of being embedded after using the crop command). I would like to believe that this can be made possible. This is the normal behaviour in other graphic design software.
1 voteIf you want to keep a cropped image as a live linked image, you should Clip it instead. Press the Mask button (in Control or Properties panel) and Ai will create and select a rectangular path with the same dimensions. Transform this path with any tool you like or with the bounding box, and the image inside will remain unembedded.
Crop command, on the other hand, is intended specifically for 'physical' cropping, and since Ai won’t edit the original placed image, it gets embedded and then cropped.
Just use the method you need.
Please comment back if it works for you.
Image fitting options like Indesign, Sketch and Figma
Would really be handy to have fit to crop, resize to crop etc. for linked images.
4 votes -
Rounded corners on crop tool
When crop tool is selected, add the live corners option to crop rounded corners or circles. Please and thank you.
1 voteThere is an intended way to do it.
Once your image is cropped, you can do Object > Clipping Mask > Make and Ai will create and select a rectangular clipping mask for your image.
Then you have to convert it to a live shape, with Object > Shape > Convert to Shape.
Then you can round its corners in Transform panel, typing in a value in one of the Corner Radius fields (if they are linked) in the Rectangle Properties section.
All of these can be recorded as an action and applied later with a click in Actions panel or a hotkey.
Please test how it works for you and comment back.
Change paths to links when a project is duplicated
When I duplicate files with their respective links in a new folder, in order to produce a new art in the same format as the first. Illustrator does not change the link address, when I click on "Edit Original" it opens the link of the first folder, if we are not aware, we end up editing the link of the wrong folder.
2 votes -
Place function at scale
I use photoshop and illustrator in tandem and often place images in illustrator that exceed the max width (227"). It would be so helpful if there were a place option where you can select scale. For example, I would like to place a 250" wide image in illustrator at 25" wide, or tenth scale.
4 votes -
Keep Linked Image File Name when it gets Embedded
Keep File Name on Embedded Images. So many times the file name disappears after the image is embedded and the file is saved. If you have multiple versions of an image it would be helpful to have the file name.
9 votes -
Crop Image tool
With the Crop image tool, it would be nice if the initial crop bounds were to the exact size of the selected image. Right now when you select an image to crop, it creates a random selection, that requires more work than if the crop selected the outer bounds of the image instead of a small selection.
1 voteEric, this behaviour is regulated in Preferences > General > Enable Content Aware Defaults.
Notice that checking this off will also disable auto-placing of color stops in Freeform Gradients and of, pins in Puppet Warp.
If you want to be able to regulate these separately, perhaps you might want to vote for this request:
Allow drag and drop of cropped images like InDesign does
It will be great time saving if i can quickly replace an image just by dragging and dropping an image into a frame of a cropped image like i can do in InDesign. I too slow to have to look for the new link of the image open finder search thumbnails, etc. Could that be possible?
10 votes
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