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63 results found

  1. Line extension pop up tool tip

    Please fix the smart guide's line extension tool tip when moving points if you are zoomed in. It currently snaps to the opposite end of the line, meaning if you are zoomed in (which you almost have to be because the tool is so finnicky to get it to snap correctly), you have no idea if you are extending the line correctly. A good fix would be to put that dialog closer to the point, if not on the point you are dragging out to extend, vs. the opposite end of the line.

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  2. Disable Snap to Path

    Can someone please explain to me why you can turn off "snap to grid", "snap to pixel", and "snap to point" off, but you can't turn "snap to path" off. It used to be you could just easily turn off "snap", which would turn all forms of snap off. Now, when I'm trying to adjust points on a path, the anchor handles still snap to path. The only way to get it to not snap to path is to zoom very close in. This is problematic when you can't see your entire curve, because you're zoomed in, and you can't…

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  3. When snapping to a point please take edges of object into consideration

    "When snapping to a point, the snapping alignment depends on the position of the pointer, not the edges of the dragged object." -- A. Illustrator

    ...but if I could put my pointer exactly where I need it in order to get the edge of an object exactly on the margin, what's the point of the snap to feature? That is a pain in the butt. And really hard to do. I need the option of snapping the edges of the object to the margin. Spart guides do not help.

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  4. Ability to tag anchor points as PRIORITY anchor points.

    When snapping objects together it is often the case that lots of other things want to put themselves forward as the thing that wants to grab your snapping choice. If I could create shapes (for example) and select an anchor point and mark it as a priority anchor, it would override other suggestions. That way I can quickly and accurately snap one object to another with no ambiguity.

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  5. PhysicsPak

    Rather than proposing a new idea, I'm endorsing this tool that Adobe previewed in 2017 at the Adobe Max conference:

    This physics engine, and possibly similar tools that could do things like detect whether one shape was on top of another (something you can effectively do using selections in Photoshop), would be extremely useful and time-saving for many illustrators. It allows illustrators to see possible ways that symbols can be tossed or fitted together without going through the tedious work of fitting them manually.

    With more spacing, you could call it nesting. With less spacing, you might call it…

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  6. Smart Guides: prioritize artboards, respect logical hierarchy

    This situation has been frustrating for many, many years:

    • I'm zoomed out to a level that makes it tricky for AI to understand what I want Smart Guides to snap to.

    • There are many elements in my doc that could be desired for that snapping, but they are a mix of paths, compound paths, placed media, and artboards. Many of these things are FAR away from the elements I'm trying to snap.

    • AI either doesn't have any perceived hierarchy or it prioritizes snapping in an obscure way, and it will attempt to snap to those far away things instead of…

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  7. extend the grid interval from 377.7 mm to 1000 mm (or more who cares if it 100,000,000 with 1000 subdivisions?)

    to make it easier to use real world dimensions when drawing large artwork in AI I have a document that is a few metres wide and a few metres high.

    I want the major grid lines at 1000 mm interval (its a 1 to 1 technical drawing) and subdivisions of 10, so minor grid lines at 100 mm intervals.

    I can't, AI has a max grid interval of 377.777777.

    Doesn't make sense to limit it in this way. Grid intervals in AutoCAD etc are whatever you want them to be at all.

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  8. Make the artboard centre mark smart guide aware for shape reference points

    I should be able to drag the rotation reference point to the centre mark of an artboard and that process be simple but it's never accurate enough. A simple fix might be to make smart guides / shape reference points aware of one another so that I can drag / Alt-click near enough to it and Illustrator recognises where I want the reference point to be set to.

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  9. Make Smart Guides work with Library assets

    Precise work with Library assets is difficult/impossible because it's treated differently by Smart Guides/snapping than normal artwork.

    • Object Highlighting only shows a Library asset's edge/container, not its contents
    • Anchor/Path Labels are not displayed on placed Library assets
    • It's not possible to grab/move placed Library assets based on its content's paths or anchors, making it impossible to place precisely
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  10. Make Smart Guides work consistently with Symbols

    Precise work with Symbols is difficult/impossible because it's treated differently by Smart Guides than normal artwork.

    • Anchor/Path Labels are not displayed on Symbol-ized artwork
    • It's not possible to grab Symbol-ized artwork by a path segment (only anchors) making precise alignment impossible
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  11. mid grid snap

    It would be useful to have the option when grid snapping is enabled, a hint or indicator that allows the user to snap the anchor handles to the middle point of the defined grid unit. A simple override to avoid having to enable/disable the snapping function.

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  12. True customisable drawing 'angles' for all tools when using SHIFT key (pen, pencil, brush).

    This is severely lacking in illustrator and has been developed by Affinity Designer with work arounds (that do not work in a suitably fluid way) by Astute Graphics for Illustrator.
    Best case scenario something is implemented like Affinity Designer in which 'constraint angles' are replaced by ‘Grid and Snapping Axis’ you are able to set and save presets of angle settings.
    These axis are set and then can be activated as a constraint on your current tool by holding shift.
    Smart guides provides this in a VERY limited way right now, the UI is very rudimentary for a setting that…

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  13. We need separate snap options for Artboards vs Objects

    Currently, 'Snap to Pixel' affects both the artboards and objects on them.

    However, there are some issues with this:

    • Artboards can snap to .5 pixels. It's VITAL to snap artboards to pixel as the 'Export for Screens' will add extra unwanted pixels otherwise.

    • Objects can snap to the whole pixel, not the half pixel.

    • While snap to pixel for artboards is vital for certain features not to break, pixel snapping for objects is not.

    The solution? There should be an Artboard snapping option, separate to the one that affects all objects.

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  14. "alternate" Grid by keyboard shortcut

    In technical drawings (but not only), sometimes we temporarily need a finer grid (more subdivisions) just for a couple of work steps, after which we return to the original (larger) grid.
    It is painful that for this we always have to go and change Illustrator Preferences (back and forth).

    Feature suggestion:
    In Illustrator Preferences make it possible to define two different grid subdivision values: "default" and "alternate".
    The "alternate" grid is such that it becomes active immediately when holding a specific keyboard combination (e.g. ALT key) while drawing.
    As soon as the keyboard key combination is released, the grid returns…

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  15. Snap to guide at one zoom level is perfect at all zoom levels.

    After setting up rulers, I want to be able to snap an object to that guide and have it be perfectly aligned to that guide at all zoom levels. So if I align an object to that guide at 50% zoom, I want it to be perfectly snapped when I zoom in at 640000% zoom (or whatever). I’ve wasted so much time over the years and many versions of AI aligning at one zoom level and then zooming in as much as it will go to readjust to a perfect alignment because it didn’t work at the prior zoom level.…

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  16. 「ガイドにスナップ」を追加して欲しい




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  17. Drag and drop objects by specific point of choice.

    The Smart Guide function is very helpful and helps with the accuracy and precision we need to handle objects. However, would it be possible for us to have an even more accurate tool? A way to drag and drop using a chosen point within a path to move? This way we wouldn't be bond only by the objects borders.

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  18. Perspective Grid Snapping

    I would like perspective grid snapping for either the brush and/or the pen tool. Although shapes can snap to perspective this is difficult to line up intersections and feels unintuitive to those of us used to lining up a ruler on pencil and paper. In my mind the snapping would work similar to holding down shift to snap to 45 degree direction, but instead when you hold down which ever buttons enable the perspective snapping, the drawing tool moves in the perspective direction closest to how you move the cursor.

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  19. Smart guides to work with artboard

    I suggest enabling smart guides when you work with artboards as well, feels like it should help with workflow.

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  20. Smart Guides snapping to the cursor is just making me work much slower

    I have been having problems with smart guides after the recent update. It has been snapping my cursor to objects, which I have never wanted and never will want to do that ever. I just want to simply align objects together, and now I have to use the features in the align window to time-consumingly do the jobs. Please remove the snap-to-cursor feature for the sake of my deadlines.

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