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Illustrator (Desktop) Feature Requests

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25 results found

  1. Dimension tool style presets

    The dimension tool gives alot of style options for the arrow size, line thickness, offsets, etc. It would be great to save presets that could be switched from a dropdown list in the dimension tool options dialog.

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  2. Calculate surface area with Dimension tool

    With the last update, you brought the possibility of customizing the scale in the dimension tools, thank you for that. Would it be possible to obtain a new tool for calculating the surface area in m², by selecting any closed shape?

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    The team has started working on this request. As a first step they want to understand the requirements correctly and build the right feature set based on the feedback gathered.

    If you are willing to discuss area calculation in a call session, block a time slot here:

  3. Japanese characters in Japanese fonts are misaligned in Vertical Text Alignment

    Starting with v24.3, vertical text alignment is now available. This is a great feature we have been waiting for. However, characters in Japanese fonts are misaligned at the center and bottom, as shown in Figure-1.

    This is probably due to the fact that the bottom edge of the character is used as the baseline.Maybe we need The Last Baseline option.It's a tough road. But the Illustrator team can make it happen, I am sure of it.


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  4. 英数字に対する和欧文間のアキの基準が欧文の前後で異なる(バージョン不問)


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    Under Review  ·  PCM Maro responded

    Illustrator 製品フィードバックへのご協力ありがとうございます。



    Illustrator チーム

  5. Curve length, area, perimeter measurements for Dimension tool

    We need a way to measure the length of a line regardless of shape, but at minimum we need a way to measure a basic curved line. It would be especially helpful if we could use the measure tool or some time-saving variant to tell if a curve has the desired length. While we can do a workaround now using the Document Info panel, having to isolate lines in order to do so can get really cumbersome and tedious.

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    The team has started working on this request. As a first step they want to understand the requirements correctly and build the right feature set based on the feedback gathered.

    If you are willing to discuss area calculation in a call session, block a time slot here:

  6. Remember last used SVG / SVGZ save and export settings (Responsive and others)

    We often need SVG and SVGZ that are NOT responsive to the web area (we need to control the viewable font size for psychometrics purposes).

    Illustrator default switches to Responsive being checked after every Illustrator restart. It would be great if every time I restart Illustrator the check box for "Responsive" remembered that I want it UNchecked (our workaround is to create a new SVGZ file immediately after every restart and uncheck the Responsive box, and if we don't remember to do that task our work must be tediously re-exported).

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  7. Make the preview of the Arabic computer Fonts connected to each other

    Make the preview of the Arabic computer Fonts connected to each other

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  8. 46 votes

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  9. TateChuYoko’s Adjustment value is limited to an integer in point

    The "TateChuYoko" using for vertical writing text, under use in Japanese environment.
    The adjustment value is set only to integers of points and it is very troubling.
    In that state, I can only do a rough job too much.
    I would like to improve so that more detailed values can be set.


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  10. Area and perimeter information on every selected object

    Area and perimeter information on every selected object.
    It was available on CS3 version for exemple and it was very helpful for us architects.
    The window was called CAD tracker and the geometry part was super practical.
    Please, include it in the new version !!

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    The team has started working on this request. As a first step they want to understand the requirements correctly and build the right feature set based on the feedback gathered.

    If you are willing to discuss area calculation in a call session, block a time slot here:

  11. SVG import/export destroys details for SVG-files generated by Inkscape

    Whenever I open a SVG-file in Illustrator that was generated by Inkscape, very frequently details are destroyed. A message appears stating that "round-way to tiny" may have exactly done this.
    This bug makes it impossible to collaboratively work on figures with colleagues that do not use Illustrator, but Inkscape instead.

    I am using Illustrator CC 22.1.

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  12. Allow gradient swatches to be added to CC library

    It's great to have colors in the cc library but why can't those colors be gradients too? Please allow us to add gradient swatches to the cc library. Thanks

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  13. Align Stroke to one side of open path

    The feature which allows you to align stroke to inside or outside of a path for closed shapes is fantastic and gives a great deal of dynamic help. Currently, the only way to align a stroked path and another shape is inaccurately with only visual cues or expand the stroked path and lose editability.

    I don't know if it has been suggested but a feature which allowed you to preserve a non destructive workflow and interact with shapes more easily is very much within reach. Simply create an equivalent for the align stroke to inside or outside of path for…

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    26 comments  ·  Strokes  ·  Admin →
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    The team has encountered several issues with this feature. It requires them to change the basic algorithms and it is going to take them more time than anticipated.

    While it still works in Beta, the next Beta build will have Inside/Outside aligned strokes for open paths disabled. The Beta is scheduled to be live on 7th of August.

    Once this is ready to be enabled back, the team will update the status.

  14. Autofind Missing Links like in Indesign

    When I'm relinking a missing image in Indesign, it automatically finds other missing links in the same folder that a relinked to. It would be life changing if Illustrator did the same. Currently you have to manually relink each missing link which can become very tedious.

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  15. Control of SVG <style> class names on Export

    Here is a detailed explanation of my issue:

    Summary: We should be able to assign/control style classes within the ai file that show up in the svg file.

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  16. 140 votes

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    The recently announced change pushed into Beta 28.6.578 refers to this similar request:

    The users can now use save custom presets within the Saved tab in the New Document dialog (modern one, not the legacy one). Please provide the dedicated feedback there.

    As for the ability to change the existing predefined sizes for each document profile (Print, Web, etc,), like A1, A5, etc, — this is not yet available. Stay tuned and sorry for the misfire.

  17. Inline Graphics / Anchor Object to text ability (like InDesign)

    Please allow in-line graphics in text paragraphs, so graphics will move along with the rest of the copy within text. I am working on a lot of signage/wayfinding and the rooms keep getting moved about. Arro symbols and toilet icons have to be positioned manually and it is VERY time consuming. I wish the original artwork had been created in InDesign! Thanks

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    Please share some real cases for this feature you had in your practice, which could have benefit greatly from having inline graphics. It will help the team to plan it and make it more useful for Ai users, than analogues we have in InDesign and Figma.

  18. Export for Screens .pdf saves all artboards in file

    When Export for Screens is used to export pdfs, it saves ALL artboards for every .pdf, creating very large files. This means I have to export the pdf, then reopen the pdf in Illustrator and manually delete the other artboards and other artwork and resave it so that the pdf only contains the artboard that should be in that file.

    This is clearly not the intention of the feature.

    It would actually be quicker to just copy and paste it into a new file, as it can take a lot of time if you have a large file with multiple…

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    Asset export dialog does not have this option to export each file as a separate file it only has option on all artboards in one file, range of artboards or selected artboards in the dialog or the whole of document into one pdf file.
    I am moving this request as a new feature request

  19. "recolor artwork" undo

    CAn we have an option to undo within the "recolor artwork" panel?

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    Yes, the Recolor dialog does not have its own undo stack, and all changes are permanent. Since Recolor is often used as an experimentation tool, this behavior limits the freedom and forces users to avoid it and loose applied settings.

    The team is now aware of the situation and hopefully some changes will be made.

  20. SVG option to convert text to outlines when exporting

    When exporting SVG I have ran into wonkyness with fonts so sometimes we export SVG graphics with text as shapes...

    But then I some times get distracted by a email or chat message and save the ai version with out undoing my text to outlines conversion...

    Why not just have a check box on the SVG export panel "convert all text to shapes" then when I export this option parse the document and convert all text to shapes...

    So I do not have to worry about undoing my convert text to shapes when I save the master ai file.


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