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Illustrator (Desktop) Feature Requests

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  1. Option to auto-sharp an anchor point when using the pen tool.

    By default when making a anchor point with the pen tool it gives you a curve anchor(2 direction handles). I request that we have the option to make it a sharp anchor(1 direction handle).

    Currently in order to make a sharp anchor you have to go back and select the anchor again. This is a slow method if you only draw in sharp anchors. By having this new option it will be lot faster and easier to draw in this style.

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  2. Allow for graphics placed from CC Library to be expanded and converted to curves

    Right now, when you place a vector from the CC Library, you can't use it as if it were a vector created on the spot. This hinders speed of creation and prevents 2 crucial things:

    1. You can't change colors of the vector without editing the original CC item
    2. You can't use it with pathfinder for a print job for example (imagine you want to cut a shape out of PVC or something). Right now, to do this, you must double click the library item, copy and paste it on your document.

    Altough it might not seem much work, if, for…

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    You can drag an asset with the Alt/Opt key held to embed it instead of placing.

    However, please note a PDF-copy of an asset is used, and not the original artwork you had imported into a Library, which means the embedded copy can have extra clipping masks and expanded effects.

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  4. Send proof to customer

    We proof every item to customers before printing. It would be great if there was a tool to send a proof that could be approved through all common design programs. Giving the customer the ability to submit for changes and do a final approval before the job goes to print.

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  5. Select all the value at once

    Is it possible when clicking on a value such the shape, dimensions or text height etc. to select all the value so it can be replaced faster. Right now I have to delete the values number by number or select all with Ctrl-A then delete.
    It would be appreciated if you have the option to select all when clicking on it.
    It will save a lot of time.
    Thank you

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  6. Stretching objects

    A stretch function allows to e.g. move a door in a wall. The door is moved, one wall is enlarged and the other wall is shortened. This is done by drawing a box through the walls and around the door, and then by moving the selection. Object that are completely within the selection are moved. Object that cross the selection box are stretched.

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  7. An ability to size and line space text based on a capital curved letter "C", "O" or "S"

    I create a lot of graphics for signage using Illustrator and most depend on actual sizing and spacing of the text. If I put 12" letters and convert to outlines the text is is really 25% smaller. So I either have to outline the text and lose editability or I have to eyeball a clipping mask to the curve letter and resize the clipping mask to the correct size.

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  8. Allow for artboard to be transparent

    I'm working on a logo and I need the artboard to disappear.

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  9. Offset path feature won't become a sharp

    Why if I have a curve that has several very small (sharp) angles, when I enter it in the offset path feature (+ offset), then the offset result can't be sharp anyway. but if (-) is offset, then can it turn sharp?

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  10. Drag and drop objects by specific point of choice.

    The Smart Guide function is very helpful and helps with the accuracy and precision we need to handle objects. However, would it be possible for us to have an even more accurate tool? A way to drag and drop using a chosen point within a path to move? This way we wouldn't be bond only by the objects borders.

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    This is exactly what Illustrator does when we hold Cmd/Ctrl while dragging. In this case it prioritizes the position of the cursor, and makes it snap exactly by the point grabbed to the point hovered on. Please, try it and leave the comment if it solves it for you (or not).

  11. Actions Panel

    The Actions Panel in Photoshop is great. Any chance Actions Panels can be added to other programs?

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  12. 2 votes

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  13. Add a "Ctrl +E" to illustrator for quick export

    InDesign has a "Ctrl+ E" for quick export instead of going down the menu bar and selecting it. Can illustrator put in a "Ctrl + E" for export. this is a annoyance since I'm exporting to jpg and tif formats all of the time from Illustrator for photoshop image adjustment

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  14. Ability to create a new document

    I want to create a new document and not one from a template. Please add "Create New Blank Document".

    I use this for mobile games and don't think it's fair I have to revert back to Legacy to just create a quick ai file to edit and go.

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  15. Triangles

    Add the use of triangles into shapes as this will help with projects. as there is the only use of lines, square and circles.

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  16. Where has Export > DXF Gone?

    Export as DXF has been removed since the latest update.
    This option is essential at our workplace.

    Is there a reason why it was removed?

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  17. 1 vote

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    make that tiny little ANCHOR and HANDLER bigger. I'm tired of failing to click that tiny rectangle every single second. PLEASE. I BEG YOU

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  19. puppet pen tool

    it is missing in adobe 2017, how to get it.

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  20. correct measurements

    In the attached screen shot you can see that the height of each of these objects, when looking at the blue illustrator guidelines, is measured the same but in reality, as is clearly obvious from the stroke attached to one of them, they are not the same size. One of them is clearly bigger in size due to the stroke. This discrepancy is very and constantly confusing when trying to work in precision measurements. Please could you fix so the stoked object calculates the stroke outer edge as additional width, as that is what it is. Thanks James

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