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112 results found

  1. Allow adding of Freeform Gradients to CC Library panel

    Allow adding of freeform gradients to CC libraries. Very inconvenient to have to re-open legacy files each time I need the gradient. This gradient is used consistently for our brand packaging across different products and designs.

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  2. PDFs in Libraries: Why I can't edit them?

    In Libraries:
    .AI files are editable with a ctrl-click > Edit
    .PDF are not.

    Please allow PDF files to be open in Adobe Illustrator.

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  3. Multiple Libraries Open and Docked as panels at the same time

    Right now we can only have 1 library open at once in illustrator. Please make it so we can have multiple libraries open at the same time similar to the way we can have multiple swatch libraries open at the same time...

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  4. Space or area to collect ideas, a scrapsheet, like Playbook

    Sometimes when creating, brainstorming is a step! So an area for us to put our ideas while working on an idea would be cool. Maybe a tab to place items we could add, like a "shelf" with items we'd like to use on multiple places. I know you have the library right now, but there's a site called Playbook where projects can be organized, it would be great if it was something like this for Adobe rather than a third party.

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  5. Detailed Cloud Libraries history and version control

    We need a way to see the edit history for items in a cloud library, including at a minimum when an asset was updated and who made the change... as well as the ability to restore a specific version.

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  6. Library doesn't fully sync out of Capture

    I was told to put my concerns and ideas here although my frustration is mostly with libraries and the capture app capture is super cool for all of its features but the app was created specifically so that you could use those features and the library Assets in other programs my library assets won't save past about 200 and I've already created thousands, inc fun brushes i want to share, teach, but cant save or recreate so now I'm stuck. it's a cool app you should support it better and fix the glitches: export doesn't work, libraries don't work completely…

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    0 comments  ·  Cloud, Libraries  ·  Admin →
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  7. Allow creative cloud files to be opened 2 times at once like you can with computer files

    I commonly open 2 different copies of the same file so I can see how changes I make while zoomed in will effect the artwork zoomed out without having to zoom in and out over and over again, but for some reason you can't do this with cloud files, and that is why I never end up using them. If they just added the ability to open the cloud files like you can with files on your actual computer I would be much more likely to actually use cloud files more consistently

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  8. Share for Review Proof Approval

    Adding functionality for "Proof Approval" would be huge! And would allow the process to remain within Adobe as opposed to having to go outside Adobe products. Turning on this functionality when needed, allowing for proof to be sent that can be officially approved within AI that:

    a. Doesn't allow the user the ability to download the PDF and steal the artwork.

    b. Sends confirmation that the Proof was Approved or Not Approved with feedback. This can help streamline the approval process ensuring everyone is aware when a proof is sent, and status changes (Pending, Approved, Not Approved, etc.).

    c. Saves…

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  9. Shorcut to add a grouped item to your CC Library

    Easier way to add things to my CC library without manually dragging things into the library folder

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  10. Share for Review Notifications: comments and updates

    It would be amazing if a "notification" could be added to the "Share for Review" feature. I am having to update the link and also send an update email to my clients and collabs. Thank you!!

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  11. CC Libraries on Illustrator Paste in Place in artboard

    Could we get an option to save an artboard together with the group of items selected when we save to Libraries?

    I mean instead of modifying the artboard size to fit all elements, libraries would save the size of the original artboard and all the items in it, including the items that bleed outside (as bleed marks).

    2 - Would also be super useful to get an option to "paste in place" when pasting an item from the library into an artboard if the target artboard is the same size as the original artboard.

    I will try to explain my…

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  12. Invite to edit functionality

    On a previous version of Adobe Illustrator, anyone with access to the aic file could invite new members to the document. There has since been an update where only the owner of the file can share the file to new people. Is it possible to implement an 'admin' or 'manger' to each file. Therefore the owner of the document can provide admin rights to other colloborates of the document. Anyone with admin access could then share the aic file.

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  13. Keep the organizational structure of Libraries the same between Adobe apps

    I have put a lot of work organizing my libraries in Photoshop it would be nice if that organization structure would translate across all Adobe apps with libraries. Not have to organize my assets again in every program.

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  14. I DON'T WANT Cloud Files.

    I am so sick and tired of having to wade through cloud ****, JUST TO OPEN, SAVE, or otherwise work with files.

    I don't need, or want, to save every file on Adobe's servers. It may make lots of sense for some, but not me. Stop making us jump through hoops to deal with local storage.

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  15. When sharing a file for a client to add comments. Add a button for when they are done adding comments.

    When sharing a file for a client to add comments. It would be good for a button to be added saying "done" or "finished". At the moment, we get notified for every comment, and I don't know when the client has finished adding all their comments. It would be good to get a notification of when they have finished.

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  16. Selecting colors in my color library isn't working, even if object is selected

    Suddenly, I'm unable to change the fill or stroke color of my selected object via my color library like I always do. I attached a video showing my attempts. I have no idea what happened, because it was working just fine a few hours ago.

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  17. cloud doc icon

    Why is the icon to show a file is saved to the cloud a check mark?! It would be more clear if it were a cloud.

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  18. Share for Review link name

    I can see that name of my link, when preparing to share to client, but then I copy the link, ant it's name is really not with that name, that my document is, or I written in link name field. The link appears ugly and long.

    It would be better to send the link to client with short name, that don't look like unsecured link

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  19. Illustrator Version History Panel for Synced Files

    It would be nice if the Version History Panel within Illustrator also showed the History for Items locally saved and synced via Creative Cloud Files. The information and abilities are there when you view the file via the Creative Cloud Files Web page so it would just be a matter of the panel bringing in that information to the Panel from the website. It would be helpful to have that info locally within Illustrator instead of having to go out to a webpage in a browser.

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    0 comments  ·  Cloud, Libraries  ·  Admin →
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  20. Unnecessary rectangles upon embedding from the Library

    After embedding an object from the library, it appears a transparent outline around the object itself. This creates issues while exporting in DWG for instance, but also in the drawing modification in Illustrator, as we have to remove manually this outline object by object

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