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Illustrator (Desktop) Feature Requests

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176 results found

  1. Copy and paste with drag and right click mouse like CorelDRAW

    I hope to see in illustrator copy and paste with (drag and right click mouse) like CorelDRAW

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  2. My illustrator does not recognize my gpu, an nvidia a4000 ada

    My illustrator does not recognize my gpu, an nvidia a4000 ada

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  3. Bleed option for multi-color object

    Currently if you expand an object with more than one color the paths will overlap where they meet. It would be beneficial if the expanded paths split the difference where they meet to better setup objects with bleed.

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  4. Gen AI Assisted Live Trace

    So far, Gen AI in illustrator is just a fresh coat of paint on live trace, a raster query and then just live trace.

    Where it would help immensely, is if you could direct AI to clean up live trace results.

    My use case is I'm doing a lofi photo trace, of a contrasted, shaded image, white over red. By default, the edges of the white area are noisy and Illustrator adds several shades for this area. What I'd like to be able to do is prompt AI to "simplify white edges" or "trace behind white areas", to enhance the…

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  5. Live preview missing in many tools

    In these 2 tools:
    — Create Object Mosaic
    — Transform Effect
    I see a live preview toggle is missing.

    If the development team can add it, then it will make them more intuitive and smooth.

    The Transform effect has Preview only, however a A LIVE PREVIEW would be better and faster.

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  6. 2 votes

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  7. Adobe Please Update Image Trace

    Totally understand the business aspects of focusing on tools which have the most users. However Image Trace appears stuck in a time warp, and not moving forward. May be stretching but with the AI, ML tools Image Trace should be far more capable than the current form. The inability to distinguish lines in an image is of concern. You should be able to draw more interest to take raster drawings to the next level with Illustrator. Has been almost 24 years when this was released. Definitely time to take to the next level.

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  8. Illustrator doesn't let me use 3D objects and it automatically closes every time I want to use that option

    When I installed Illustrator files from the Adobe Materials website to use with 3D objects, it stopped working, when I try to select something and convert it to 3D, Illustrator automatically closes. I already reinstalled the program but it's still the same. How do I be able to use it again?

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  9. Allow to disable or enable center points for all or specific objects types on creation

    With Area Type, if I use the text tool to highlight a word (for example, if I want to embolden the word), if I catch the centre point of the text box in the wrong way, Illustrator will assume that I want to create a new text box, which I don't. I know I can manually disable the centre point via the Attributes panel, but I need to set the centre point to OFF by default, and to my knowledge there is no way of doing this.

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  10. Pattern Editing Mode - Add options copies 1x2 2x1 and 2x2 - Disable Thumbnail - Performance Enhancements

    For more complicated patterns, 3x3 is too many copies to at least visualize how something tiles. If it's a brick, 1x2 or 2x1 would even be helpful, but at least 2x2 so you can see all seams.

    Please create an option to disable the preview thumbnail in pattern editing mode. The thumbnail redraws for every edit, so more complicated patterns not only have to redraw on screen, but also create a miniature version. Hopefully those previews are images but if not, may be causing further issues when scaling down vectors.

    Would it be possible to make a draft quality preview…

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  11. Render performance problem with missing links

    If you have a document with missing links then Illustrator show proxy images instead of originals. But when I want to work similar files then display performance is bad. Pan, zoom very very slow.

    I am working with Macbook Pro M1 Pro, Adobe Illustrator Version 27, 28 or 29. View using CPU or GPU same results.

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  12. An ability to disable Text to Vector Graphic feature and any other generative options

    I'd like to be able to turn off the new feature for "text to vector graphic (beta)" if possible.

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  13. Please improve the functionality of the files when multiple artboards are designed and the design is complex in nature.

    Illustrator is hanging or freezing when complex path designs are being designed or multiple dartboards are designed in a single file.
    I am using a MacBook Pro M2 Chip which is known for its processing and still facing so much issues with heavy and complex files.

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  14. Animated Zoom for Mouse wheel

    Please add the Animated Zoom function for the mouse wheel, now this can only be done using the "Z" key and the mouse movement. It is very inconvenient to scroll using alt + mouse wheel when the percentage of increase jumps from 66% to 100% in one turn of the mouse wheel. The trackpad on the macbook zooms very well, but it is not convenient to use. Add a switch to the "General" settings next to the scroll wheel " Use Animated Zoom to scroll with the mouse.

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  15. AMD RADEON Chipset Support Request

    AMD RADEON Support Request

    Thank you to our development team for your hard work.
    We would very much appreciate AMD RADEON support for Adobe Illustrator
    We would appreciate it if you could support AMD RADEON in future updates of Adobe Illustrator,
    We would very much appreciate it if you could support AMD RADEON in future updates of Adobe Illustrator.

    Thank you very much for your cooperation.

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  16. AMD RADEONのグラフィックボードのサポートと、メモリの割り当て機能追加のリクエスト

    Afinity Designer2.1.1と、Adobe Illustrator 27.8.1のパフォーマンスの違いを、複数のアートボードがある、.ai ファイルを開いて検証した所、
    圧倒的な速さでファイルを開けるAfinity Designerに対して、1分以上遅く元祖Illustratorは開きました。


    Adobe Illustratorは、Adobe製品の中でも、「要」のアプリケーションです。そのソフトウェアを、最適化して更にパフォーマンスを高速化出来なければ、効率の良い業務がいつになっても出来ません。


    Mac OS Xも発売当初、ユーザーから、パフォーマンス!パフォーマンス!と猛烈にリクエストされて、現在に至るわけですから、御社も「要」のソフトウェアの更なるパフォーマンス向上をリクエスト申し上げます。


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  17. Performance... GPU Performance - Second Check Box - CPU Default

    Mac GPU still does not work correctly all the time. Until it does, there should be a Second Check box for GPU Performance.

    there are times that the GPU is better, but most of the time it's completely glitchy. Until that's fixed we should have a CHECK BOX for DEFAULT to CPU.

    Currently GPU Checked forces it to be on first. If uncheck you can not switch it without going into preferences.

    It's a little thing but until this can be fixed, this is a better workflow... it might be good to keep even after it's fixed too.

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  18. Mark starting points and directions for paths

    We know nothing about where a closed path starts and which direction it has.
    We can cheat it and apply an arrowhead or a brush to see that, but perhaps you just should mark the first points of paths with something else than a square? Like a triangle?
    Come on, look at Corel Draw, look at Affinity Designer!

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  19. Add hotkey (key command) option for panel flyout menus

    There are a number of (small) requests for specific items in flyout menus — I’d like to consolidate that, here, into a GENERAL request in the hopes that it will get a larger response. You may not care if Cmd-J (Ctr-J for PC folks) will duplicate a layer as in Photoshop, but maybe you want to be able to create a new swatch with the key press of your choice.

    Hotkey users of the world, unite!

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  20. Force GPU use. Disable auto GPU > CPU performance.

    Force GPU use. We need to disable auto GPU > CPU performance.

    It's impressive to have a RTX4090 slept waiting for Illustrator CPU performance...

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