Rotation of the Canvas
Like in Photoshop it would be great if an Artist could rotate the artboard/canvas in Illustrator. If you draw a line from left to right it's never the same stroke as from up to down.

Hi friends! I have some great news for your today. Rotate View (Canvas) feature is available in Illustrator 25.3 (Desktop) now. Thank you all for your feedback which helped us shape up this feature.
Manuel Garcia commented
Happy Birthday, Canvas Rotation!!!!
We are already planning is which high school to enrol you. Just in case ;)
Anonymous commented
Love the birthday comments, well done folks. It's become laughable how this feature keeps being ignored in updates.
Anonymous commented
Happy birthday Rotate Canvas Story! You're getting so big!
Margaret Trauth commented
Nov 21, 2017: Yogesh Sharma responded "Rotate canvas story has been added to backlog. We will be picking it up shortly."
Happy birthday, Rotate Canvas Story! You're three years old now!
Paul S commented
WHAT ??? I can't believe Abobe team has FINALY started to look into this must have feature ... If it ever becomes a reality, I will finally be able to be productive when I draw in illustrator ... Amazing!
Jeff WEST commented
I understand that the way PS and AI handle their data wrt the visual on screen may be different, therefore this request may not be a trivial one, technically. However, being able to "view" the artwork at an angle to facilitate using a digital pen tool (brushes, pencil and similar) in the way one would with a traditional brush or pencil on a piece of paper would be a great (and essential) feature.
Anonymous commented
Appreciate there are complexities beyond my understanding in the background, but given this is an Illustration application, and that it's possible to do in the other two major design apps, it really is a no brainer that rotate canvas is long overdue.
REALLY looking forward to the day you launch this, hopefully within the span of my career.
Zsolt Ercsei commented
I am sure I not the first who thought of it, but Adobe Animate has a rotate art-board option and it uses vector tools as well. Maybe AI could recycle some code from Animate to make it work. Even if raster effects are turned off while using it
Anonymous commented
oh how I need this now. So happy to hear you are working on it. I am new to drawing and started wtih procreate. It's so easy to turn your paper to draw a different direction while holding the ipad on your lap. If you turn the ipad the artboard goes along with it, so that is not a option. Procreate lets you turn the "paper" as you would if you were drawing on a paper.
Thank you for working on this. I love the app! I love how I can go from the Ipad to the desktop. Thank you.
The team has started working on it. We would love to talk to some of you to understand your workflows and ask a few questions. If you are interested, please use this link to pick a time slot. Look forward to your feedback. Thanks.
Rombout Versluijs commented
Really you guys have been tinkering on this. Many people here don't seem to understand the difference between rotation in Photoshop Vs illustrator. As you said I think rotating the canvas is a better and "easier" way. It would have much less issues figuring out what is on a canvas and what not.
The caveAt is perhaps the origin of rotation. I would presume it's either center of active artboard or manual set origin.
Downside to this is probably document with ram hungry setup like extended use of filters. They tend to redraw on each interaction when moved. So perhaps some setting that will go in some kind of low-res preview mode to make this workflow smoother.
Looking forward to this implementation.
Please test it thoroughly before launching. Quite some tools have been broken and taken years to be fixed.
Margaret Trauth commented
Oh hey it's coming up on another year since this "story" was "added to backlog"! I'd better get ready for its birthday party soon.
Anonymous commented
Absolutely. Nothing less than a full free rotation of the art board at any angle should be accepted.... Hence the name ILLUSTRATOR. Draw on paper and only rotate 90 degrees. Let us know how helpful that is.
Megaflow commented
To take advantage of the freehand drawing tools available, full free rotation of the artboard is absolutely necessary. Artists have been fleeing to other apps for a while now for just this reason.
Michael commented
Since artboards are basically the equivalent of pages in InDesign, I would support having it work similar to how InDesign's rotate pages feature works. It is page specific, so I would support Illustrator being artboard-specific. However, based on what I've seen in how scripts and plugins work relative to multi-artboard files, it seems like the underlying technology in AI does not treat artboards as independent pages, but more like isolated areas on a single page. So I guess it's something of a hack?
Anyway, for me personally, arbitrary angles are unimportant. I would be happy for 90 degree rotations.
Anonymous commented
Haha good one! Who's pretending to be Adobe?? I'll believe this when I see it.
Simon Bowland commented
@Avinash Stepwise rotation will NOT work for me, it needs to be a free rotation.
Pen and type tools are a must, as are the likes of on-canvas Free Distort, Skew, etc.
I have serious doubts about Illustrator's ability to rotate and render the entire canvas instead of individual artboards. Right now, Illustrator struggles to render and display multiple artboards, so to imagine it also rotating those... I think it should be artboard specific, NOT canvas specific. -
Anonymous commented
Rotation is a must have that’s why procreate is so fantastic it’s the ability to rotate the whole artboard
Davbog commented
I would prioritize the type tool as it's most common for packaging
Randy Devost commented
Looking forward to seeing how this works out. I would need this for packaging design working mostly with text and vectors. Brushes and fancy raster effects are not done in Illustrator at our shop.