Option to export to clipping mask boundaries
When exporting assets to raster formats, it would be a huge time saver if we had an option to use the boundaries of clipping masks as the edge of the exported artwork. I created three triangles and used a circle as a clipping mask in the attached image. You can see that the exported file has a lot of padding around the artwork because the outer edges of the triangles are used as the boundaries of the file.
If there was an additional option to use the clipping mask boundary as the edge of the exported raster file, it would mean that I wouldn’t have to open every exported file in Photoshop to then crop to the edges of the artwork and re-save the file.
Artboard 1.png 317 KB -
Artboard 2.png 7 KB -
Artboard 1.png 7 KB -
Outline View.PNG 31 KB -
Exports Fine.PNG 35 KB -
Issue Exporting.PNG 28 KB -
Ekran Kaydı 2019-01-04 12.27.16s2.mov 27590 KB -
Screen Shot 08-29-18 at 02.10 PM 001.PNG 214 KB -
CE-serving_.jpg 56 KB -
Untitled-1-01.jpg 63 KB -
Untitled-1-01.png 33 KB -
Illustator_ClippingMask_Bug.ai 188 KB -
Screen_Shot_2017-09-28_at_10.01.53_AM.png 314 KB -
Export.jpg 27 KB
Hi Everyone,
The fix has been rolled out and is available in our latest release build – 24.1.1 for Win and 24.1 for Mac which is available worldwide now.
What’s new in 24.1: https://helpx.adobe.com/illustrator/using/whats-new.html
You can update to the latest release using Creative Cloud desktop App: https://helpx.adobe.com/in/creative-cloud/help/creative-cloud-updates.html
Thank you for all the feedback.
Anonymous commented
This feature request has been open 15 months, and no response from Adobe.
Anonymous commented
I can't believe there are other issues that get a response and Adobe just ignore this one.
What's wrong Adobe? Do you not know how to fix it? Hahaha, somebody there must be seeing this.
Anonymous commented
You are all right. Adobe is wrong.
If you think about how long AI has been on the market. . . It is really easy to understand that this product has exceeded it’s life span. It has become such a beast that simple changes are prone to many errors.
Time for a complete re-write!
Anonymous commented
This is huge! As a web designer and developer, this is such a time suck and needs to be fixed ASAP! After laying something out to then have to take that into another program to crop is ridiculous!
Anonymous commented
Same here. The only way to retain the mask is to export each aboard individually using the SAVE FOR WEB (LEGACY).
Anonymous commented
Same here. The only way to retain the mask is to export each aboard individually using the SAVE FOR WEB (LEGACY). This is not only annoying it is obviously not the work flow Adobe want you to adopt.
Anonymous commented
If anyone is out there with good reach on social media, please share this issue and tag Adobe, they really need to wake up and fix this, it's a huge embarrassment.
Anonymous commented
Wow Adobe really are a complacent dinosaur of a company! People using their feature request section for a bug report, but they just ignore it anyway and don't care how bad they look. How about stop adding new features and fix the basics?
Anonymous commented
This should really get fixed! A big hinderance to the workflow. :(
Muhammad Abubakar Ayyaz commented
Please use option "Use artboards" in exporting window, check it on and get rid of all clipping out are and other extra
Kalle Long Juhani Järvenpää commented
Same for me. Pdf export works fine, though.
CR commented
Useless until it's fixed.
Johan commented
If you save as a .png the extra space is saved as transparent. This makes trimming easier in PS if using a white bg.
Anonymous commented
Yes, this needs to be addressed asap. Huge time-waste for me
loison commented
Change this please!!!!!
Ness commented
Change this please! thanks! a lot!
Enol commented
Just checked the last update (CC 2019) and still not working.
Chris Johnston commented
This is really needed. Come on Adobe!
ozcanosx commented
There are many unimportant fixing on this forum which adobe already handled but no one still doesn't touch
to this issue... WHY!!!!! This is a very important problem with the workflow. Why Adobe doesn't want to pay attention, I don't understand. -
Anonymous commented