"Hyphenate" not be the default paragraph option
By default, paragraph text is set to hyphenate words that don't fit into the text box. I suggest that the default is to have text not be hyphenated so you can click the box if you want it to be.
No one I know has ever wanted hyphenated words in text, but you have to uncheck the "Hyphenate" box from the Paragraph Palette, it's annoying to have to do that every time I make a new paragraph or paragraph style. (same problem in indesign)

Starting from the February 2024 release, version 28.3, this option is no longer enabled by default for new documents. If you had hyphenation enabled in an existing document, Ai will respect this.
Jack Brannen commented
Would anyone be interested in getting a big group of us to respectfully but firmly hop on Twitter and raise our concerns to Adobe? We are paying customers and are not being treated well.
Paul Roper commented
Just to do a simple comparison of the various departments in Adobe:
4 months ago (21 Dec 2021), I put in a feature request to the Media Encoder team:
"When changing the encoding settings for multiple outputs, AME always asks for me to confirm that I want to do this. The pop up really needs a "never ask me again" option, so I'm never asked again. I nearly always adjust he output settings of multiple items, and do not want to be asked for confirmation."
On 20 April 2022, they implemented exactly that (in the Beta release):"Hi Paul,
We have made the change you suggested. You can try it out in the beta version of v23.4 (there's no problem with having both the beta and shipping versions of our products installed at the same time) or you can wait until next month when it will be included in the next release.
Thanks very much for the suggestion!"Wonderful! Four months - not record-breakingly quick, but it wasn't a particularly important request. So why is it taking the Illustrator team YEARS AND YEARS AND YEARS AND YEARS to even look at doing this ridiculously minor tweak?? Is it because they're all busy adding stupid, pointless features that NOBODY will ever use instead while leaving the core of the app to wither and die? Please, Illustrator Team, enlighten us why you have such a deep hatred of your customers?! I know that working on Illustrator must be very much "drawing the short straw" at Adobe, but surely SOMEONE there gives a toss about this awful app, and could please make it marginally less hideous to use?!
K-O commented
While Adobe eyes are here: We need some improvements to Illustrator and would like to request better communication from the Illustrator team. We all take time to thoughtfully detail the issues and write in on the forms only to receive mostly silence and inaction.
There has been very little progress in Illustrator for the past 5-6 years. Obviously the big one user are requesting is multithreaded performance, but small QOL improvements such as these would make positive improvements to most designer's workflows:
-hyphenate off
-global HSB
- magic wand tolerance =0 default
-hex# everywhere
-And the big one for Mac users....ability to filter macOS system fonts: Noto is killing us.Some of these seem relatively easy to do, but some more complicated as they effect various modules.
But hyphenation......its got to be a simple 0/1 digit of code. The above would be pretty big for many users and we have been asking for years with little to no feedback until now.
K-O, did I? There are many mods here. Perhaps I did, but I see no traces of it and can’t remember I asked something like this. Whatever. I read all the comments here, and this is not why I replied, but because I had the news.
And it only now struck me my last name is similar to another name. Nope, it does not have R in it, but that made me smile :)
K-O commented
Egor Christyakov.... guess you noted my comment below as you are the mod/admin I was referring to.
This is pretty new, Paul, and this is something the UserVoice added. It will definitely help to define the need. But I think this one is pretty well defined already, right? So hit it anyway!
As far as I know (but that's everything I know on this) — it's finally being discussed internally. Yes, after the years. Yes, the backlog is that long :(
Good news is the team wants to compete more of these small but extremely annoying things. We have to many of these here. -
Paul Roper commented
I'm not sure if those "How important is this to you" options are relatively new, but have we all clicked on the "Critical" button under this suggestion?
K-O commented
Still no response from Adobe concerning this.
The only response I have received on any comment over the past few years was a moderator noting that I also made comments under an old account......Why did he feel it was important to publicly state that my old Adobe account was also me? Of course it was me. I wasnt hiding anything, the timelines didnt overlap (not double posting) nor did I make any unreasonable or rude statements. Its was strange use of effort. -
rick wallace commented
I vote we start a gofund campaign to get this done. Then use the proceeds to first send the Adobe team donuts every day for two weeks (only orange cream donuts with the words "no -" in icing on top. Follow this with a gorilla singing telegram asking for hyphenation to be turned off sent to the office. Then hire someone to go the adobe HQ and paint "No -" on every parking spot in the parking garage. And lastly, rent a billboard nearest to Adobe HQ with "Dear Mr Shan-tanu Nara-yen, plea-se list-en to users" (the copy needs to be hyphenated wrong on the board)
Paul Roper commented
Should we start another "How can we improve Illustrator (desktop)?" suggestion:
"Sack the Adobe Illustrator team and get the After Effects team to maintain/update/improve Illustrator during their lunch break because they'd get 100x more stuff done."
I'd vote for it.Or we just sit here patiently, waiting for hyphenation to be turned off, like we have done for the past 35 years...
K-O commented
The project request has been "added to backlog" since 2018. What's happening. Its voted 6th most requested by users. Two places lower than "make illustrator multi-threaded".
Nobody wants default hyphenation. Please provide an update to your users.
Robert Farrar commented
I believe this should just be a default option in the Type Preferences
If Adobe doesn't want to let it go, they can have it checked by Default, but you can turn it off in the Preferences.
Or.. better yet.. under the Hyphenation Preference, just a check box "On/Off". -
Rob commented
Thought I'd add my voice to this to just let it echo along in Adobe's head with the rest of you. I know that clicking that default variable may be more than Adobe can handle when they release updates and a bit much for those of us who paid every year back in the good ol' days and now pay monthly for our subscriptions. Please, please, please kill the hyphen-
ate feat-
ure in Ill-
or bef-
ore w-
e al-
l go
d -
K-O commented
Adobe Team, How is the exploration going? This is the 11th most requested fix and is going on year 5 of being ignored. Can you provide feedback please? No users want hyphenation on by default. Seems so easy to fix..... why hasn't anyone responded since 2018? Is there an Admin on these forums?
eric cobain commented
Reading all of these comments just validates what I've known all along. ADOBE DOESN'T CARE. They have made the lives of millions of professionals more difficult than necessary for over 20 years.
I have lists on top of lists of bugs that I have reported, dealt with tech support with no resolve, made workarounds or just flat out accepted the flaws. Very rarely do you ever do something that relieves the negativity I feel towards your products. It just festers and grows.
eric cobain commented
When are you going to do this for Illustrator? It's so stupid. I guarantee more users don't use hyphenate than do. To not be able to change the default or disable permanently is an annoying workflow killer and potential mistake maker. I have hated this for over 15 years now. Let's move to the future, Adobe. Stop "innovating" and start improving.
K-O commented
@Adobe Team. Can we get an update?
Tim Baird commented
This has been an annoyance in my workflows for well over a decade.
Bradley Smith commented
i would like to see the full backlog
i keep saying stop feature additions and get the program stable fix bugs -
K-O commented
Adobe, This was apparently added to the backlog 3 years ago. It is so easy to do and would be a huge QOL improvement for every user. Can we get some sort of status update or response on this issue please?