Introduce Undo History panel
Please introduce Undo panel to Adobe Illustrator, listing all the steps that have been performed on a document during the current session, so one can quickly switch between any previous state and current state after testing a number of changes by clicking any item in the displayed Undo stack.
See this Adobe Forums thread for details:

Anonymous commented
I have been wanting this for so many years but have only now taken the step to post it here. I am sure there are 1000+ users wanting it for every person who takes the time to register a vote.
[Deleted User] commented
David Malpica commented
Anna commented
I am a student using Illustrator for the first time in several years. While completing my assignment last week I was poking around, trying different tools and combinations of tools. I inadvertently performed a series of commands that led to a really great, and to me previously unknown result that wasn't described in my textbook.
Using ctrl+Z in this situation wouldn't be helpful since I want to find out what I did, not undo it.
I looked up a history panel for Illustrator in the hopes that I could accomplish this, but instead found a rather angry thread regarding Illustrator's lack of history panel.
As a side note, I have been reading through the forums on several topics and have been really put off by the responses of Adobe staff members. They have been curt, sometimes overtly rude or passive aggressive, and have made me far less willing to participate in forum threads because I don't want to receive an unpleasant response when I ask for help.
I did my due-diligence - this appears to have been company culture since at least 2008. The general feeling I got from the threads is that Adobe is defensive first, feels its customers are irritating, that the company knows best, and that if you have a problem, it's your fault not theirs.
I realize writing this will probably earn me a negative response, but I've had such unpleasant mental connections of Adobe forming for the past few weeks that I felt I should say something.
Thank you for taking the time to read my vote.
Anonymous commented
Please give us a history window like we have in PS.
Santiago Domínguez commented
Illustrator should have a History panel like in Photoshop because is very practice and saves a lot of time, so as not to be giving us back step by step.
Martin commented
I agree. Some folks are arguing that the massive number of operations when you are working, f.i. pen clicks, would render a list of those completely unusable and impossible to overview properly. This could be solved by organizing events in folders in the history list, with each folder named after the layer, or path, you are manipulating. Every time you start working on another path, a new folder is generated, so that you would quickly be able to find your culprit and go back in time, and of course know what else would change in your document when you go back. Of course, if this could be set up as a separate history per path it would be even better, enabling you to go back to an earlier version of one of the components in your document, without affecting the subsequent work you have done.
Anonymous commented
It would be great to have the same implementation than Photoshop for history for the JavaScript API part (ie "pause history"!!)
Thorfinn Tait commented
This is my number one feature request for Illustrator. Its lack is made glaringly obvious when working in tandem with Photoshop.
Christopher Clinton commented
I use CTL-Z and SHIFT-CTL-Z to undo/redo which Photoshop doesn't have. It would make sense to have an undo panel. Why don't they?
Jason King commented
Photoshop has it, why doesn't Illustrator? On several occasions I find myself looking for the panel because I constantly forget it doesn't exist, my brain just won't accept the fact that it hasn't been added yet.
The history panel is valuable to me because I like having a visual representation of my work history, useful for quick mass undo's. In photoshop I commonly made several changes to a project and realised I messed up about 20 actions ago, so I would copy my current changes, go back and delete my mistake, and paste the changes I copied (I'm basically a time traveller). I also enjoy not having to spam Ctrl+Z until I reach my desired frame.
Just add it, it's not going to hurt anyone. It's been too many years without it, if someone doesn't want it, they can just hide it.
Hollow commented
This just sounds like common knowledge. Why the **** doesn't it have a history panel?
Anonymous commented
Yes! Please add a history! The lack of a history is why I continue to use Photoshop up until the very last minute I have to switch over to Illustrator.
W commented
And if you think we should simply click Ctrl+z until we get there, I challenge you to click Ctrl+z seventy times and honestly tell me that it's easier than the history panel in Adobe Animate.
W commented
I would like to be able to look at all the actions I've performed with a tool and undo those actions in one step, instead of clicking Ctrl-z seventy times or one hundred-twenty-three times. Also, as an artist, I would like to be able to jump to the middle or three quarters of the way through a set of "pen tool, pen tool, pen tool" uses to find the point in time I'm looking for. It is unreasonable to suggest that I have to use a keyboard shortcut x number of times to get there (especially when the point I'm looking for is greater than, say, ten, twenty or fifty steps). There have been many people who have argued against a history panel in Illustrator because it wouldn't work the same way as a history panel in Photoshop. Most of us who want this feature are very savvy users who know that Photoshop (raster) and Illustrator (vector) are very different ways of doing digital art and that a history of actions in illustrator would not work the same way. It would be nice to know if I need to undo 74 times or 75 times to get to the point when I changed tools, for example. We know that each undo step would have the same text for as long as we've been using that tool (pen tool, pen tool, pen tool, pen tool, pen tool, pen tool, pen tool...) and really that is half the point. A visual representation would be easier to work with than the ctrl+z 'workflow'. Also, saving a copy every single time we change tools is not really the best way to work- it's costly in terms of disk space and in terms of time and it's also not the point at all. Saving a copy or a 'version' of our art every ten minutes is a work around, not a best practice. We don't understand why Illustrator doesn't already have this functionality. Although we recognize that making changes to software involves effort and time and money, we also feel that since ctrl+z can undo our changes successfully in order, that this is an easy feature to implement. A quick win to bring Illustrator into conformance with other competitive art programs like Adobe Animate, Photoshop, et al. Please do not mention or even think about the non-linear undo's you can do in Photoshop. We are not asking for that (most of us are not). Just make visual what's already available through the use of Ctrl+Z.
Doug commented
Also helpful in a real history panel: make an option for users to "group" a series of repeated (same function) steps in a row into 1 undo step.
Much like PC taskbar option to "combine" . . . . to reduce a long history list.
Or better still; make the group fold/unfold with a triangle icon often used to roll-up/down a list. -
JRY commented
I would love a panel showing the history. Sometimes I accidentally do something a couple things or change my mind about something and want to undo several times. If you click undo on the edit menu it does tell you the action that will be undone but really that is painful so we use CTRL+Z but this is blind and have to watch closely so to when to press SHIFT+CTRL+Z which is sometimes very difficult for me at least.
I have only been using Illustrator for a couple hours and this is driving me crazy. The last abode program I've used other than Acrobat Reader was Photoshop 7 which had this undo history panel.
If a panel is too much then a drop down box in another existing panel would help but something is needed, this blind CTRL+Z is maddening.
Red Aponte commented
yes please do. i have actual memory problems and it's so hard to remember what i've done.
Anonymous commented
Some kind of Undo or History for View and Window menu changes. This happens at least once or twice a day for me -- I'll be working quickly and inadvertently mash a shortcut combo on the keyboard that triggers the View or WIndow menu along the top to drop down, and when this happens I'm usually already clicking on my workspace where the menu drops and I'll accidentally click and enable or disable a menu option. This usually leads me to having to waste time figuring out what I just changed in Illustrator; sometimes it's an obvious fix but for options I don't use regularly it's a pain to figure out if it was something I had enabled or not. I think even just highlighting in a color the last one to three changed menu items would be helpful in quickly identifying what was changed would be extremely helpful with this issue.