Improve Graph / Chart tool
Current graph tool in Illustrator has many limitations that need fixing. Following are some of the problems in Graph tool:
- No value labels
- Data window that requires you to remove characters such as commas
- Resetting of chart upon making changes
- Resizing issues (e.g. with bounding box)
- Missing basic chart types like *****
- No support for templates
- Also the tool doesn't support making new chart types, such as attaching data to any attribute of the artwork.

Please share your thoughts on the following:
1. Would it make sense to have a separate desktop app, just to create charts, and bring them inside Illustrator or InDesign? It may not be on cloud.
2. Or would you rather have us work on building it within Illustrator?
Sam commented
My biggest bugbear is you can’t delete data from the cell window, you can only cut it! Even a simple fix to that would be great.
Saul commented
This should be a priority. It's incredible how neglected the chart tool has been for soooo many years.
Lauren commented
I don't care if it's in illustrator or not, but I guess it might be nice to remain inside of it??
My company wastes hundreds of hours building charts/graphs manually in illustrator.
There are no tools on the web I can find either that give us the flexibility we really really sucks.Please make this an issue to look into updating.
I can't even figure out how to make a basic graph with this tool, amazingly archaic. -
Richard de Garis commented
Is anyone at Adobe even bothering to look at this thread?
Anonymous commented
Of all the improvements and suggestions that have been made for Illustrator the one that I REALLY want is to improve the graph tool. I keep looking for this to make it to the top of the list but still it looks like it never get prioritised. The demonstration of project Lincoln a couple of years back really got me excited but still no progress. Graphs are at least 50% of what I do in Illustrator – so this should be a huge priority. PLEEAAASE!!!
Jonathan commented
Please update this tool already, this topic is almost 2 years old, and the tool itself must over 2 decades!!
Make this a priority for God's sake! -
Theresa commented
Check out what I just found buried in this article:
"Although it was a bit unorthodox for Creative WOW, there were a couple of sneak peeks from Adobe.
... another Adobe employee gave a sneak peek of Project Lincoln, an app which makes it easy to create infographic charts."So it sounds like "Project Lincoln" is still being developed. So thats pretty cool.
Anonymous commented
we need a graphing tool in indesign! should not have to color graphs manually, or insert values onto the graphs manually, or create our own keys. once we input the data it should create everything for you. should be built into indesign, not a separate app.
Ian Aberle commented
There is such a need for infographics and data visualizations right now, I cannot see why this is not more of a priority to the Adobe Illustrator team. I can think of no feature that can use an update in Illustrator more than the chart tool.
CDJ commented
Back again to voice my vote on the need for Illustrator to provide charting tools.
The best case scenario, from my perspective, is to do both, continue developing Data Illustrator and also update the basic tools in Illustrator.
In Illustrator proper, we NEED to create basic charts using industry standard ways to deal with data, e.g., working with data as it is typically found— in csv, spreadsheets, xml, JSON, etc. From that, we need to create the standard charts and graphs in Illustrator.
A typical workflow is to start in Excel or R studio, generate a chart and bring it into Illustrator. It would be great to be able to stay in Illustrator to do the basics.
Then, Data Illustrator becomes the opportunity to truly innovate visualizing data. While exciting, we need to have the basics first.
Happy to chat about this any time.
Thanks! -
Karine Salomon commented
This is frustrating, frustrating, frustrating.
Aaron commented
Interesting Update: In Nicolas's other thread, user Richard de Garis had this to say:
Richard de Garis commented · May 9, 2019 4:33 AM
It appears that Adobe are researching a radical overhaul of charting through
But there is a woeful lack of update communications. In this time of open communication, public beta testing, public road maps, etc. it seems like Adobe are playing it cool with super-secrecy.
I think the Illustrator faithful deserve some news on this topic from Adobe.
BTW, Microsoft are researching charting with I really hope we get something to work with in the next Illustrator update. -
Aaron commented
Oh my god thank you so much for sharing this Richard, something like this would have been great to hear from Adobe.
[Deleted User] commented
This particular forum has been going for years with no comeback at all.
The graphing tool is WAY out of date. Adobe is showing no signs whatsoever of doing anything about it.
There seems little point in commenting any further unless we get some positive input or response form Adobe. -
Richard de Garis commented
It appears that Adobe are researching a radical overhaul of charting through
But there is a woeful lack of update communications. In this time of open communication, public beta testing, public road maps, etc. it seems like Adobe are playing it cool with super-secrecy.
I think the Illustrator faithful deserve some news on this topic from Adobe.
BTW, Microsoft are researching charting with I really hope we get something to work with in the next Illustrator update. -
Aaron commented
This stupid tool is an embarrassment. It hasn't been updated in 20 years. That's ridiculous.
Martin Cross commented
Having just produced a 200pp report with nearly 100 charts in three days, I couldn't agree more.
The charting in illustrator is just about useable for the most basic of charts, which isn't much of a boast.
There is a need for a product to make these jobs easier; one that understands excel, and CMYK.
Anonymous commented
in a world of infographics and data visualisation, this is so overdue and frustrating!
Anonymous commented
Couldn't agree more.
Nicolaas Klopper commented
A lot of people are still frustrated by this, and it seems that the request somehow fell through the cracks and Adobe is unaware of it (or they just couldn't be bothered). Either way, I have posted a link to this thread as a bug report now, to bring it under their attention again. I have wasted 30 minutes now trying to communicate with the chat line to get contact details of someone at product dev whom I can speak to, but to no avail.
I find the Adobe support experience to be way more embarrassing even than their rubbish graphing tool.
(Here is the link to the bug report I posted, if anyone wants to comment there or vote it up: