When exporting an image, using artboard, with a single artboard, don't change filename.
If save an image using "Export As" , and I select the "use artboards" (because I want the image to be of that size, and I only want to export one specific artboard of my file, It would be better if it didn't add to the file name (ie: the filename-01.png would be filename.png). This is because I find myself exporting each layer of the same artboard with a specific name (ex: characterarm.png, characterleg.png, etc) and I have to remove the "01"s manually.
I understand that this feature is really useful when exporting all the artboards at the same time, but sometimes I need to individually export layers of a specific artboard. That's why I'm saying, that this would apply if I am exporting a single artboard. (or have an option for this).
Thank you

The latest version of Illustrator now allows you to manually control the behavior with the 'Suffix' option in the Export As dialog. Please check if it it works for you and comment back if it does not.
oxford2947 commented
June 2021 and this is still in need of a fix.
Jesse commented
Come on Adobe - 10 years and counting. Sure, we'll give you a pass in 2020, there was a global pandemic afterall. Let's make 2021 count, eh?
Anonymous commented
This is very annoying. I don't mind that Adobe has the option to use the artboard name or add an 01 to the file name, but you SHOULD HAVE THE OPTION TO TURN THIS OFF!! I use my own file names and I don't want the custom name. Having to change all my file names manually is such a pain. It can't be that hard to add a button that says, "Don't use artboard name" or "use cutom file name". Please Adobe, fix this!
helen wyllie commented
When exporting an art board I often don't have lots of them, so really don't need "01" added to my file name. I'd love a wee tick box that gave me the option of not appending the art board name
Doug Drexler commented
I'm astonished that after 10 years of begging, Adobe has not resolved this frustrating problem.
KitM commented
I vote for this idea too, PLEASE Adobe! Let us name exported files what we want.
Goes hand in hand with this thread: https://community.adobe.com/t5/illustrator/exporting-as-jpeg-with-use-artboards-adds-to-file-name/m-p/10874232#M162911
MRivers commented
I've been making labels off and on for over a year for the company I work for. Illustrator wasn't adding the "-01" before! All of the label files only have a single artboard. After getting a new version of AI, now the filenames are being tagged with the "-01" artboard number. Please tell us how to turn this off. Like I said, it wasn't happening before, so I feel like there must be a way to stop it.
Radha Fitch commented
This has been so super annoying. Please make it stop.
Rohan commented
In addition to what others have already posted on the same issue, an option to stop auto numbering for artboard export would be great.
Similar to Photoshop or InDesign (and the like), the simple ability to overwrite existing file names will be time saving. The output file type is of course not relevant in this request.
Still retain the Use Artboards tick box and All & Range buttons, but an option to overwrite existing filename.
Anonymous commented
Would absolutely love this, even just an option to turn the feature off would be great.