Magic Wand Tolerance should remember previous settings
Why does the Magic Wand tolerance settings reset whenever I open a new document? It makes much more sense to have the option to either set a default tolerance for the Magic Wand so it will always stay the same, or have illustrator remember the last settings used every time it is changed.

Donatas Pabrėža commented
Please let user choose the default setting by keeping the last used setting when rebooting Ai.
Or by letting users change the default setting in the Preferences panel.
1. Magic Wand
2. Align To
3. Pathfinder Precision
... -
Clarisse Flamingo commented
When I googled "how to change default magic wand settings," this is not where I expected to end up. It's hard to believe this isn't already an option.
Donatas Pabrėža commented
Yes, please make some option to change the default values of magic wand tool!
I always use 0 Tolerance and setting this up every day is very frustrating!
Or at least make default Tolerances 0 -
keith-o commented
Any update on why the word Magic Wand ( M a g i c W a n d ) is censored in my and other users similar posts?
I am not sure what the original word was, but seems like UserVoice is filtering these words. I am following up with UV to review the filtering rules. Can you please drop a note to me, what you originally wanted to write.
John commented
Hi Keith, I realized after I posted it that Adobe must be censoring it for some reason! Very weird.
keith-o commented
Hey Adobe team, why did you censor the word "**********" in my feature request?
keith-o commented
Adobe changed it to " ******** ". I originally wrote the "**********". I have no idea why it was changed.
John commented
BTW, not including the name of the tool (**********) in the title, makes it a lot harder for people to find and vote on this specific feature request.
John commented
Absolutely agree. have to change the tolerance every single time I use the ********** tool. It's incredibly frustrating.
If, for some reason the argument can me made to retain the 20% tolerance, then please give users to opportunity to set their own tolerance in their workspace set up. -
Lex commented
And maybe set the default tolerance setting to 0 while you're at it!
Lex commented
I couldn't agree more. Why this is still an issue is beyond me.
keith-o commented
Magic wand tolerance should be zero by default. For fill colors, I never use it on anything but 0. For strokes I use tolerance of 0 about 90% of the time. Pro users are generally using spots, global process colors or simply eyedrop+fill when working so there is rarely a need for selecting a "range of colors/shades" especially as wide as 32. In AI, this tool is used differently than Photoshop.
Or perhaps default tool tolerances could be part of a user preference?setting/workspace. (Along with setting default color swatches to HSB sliders) -
Alexandre Imbert commented
please leave the setting to the last setting chosen ( like photohsop)
when i put 1 i as tolreance want to refind 1 , not 32 each time ! -
Sime commented
Magic Wand preferences - should remember last state they where set to after each restart - leave all boxes ticked and set to the numbers which I have a preference for - instead I need to check the 4 boxes on every time I start the app , and also put in the values for each field.... even Deke McClelland thinks this is a lacking feature - fix it.
Bo St.Clair commented
Please allow the ability to save (or remember) Magic Wand Tolerance Prefs. When I change it from 20 to 1, I want it stay that way the next time I open it, and not have to change it every time. Thanks!
Brillant. Uservoice thinks that ********* is a restricted word.
Cynthia commented
I never use the default Fill and Stroke tolerances of 32. These reset every time Illustrator is restarted. It would be nice for the behaviour to remember a default value that can be changed if no documents are open.