Feature Tours and Tips pop up windows keep showing up even after selecting "Skip Tours"
Turn them off. So annoying and get in the way or work.

CrazySvede commented
That Illustrator, and Adobe CC as a whole, assumes ALL its users are imbeciles and that none of us are seasoned veterans who go back to a time WAY before some of these programs were even Adobe products is WAY beyond annoying. As if it is our fault they update their programs fifty times per week and assume every update is a new/fresh install for a customer who has never used their software.
Jónas Unnarsson commented
This is really annoying. This bug has not been fixed.
Anonymous commented
seconded and thirded. Very annoying. I know where to find it when I need it.
Russ White commented
There isn't a more annoying feature for a professional user. Please let me turn them off. They are the most disruptive thing to a workflow.
Anonymous commented
My way to improve Adobe Illustrator would be to stop the constant crashing of Illustrator files when importing images. And it would be SUPER handy when Illustrator updates for the preference to be set to Autosave so that during one of these crashes I don't lose an hour of my work. I have two iMacs that I use, both less than a year old, and have the crashing when placing photos problem on both. I always use the Autosave feature and this seems to get turned off with every update.
Anonymous commented
The tour popups are a pain and not at all welcome when I am trying to get artwork out the door.... bit like being interrupted to fill in a survey for Adobe eh? Inconvenient and RUDE!
Anonymous commented
How has this been completed? It still pops up every time and gets WORSE on every new update
Anonymous commented
Liar Liar pants on fire. In 25.2 it's back and worse than ever.
Kate commented
This is driving me batty! It needs to be fixed. Adobe doesn't seem to realize that people use this software for WORK. We don't want these needless distractions. If I wanted to "catch up with what is new in Illustrator" I would seek that out.
Emily de Klerk commented
Agreed this is incredibly annoying. Any updates?
Anonymous commented
I have been using your programs for over 15 years. I don't need a tour. I don't need any prompts. You need to offer a way to turn this stuff off. New users might be interested but not people who know how to use the program. If we want to learn about new stuff we would just Google it. It is annoying that I have to deal with this every time I open the program. You need to consider user friendly and not create things that cause total frustration like this. I pay way too much monthly to be constantly annoyed. Get it together Adobe
Anonymous commented
For the love of *****, take this thing off, or at least give the option to turn it off, every ******* time I open illustrator this **** pops out.
Paul Roper commented
EVERY time I load Illustrator, the stupid, pointless, broken "Catch up with what's new in illustrator" popup appears. I have the options of:
'Remind Later' which means this thing will appear the next time I load the app
'OK' which opens the 'Learn' panel, which contains...nothing.
So both options are equally ****. Which is exactly what we'd expect from this dreadful application that people only use because it's the "industry standard" since Adobe illegally killed off FreeHand many years ago. When will Affinity Designer become the industry standard? Very soon, I hope. -
Cheyanne Treadway-Thomas commented
I AGREE. Please, adobe, please please please remove the tour. It keeps coming back even when I select "do not show again."
Stop treating your users like we are stupid. We are not stupid. If, for whatever reason, I didn't know how to use a tool, I am smart enough to teach myself. I don't need a tour. Just because I updated an app doesn't magically mean I forgot how to use it.
brian stokes commented
Exactly, Doug Millhoff.
Illustrator is devolving instead of improving. I've just spent an hour making adjustments to a file that literally should have (and previously WOULD have) taken 10-15 minutes. Thanks, Adobe.
Doug Milllhoff commented
A relatively minor annoyance compared to the bugs and interface issues that impair productivity.
Martin Jagl commented
that was annoying for me too, for the few months I'll endure it. I will switch to Affinity in the fall - my grief will be limited ... (then I "own" software again - and pay no "rental fee")
Alex Selamat commented
Avinash, thank you!
Anonymous commented
Can we have a quick fix now? Just place an option to just turn off the feature for experienced users in the preferences. You can then proceed down this path of having a constant and persistent feature tour for your new users?
brian stokes commented
Great. Glad to hear that your listening and addressing the issues. Now, how do we get the much bigger problems and ongoing issues addressed? Like the major issues with the precision and selection that have plagued illustrator since (around) the introduction of CC?
I'd still love to speak to someone directly!
Brian Stokes brian@trickponystudio.com