Drag-and-Drop Swatches to Artboard
This functionality wouldn't change the swatches palette it, but would allow users to drag a swatch to the artboard and drop it. You could tile several to create a tonal family or brand color set.
Being able to scale them larger, arrange them, reformat the grid, turn the white gap off in between colors would improve color adjustment and comparing hues side by side. They'd function like the existing swatches panel in that you could have a shape or stroke selected and apply the color by clicking the swatch on the artboard.
This would help in color exploration and creating effective color themes. Save common color usage in your workspace set up, export out as a group, share via Libraries, copy and paste artboard swatches to another file etc.

We are excited to announce that this feature is now available in BETA (starting V 29.1.28).
The new 'Generate color info' helps you share color information with others.
To use this, just select the colors from the swatch panel and click on 'generate color info' in the menu options.
You can customise the size, layout, color codes etc.
PS : Currently we only support CMYK values but other color codes such as RGB, HSB, spot vs process colors are in pipeline and we will ship them shortly.
Please try out this feature and let us know what you think!
Melissa Kipp commented
Yes please.
tom tate commented
for the love of all that is holy, YES!
Scott Madore commented
Yes, please. This would be good.
Bob Moniz commented
I think this would be extremely valuable. Would make color scheme comparison that much easier!!
Joel Ohmer commented
i voted
Anonymous commented
A nice touch. So its a scalable "Break Out Box" that stays dynamic and functional right?
Javier Serrano commented
Add this feature!
Anonymous commented
Yes, very much so... Please!
Asad Ponir commented
Yes, Please!
Nancy commented
Yes, please!
Lisa Sher commented
Heck yaaaaaa!
Mark DiSciullo commented
Do it Adobe...do it!!!
Paul Lukes commented
Great idea. Cosigned!
Anonymous commented
Hell yes! Great idea.
Bob commented
yes please
Christopher commented
Von - thank you for pushing this forward, it's LONG overdue!
Bernadette commented
Yes! Excellent idea!
Also, being able to create / add new swatches without first requiring that a tool be active. -
Anonymous commented
******** !
Anonymous commented
Excelente programa
Anonymous commented