Illustrator for Android
I was not being offhand Adobe when I replied "That will have to do."
re: the Illustrator version for Android that we were discussing, I am hoping that the Android version of Illustrator will be as fully versatile as the PC version with just as much ability.

Ruben Farkas commented
It must be avaible on Android too
Eric Lam commented
I changed my PC to Samsung Galaxy Book 4 Edge and now I can't use illustrator anymore as it's not support. This make me in big trouble. Please let me know the date that a new support version would be provided...
T B commented
I just wanted to buy photoshop and realise that it doesn’t work with my Android tablet. It’s very disappointing. I will not buy apple in plus just for using photoshop… So many people write the same here. It’s sad
Sherin Weidner commented
I for myself brought also an Android Tablet (Lenovo Tab p12) to use in school and Work. But i discovered after buying it, that i can't use or Download the Program (Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign).
Kann es auch nicht umtauschen, da ich das Geld nicht habe mir ein einderes Gerät zukaufen (das Tablet was ich mir gerade gekauft habe war im Angebot)
Bradley Smith commented
just bring back adobe draw . that was close enough and allowed me to sketch starting images to bring to Ai.
Kai S commented
everything I have is samsung, including my tablet. I wanna be able to use adobe illustrator on my tablet. It's 2024 we should have it by now.
Cole commented
Like many people here, I purchased a Samsung Tab S9 ultra because of the specs and performance.
I am absolutely appalled that over half of the Adobe apps are incompatible with Samsung.
I'm unable to access Illustrator, Photoshop and Premiere Pro. Literally the Main three products I require to run my business.
Please rectify this and allow us to access these products on Samsung and android devices!
It's entirely outdated for a company like Adobe to only be compatible with Apple. -
André Godoy commented
i think its self explanatory.
André Godoy commented
It isnt new, but we need Illustrator and Photoshop for Android Tablets, its absurd we dont have this yet
Anas Salah commented
It is very unfortunate that this application is not available on the Samsung Galaxy Tab S9. We hope to make it available as soon as possible
Anuki De Silva commented
I don't want to be forced to buy an iPad just for the sake of having Adobe products on a portable screen. I would cancel my Adobe CC plan and use procreate if that was the case. Please consider having at least Illustrator or Photoshop available for Android if the whole suite is not an option right now.
Shadnire Element commented
As commented below, I had recently bought a Samsung Galaxy Tab S9+ and who would have thought a Samsung tablet in 2024 NOT be able to use something like Photoshop is beyond my mind. Very disappointed in Adobe to allow only Apple products to do this, and I am not a fan of Apple products. Now I will have to return this tablet for a versatile laptop.
Khawlah Design commented
Its funny how an apple user with a 2015 model ipad gets access to all of adobe softwares while an s9 ultra only gets express and lightroom
such a great loss for adobe since the percentage of android users around the world compared to apple is so much larger...
please consider adding at least the main design apps such as photoshop, illustrator, indesign, premiere pro and after effect -
Gaurav Gogna commented
I recently purchased the new Samsung Galaxy Tab S9+ and was disappointed to find that Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, Fresco, and After Effects are not available for the device. As a professional artist, I rely on these applications for my work and was hoping to be able to use them on my new tablet. I kindly request that Adobe consider developing versions of these applications for the Samsung Galaxy Tab S9+ and other samsung tablets. This would greatly enhance the productivity and creativity of artists who use Adobe software and would be greatly appreciated.
Gaurav Gogna commented
Please make abobe apps of pc,macos and iPad also for android tablet or galaxy tablet 🙏
Matthew Cleckner commented
I bought all this new gear ready to get designing because my crazy laptop died I mad sure all the specks were good and I cant even use illustrator on my samsung s9 fe tablet really?!?!
Maile Ogden commented
I just purchased a samsung galxy tablet s9 fe+ was told it would run illustrator and photoshop! the only reason I bought was to be able to use these! totally frustrated now finding out I cant use them!
ivan Luna commented
A estas alturas es inaprehensible que algunas aplicaciones de adobe se migren a android sobre todo por la potencia que muchas tablet y celulares tienen actualmente no creo que alla escusa
Honor Coleman commented
Make Adobe Illustrator compatable with android tablets.
Nathan Glocke commented
This is honestly a really good idea. I mean the fact that adobe apps work on a 2015 iPad pro. Get the can't even work on high-end flagship modern tablets that have twice the power is absolutely insane.