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Illustrator (Desktop) Feature Requests

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124 results found

  1. Color Picker live preview!

    When i choose color with color picker there is no live preview. I have to click OK to view selected color and if I don't like it, have to do all this again. Do it as it is in Photoshop.

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  2. Let me turn off the obnoxious alternate glyphs popups

    Because experienced users hate popups popping up all over their work!

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    We have the fix available in the latest release. Please update Illustrator using Adobe Creative Cloud application to the latest build for version Illustrator CC 23.0.
    Please refer to our knowledge base FAQ if you face difficulty in update.
    Or get in touch with us at any of the other support channels –

    Warm Regards,
    Ashutosh Chaturvedi | Sr. Quality Engineering Manager – Illustrator
    Adobe. Make It an Experience.

  3. Increase Bleed Limit!

    1 inch bleed limit may seem extreme for offset (usually 1/8") or packaging (1/4"), but people use Illustrator for all kinds of projects! Textile vendors want much more. The limit makes proofing annoying because we need to get approvals without bleed.

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  4. Option to show rulers by default

    I would like an option to set the rulers to show by default. I know it's only one shortcut away, but I have to do it about a million times a day. (OK, maybe only 500K)

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    Hi Everyone,

    This has been completed, and has available since June 2020 release (version 24.2)

    Please go to Illustrator preferences > General > and select “Show/Hide Rulers” (refer attached screenshot). After checking this, if you hit ‘Show Rulers (Ctrl/Cmd + R)’, then the rulers will appear in every document (new and old), even after relaunching Illustrator.

    Please update to the latest release using Creative Cloud desktop App:

    Thank you for all the feedback.

  5. Allow adding Patterns and Gradient swatches to Color Groups

    Expanding on the existing request for gradient swatch support in color groups... We need groups that support all swatch types. I understand the purpose of Color Groups but the intuitive way to use these folders is as a generic "Swatch Group", without limitation to swatch type in order that we can organize assets appropriately within a project.

    My suggestion is either to allow gradient and pattern swatches to be added to a Color Groups or add a new super group type that can contain any swatch type and color groups as well.

    Groups would be organized in rows: color, gradients,…

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  6. Set default PDF export preset

    When saving as PDF the preset is always set to Illustrator standard and you have to manually use the drop down menu to choose the standard you need.

    Most designers use always the same standard. I work for example in preprint and have to select X1a. It sucks to have to select this for every dingle file dozens of times a day.

    Other designers struggle there as well and send us constantly PDFs that are not X1a because of this. They forget about the selection.

    To ease up regular work flows it would be very handy to save this setting…

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  7. Export for Screens, CMYK to RGB

    When working in a CMYK Illustrator file, the Export for Screens function currently creates CMYK jpgs. Since it is for screens, it should convert to RGB. Or at least there should be an option to convert the color mode for the exported files.

    In a package design project, the files are primarily for printing, but digital mockups are a secondary purpose. So it is necessary for the CMYK color mode to be converted to RGB. Export for Screens seems like it should inherently create RGB files.

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  8. Change "Export For Screens" Save Path Default To File Folder

    If I go to File > Export > Export For Screens the default save path points to the last folder I used. What we as users are expecting is the default path to be equal to the same folder as the Illustrator file is currently located in.

    If you feel this should not be the default at least give us a way to change this in the AI Preferences. Thanks!

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  9. 118 votes

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  10. Save Illustrator pattern swatches to palettes in Creative Cloud libraries

    It would be great to be able to save pattern fill swatches and pattern brushes, as patterns and brushes. Currently it works fine if you save a graphic that uses pattern fills and brushes. But for me it would be useful to save and organize them in their native Illustrator format.


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    We have released the support for Pattern swatches in CC Library with our latest release - v29.3

    You can select the swatch in swatches panel and add it to CC Library through the button on the bottom bar in the panel. You can also select any object which has pattern applied and add that pattern to CC Library through Add Elements (+ button at the bottom) from the Libraries panel and choose Fill Pattern from the drop-down menu.

    Update to this version from your Creative Cloud Desktop application and let us know your feedback.

  11. Symmetry tool for adobe illustrator 2018

    There is a symmetry tool for adobe photoshop 2018. But if you add the tool also in the illustrator we can make some great vector designs. Because sometimes we need to copy an object from a design and paste it as a mirror of the object. if you kindly add the tool it will be very helpful for the designers......

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  12. Constraint needed for 'Transform Each' and 'Transform' effect dialogs

    Please add an option to constrain the horizontal and vertical values when scaling objects using 'Transform Each'.

    I almost always use 'Transform Each' to scale proportionally, and right now you have to manually set horizontal and vertical to the same value.

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  13. Illustrator forgets which color mode is set in the Color palette (and Gradient)

    Color panel always starts with RGB values. That's useless or very hard to use 99% of the time. So first thing for me is to set my Color panel to HSB and it stays like that for that session, but after a restart it's RGB again. Always!
    Gradient panel is even worse because it forgets instantly.
    Standard gradient's pop up color select is a Grayscale slider. I've never in my life needed that - not to mention HSB has the same with the value slider. But this bothers me less than what follows:
    If I change Grayscale to HSB and…

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  14. Preview Checkbox defaults to On rather than Off

    I'm not sure if there is a reason for this, but for the 12 years I've been using Illustrator, the effects checkbox always defaults to "Off" and every time I make an edit to an effect, I have to switch it to "On". It never remembers my setting and there is no way to make it default to On. Either would be acceptable.

    Many thanks for everything.

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    Hi Everyone,

    All the effect checkboxes have now been set to ON by default, and are sticky (meaning that if you disable preview, on next launch of Illustrator preview will remain disabled). This functionality now is available in our latest release build – 24.1.1 for Win and 24.1 for Mac which is available worldwide now.

    What’s new in 24.1:

    You can update to the latest release using Creative Cloud desktop App:

    Thank you for all the feedback.

  15. Links 'Reveal in Finder / Explorer' function as in InDesign

    Add an extra Links panel function under or above 'Reveal in Bridge' called maybe 'Reveal in Finder', as already exists in InDesign.

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  16. 91 votes

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  17. Locked objects Show a "lock" icon Like InDesign

    A great feature to have in Illustrator is to unlock the locked object by clicking on the Lock icon next to the object. its hard to tell which object is locked except by going to object -> unlock All, or Check the Layers Panel. Adobe InDesign has this feature for years.

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  18. Option to disable 'Recent Fonts' feature.

    I hate having to scroll from the top of the fonts list every time i'm searching for a new font. Currently, in preferences there is an option for only 1 recent font, however, i'd like to be able to disable this feature completely.

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    We have the fix available in the latest release. Please update Illustrator using Adobe Creative Cloud application to the latest build for version Illustrator CC 22.1.
    Please refer to our knowledge base FAQ if you face difficulty in update.
    Or get in touch with us at any of the other support channels –

    Warm Regards,
    Ashutosh Chaturvedi | Sr. Quality Engineering Manager – Illustrator
    Adobe. Make It an Experience.

  19. Layer Panel Rename + tab

    This one is (or sounds) easy and would mimick Photoshop’s function :
    I need to be able to rename layers in a row without scripting, by simply typing tab to go to the next visible layer’s name.

    • it would really help with Character Animator's process.

    Step by step :

    I’m in the Layers panel.
    Those are badly named (layer 1, layer 2, layer 7…)
    I double click on the top layer (1) name to change it.
    I type « item A »
    Then i press Tab once.
    I’m now in the « layer 2 » name field, and all is…

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  20. Select inside marquee window

    Create a toggle-able feature like the one found in many CAD programs:
    Select ONLY the objects ENTIRELY inside the selection window marquee via the following methods:
    1. hold Shift+drag
    2. Dragging left-to-right enables "select inside", dragging right-to-left enables "select touching" (as per most CAD programs)

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    Excited to share that the requested functionality is now available in the public builds starting from V 28.3.0.

    WIth the new Enclosed Mode, you can now select ONLY those objects which are completely INSIDE the marquee. 

    To activate the Enclosed Mode, just press 'E' ONCE after you start doing the marquee with the Normal Selection Tool or Group Selection tool. 

    Please note that, 

    1. The button E acts as a toggle, which means you just have to press E once, to get into or out of the enclosed mode.

    2. You have to press E only after doing the marquee, pressing E in empty canvas will invoke the Free Transform tool or the tool the shortcut 'E' is assigned to.

    We made a lot of effort in building this capability, so please try it out and let us what you all think!

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