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124 results found

  1. Implement quick filter in Layers panel

    On large documents designers very often give names to objects in document structure for improve navigation in structure. But now there are no way to quickly find object by name in document, except custom scripts.

    For solve this problem please implement quick filter input field in Layers panel interface, for quickly search objects by part of his name (like filter in Fonts list).

    Even if designer don't add names, via this filter we will can quick find all curves, all rectangles, all circles, all curves, all guides, etc, so it will be very useful.

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    18 comments  ·  Layers  ·  Admin →
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    Hi Everyone,

    This functionality is available in our latest release build – 27.6.1. 

    The new functionality allows searching layers by name using the searchbar in the layers panel. The users can also apply filters based on layer properties (locked, hidden etc) or objects properties (effects, text etc.). This will help to quickly find layers/objects for large documents (having multiple layers).

    Read more about this -

    Thank you for all the feedback.

  2. Relative paths for linked assets

    An option to use relative paths for linked assets. Because links use absolute paths, simply moving the folder your artwork is in will break the links unless the links are in the same folder. For example:


    If logo.jpg and are both linked to inside of, renaming the project folder will break the links. Moving the project folder will break the links.

    Instead of storing the link paths absolutely, store them relatively. This way at least renaming the folder will preserve both links and moving the folder will only break links that point to file outside…

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  3. Align to artboard when only when item/group of items is selected.

    Have aligning be dynamic depending on what is selected. If one item or group of items is selected auto select align to artboard rather than the last selected option.

    If multiple items are selected but not group it would auto select align to selection.

    This would reduce time having to check what you are aligning to since 99% of the time when you are trying to align a group it is to the artboard and the same with selecting multiple objects. It is a hassle having to constantly be checking and changing my align options.

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  4. Moving Artboards and Locked Layers

    The latest CC updates' new feature allows locked/hidden layers to move when you move an artboard. This doesn't make sense since locked should mean locked. I am running into problems now because my company uses a lot of artboards to make print-production files, and sometimes you need to re-arrange the artboards while working on the file.
    There should be a way to turn this feature on or off. Such as "keep locked/hidden layers locked when moving/duplicating artboards, or allow locked and hidden elements to move when artboard moves"

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    As you probably know, Illustrator today allows to change this behavior with a dedicated option in Preferences > Selection & Anchor Display section.

    However, it’s not that accessible, especially when you are already move and copy your artboards.

    If you wish this option to be more exposed, consider upvoting this request: Display Move Locked and Hidden Artwork with Artboard option in Control panel and Properties while using Artboard tool / mode

  5. Add Ai and EPS formats in Export for Screens / Assets dialog

    I realize that .pdf is essentially the same as .eps format, but still it would be useful to have the option to export as .eps.

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    With the v29.2, Illustrator now allows you to export into Ai and EPS format via the export for screen dialogue.

    You will also have the ability to fine-tune the these documents through the advance settings.

    We hope you would find the changes useful, please let us know your feedback or comment below.

  6. 100% size is actually actual size

    Allow Illustrator to be monitor-aware. Have a feature where there is an onscreen ruler, and ask the user to hold up a real ruler to the screen. Let them drag a slider until the onscreen ruler perfectly matches the physical ruler. Then let this % value become the new "100% size" for that machine. Currently to see my artwork at 100% size, I need to set my view to 192%. I wish there was a setting to set my "100%" to default to 192%.

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    In CC 2019 (latest update 23.0.1), at 100% Zoom 1inch artwork would display at 1inch in physical (Print) size, on any display. If this doesn’t work right for screen design workflows, please use the checkbox Preferences > General > Display Print Size at 100% Zoom, to turn off the feature. Currently this feature works only on primary display, and there are plans of extending this to other attached displays.

  7. Improve page selection when opening PDFs in Illustrator

    Referring to the attached screenshot for opening PDFs in Illustrator:
    I find that I am constantly browsing through the preview pages using (B), and hitting 'Open' when I see the previewed page I want -- completely forgetting to actually enter the page number in the Range (C), and thereby opening Page 1, swearing, and starting again. Casual survey suggests this is a common issue for others in my studio as well.
    It would be great if changing the previewed page using B also updated the page number selected in C; or, if an additional radio button sitting with C and…

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    The solution is pushed into Global Availability build 28.6.

    The Previewed Page is now the default option for the dialog.

    Here is an updated Help article:

    Congratulations, folks! Took us 5.5 years to get it!

  8. Paste and match style within illustrator

    When copying from one text box with style A, then pasting into a text box with style B -- provide the ability to paste as style B in a single keystroke or step. Currently the default is to keep style A when pasting which requires an additional step to convert the style B.

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  9. Unembed multiple images all at once

    Be able to select multiple linked images in links palette and unembed them simultaneously.

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  10. Area Calculation

    Having an area calculator would be awesome!

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    The latest Illustrator release - v29.3 now offers Area Calculation using Measure Tool:

    • Select the objects in your artwork you want to calculate the area for.
    • Select the Measure Tool from the Toolbar.
    • The calculated area will be displayed in the Info panel, shown automatically.
    • Shift + Click on a segment in the existing selection to remove/add it to area calculation.
    • Configure measurement options by accessing the flyout menu of the panel. You can customize units, precision, and scale to suit your requirements.

    Please update to v29.3 from your Creative Cloud Desktop application and keep sharing your feedback!

  11. When exporting an image, using artboard, with a single artboard, don't change filename.

    If save an image using "Export As" , and I select the "use artboards" (because I want the image to be of that size, and I only want to export one specific artboard of my file, It would be better if it didn't add to the file name (ie: the filename-01.png would be filename.png). This is because I find myself exporting each layer of the same artboard with a specific name (ex: characterarm.png, characterleg.png, etc) and I have to remove the "01"s manually.
    I understand that this feature is really useful when exporting all the artboards at the…

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  12. Share for Review for Illustrator

    Enable share for review with Illustrator. I can already see how this will help when working with clients for magazines in InDesign - so I can’t wait to see how I can use if with clients for Illustrator based projects.

    ESPECIALLY as a professor - this will make it much easier to provide feedback for students during remote teaching and learning this fall with COVID.

    LINK TO inDesign feature -

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  13. Free Distort Bounding box doesn't follow shape

    I know this isn't a bug, but it definitely feels that way. The Bounding box when using the free distort reset back to the initial shape and doesn't follow the shape you are shaping, Which makes it virtually impossible to make fine tuned distortions. The way it works in Photoshop is the way it should be.

    I see people have complained about this for YEARS!
    I cannot see a single use case where the current way is preferable.

    And using the effect Free Dstort isnt anybetter, since you don't get a visual representation on the artboard of what you are…

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    44 comments  ·  Tools  ·  Admin →
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    Hi Everyone,

    We have improved the working experience of Free Distort tool. Now the bounding box will not reset! This functionality now is available in our latest release build – 24.1.1 for Win and 24.1 for Mac which is available worldwide now.

    What’s new in 24.1:

    You can update to the latest release using Creative Cloud desktop App:

    Thank you for all the feedback

  14. Show HEX value in swatch panel

    I often need to copy HEX values from illustrator swatches into other applications. My workflow would be accelerated if there was a text field showing the HEX value like in the color picker window.

    Right now I need to apply the swatch to an object and copy the HEX value from the color picker window.

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  15. Artboards do not snap to whole pixels

    When the snap to pixel option is turned on and I use the Artboard Tool dragging the corner of the artboard results in random decimals.
    Say if my artboard is 512x512 and I drag a corner out it will now be dragging at every pixel but with a random decimal rather than a integer. this decimal will be the same at every snapped pixel until I let go. at this point if I move it again a new random decimal will be added.

    These two screenshots show issue values. take not it is random and the X and Y values…

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    We have the fix available in the latest release. Please update Illustrator using Adobe Creative Cloud application to the latest build for version Illustrator CC 23.0.
    Please refer to our knowledge base FAQ if you face difficulty in update.
    Or get in touch with us at any of the other support channels –

    Warm Regards,
    Ashutosh Chaturvedi | Sr. Quality Engineering Manager – Illustrator
    Adobe. Make It an Experience.

  16. Make Static Symbols the default, instead of Dynamic Symbols.

    A new symbol is saved as "Dynamic" by default. Please make "Static" symbols the default. They are the "Standard" and should remain the default. It is the exception when I want a "dynamic" symbol.

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    15 comments  ·  Symbols  ·  Admin →
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  17. Create an Ungroup ALL feature on layer(s).

    It would extremely useful being able to select the artwork on the layer and clicking an ungroup all option This would speed up prepress production especially when there are multiple grouped objects on a layer.

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  18. Export for Screens - Prefix artboard number

    In Export for Screens dialog, include the ability to export the Artboard number in Prefix (or Suffix). A checkbox or variable string would do (eg $A). Currently we have to manually add the Artboard number into the Artboard name.

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  19. Keyboard shortcuts for Bold and Italic text

    It would be useful if, while typing/editing text, there was a keyboard shortcut to add BOLD or ITALICS - highlight the word, hit CTRL + B to bold, for example.

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    The hot key for Revert is WAY too similar to the hot key for Save As in Photoshop and I lost an entire day fo work saving after finishing a project. The fact that that can happen accidentally, even with the approval button is INFURIATING!

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