Rotation of the Canvas
Like in Photoshop it would be great if an Artist could rotate the artboard/canvas in Illustrator. If you draw a line from left to right it's never the same stroke as from up to down.

Hi friends! I have some great news for your today. Rotate View (Canvas) feature is available in Illustrator 25.3 (Desktop) now. Thank you all for your feedback which helped us shape up this feature.
Greg Geisler commented
Like Photoshop, pencil and brush tools first and foremost.
Jim Kopp commented
I just need it for pencil sketching like Photoshop. While I respect the packaging designers and would occasionally use it that way, it's not my primary need. Maybe the two needs need to be separated. Get the easier one done and release it! Then build on it from there.
Matt Rock commented
Same as Photoshop would be my preference. (guides and rulers rotate with canvas.)
Anonymous commented
Like photoshop would be my preference.
Anonymous commented
Avinash Singh
To answer your question, my preference would be that the rulers behave the same way as in your GIF example. I do a ton of packaging, so I'd need for those ruler guides to rotate and remain relevant regardless of the canvass/art board rotation.
Paul S commented
As VincentvE says, there is a needs difference between those doing illustrations and those doing packagings. For the first ones (illustrators) they don't care about rules : they only need to finally be able to draw efficiently and in a natural way by rotating the artboard like one can do it in every drawing software, even the most basics.For the second ones (who do packaging) it would be good if they could have access to these rules at any time. But in my opinion, if the rules work like in Photoshop, they will be of no use to them! In Photoshop, the zero stays aligned with one corner of the artboard and the measurement scale varies over the rotation, (in a way that seems completely incomprehensible to me, and in any case completely unnecessary for mesuring anything!) So, no : if you implement the rules with rotation fonctionality, they must perfectly follow the rotation of the artboard ... otherwise they will be just decorative ...
And if the rules remain aligned with the document during its rotation, not only will they be usefull for something, but in addition one will be able to use them to set guides other than blindly... because in Photoshop, if you place a guide (before or after the rotation), the ruler numbers vary completely while you rotate and therefore makes them irrelevant.
Magnus Crawford commented
I use a XP-pen for freehand drawing and as the very name of this program claims "Illustrator" - That's what I expect as well. Being able to rotate the canvas the same way I would spin a piece of paper around because a hand that uses a pen simply isnt physically designed to draw lines with the same ease in any direction.
Ability to rotate the drawing surface should have been there from day one of Illustrators release decades ago really!Personally, I dont use rulers for freehand drawings. I'd be happy with the "photoshop style".
Anonymous commented
Like Photoshop would be my preference. The rotation tool in there works so well because you can set the exact angle like a piece of paper, the 90 degree rotation is a bit of a half measure I think when it comes to drawing it's often not at a right angle.
michael commented
Can you make toggle button for rulers to follow rotation and this kind of you have show in gif, and off..
Also we should have 0°-360° rotation.
Thank you -
VincentvE commented
-Canvas or artboard would both work for me. No preference so whatever is easier to implement.
-Without edit it is indeed useless.
-90 degree steps would already solve 90% of my headaches.
-Ideally all tools, but at least all regular tools. Including, for me most importantly, text tools!As for "like photoshop"... Hmm, a difficult one.
I think this is a difference between those doing a lot of illustrations and wanting a more natural drawing feeling and those doing a lot of packaging (like me) that get frustrated working upside down or at odd angles.
But Photoshop is not quite my preference (though for drawing it would be). Indesign way for text is preferable. Its just illogical if my textbox is in the original orientation when I make it whilst looking at it at another angle. Text should be horizontal
Another idea would be, being able to align your view to a selected line. That would also be great for packaging design. Not all boxes are nice 90 degree angles ;) I have tons that have sloped/angled sides where all but one side are at an angle to the screen.
Selecting the baseline, clicking to align the view would be massively helpful.Just another thought, what if aside from just rotating the view, you could commit it? So if you rotate say 45 degrees in view, you could if push a button to commit that as the new 0 degree.
Happy New Year Everyone!
As we build this functionality in Illustrator, I wanted to seek your feedback on how you expect rulers to work in a rotated view.
Please let me know your preference:
1. Work as they work in Photoshop (see the attached GIF)
2. Do not show rulers in the rotated view as it may get confusing.Also - Would you need to create guides in a rotated view?
Any other suggestions/feedback on rulers?
Anonymous commented
Sounds like you're on the wrong thread Marco. This is for us users who would benefit from art board rotation implemented for daily work flow.
Marco Afonso commented
I still think performance is far more important now than these things, as illustrator can a pain in the *** almost everyday, better performance is all I ask really
Matt Rock commented
Thanks for sharing, @Manuel Garcia. Some fantastic looking scripts here. Looking forward to checking them out. Cheers!
Paul S commented
Thanks Manuel Garcia for sharing... How can a single external guy can work more efficiently than a slew of developers paid (by ourselves) to do it? It's a great mystery ... But it's a glimmer of hope on Christmas Eve, because despite its great announcements, the months go by and Adobe still does not decide to make illustrator a real tool... to draw
Manuel Garcia commented
Seeing that this (as many other features that common sense tells should have been implemented time ago ) takes forever, we can always rely on the community.
This Scrip by Sergey Osokin allows us to rotate artboards and their content. It also gives us the option to rotate just te current artboard or all artboards.
The script is part of a scripts pack with many other useful scrips.
All free so far. Can be found here: you, Sergey. Adobe.... Well... it is taking care of some other things with the expensive subscription we pay month by month.
Matt Rock commented
@Leonardo Nascimento. Looks very promising! Would be very interested in learning more about this action. Cheers!
Leonardo Nascimento commented
I use an action to make a kind of a 'rotate canvas'. It took me some time to achieve that but is functional and it helps me a lot.
Stephan commented
Being able to rotate the artboard with a finger gesture
Randy Devost commented
Happy Birthday. This was the best surprise in my 'inbox' today.