Rotation of the Canvas
Like in Photoshop it would be great if an Artist could rotate the artboard/canvas in Illustrator. If you draw a line from left to right it's never the same stroke as from up to down.

Hi friends! I have some great news for your today. Rotate View (Canvas) feature is available in Illustrator 25.3 (Desktop) now. Thank you all for your feedback which helped us shape up this feature.
Anonymous commented
Benjamin, lets hope they add this feature before we're all dead
Benjamin Weiler commented
I am but a humble illustrator, but I promise, once you add this to Illustrator, I will sing your praises till the day I die.
Paul commented
Another packaging designer here, looking forward to this feature being added. I'm asked by my fellow designers on a regular basis 'how do you rotate the the canvas?'. 'You can't' I tell them! They look at me in disbelief. 'Don't worry', I tell them 'Yogesh is picking it up shortly'.....
Kelly commented
I've been waiting for this feature to be added for over 2 years. As a package designer for a leading pet product company in the US, the lack of having this feature has been a hindrance to working quickly and effectively with three dimensional retail boxes in Illustrator as I cannot rotate my artwork to work on the various panels. Please, please Adobe, we are praying for this soon!
Alexander Christiaan Jacob Dekker commented
Define shortly.
Anonymous commented
Brother Yog, you didn't forget about us loyal paying customers did you bro??
ktotheb commented
While we're at it, why not allow us to rotate our tablet and draw in portrait mode?
This feature used to be available prior to AI CC 2017, but Adobe removed it for some reason.
If you'd find this useful, please vote here: -
The Dazzler commented
Hey Elizabeth, it's not impossible as InDesign already has this feature. Rotating effects will be a challenge though.
The comments are amusing I agree, however I feel sorry for Yogesh copping the full brunt.
Come on Adobe get behind this. -
Elizabeth Seney commented
It doesn't mean a couple of years, it means never. I think they believe we should feel lucky that they added a true drawing tool--but also it probably means they're having a **** of a time being able to rotate vectors which require a lot more translation coding than pixels...The complex code might break the program so the tradeoff to please us probably isn't worth it.
It's funny watching a comment on this board pop up every few weeks in my email...
Just an user commented
Guys and gals, "shortly" in Adobe's terms means at least a couple of years, don't you know that already? Yogesh most likely has already moved on by now, lol.
Anonymous commented
Aye Yogestein! You ever try out that illustration on static paper?? I'll bet you're soooooooooooooooooo busy cracking this artboard rotation case you don't have time to respond. I noticed the latest update DOES NOT include artboard rotation. I'm SURE you didn't forget about us high paying customers AYE BROTHERR?!?
Anonymous commented
Hey Yogster, I got one for you. Try illustrating on good old fashioned paper. One catch. You're not allowed to rotate the paper... Let us know what you think.
Anthony Dias commented
Would it be fair to say that 317 votes for rotation of the artboard is worth:
$50/month X 12 Months X 317 = $190,000/year?Granted that CC subscribers use more than just Illustrator, but I'm sure 317 votes represents a fraction of the people that would appreciate this feature.
nudge, nudge
Anonymous commented
Hey Yogmeister any updates bud? We rent your software by paying a monthly fee. So, consider me your tenant. I'll be sure to follow up regularly like I would a landlord.
Anonymous commented
What up yog? You still work for Adobe?
Anonymous commented
Any... like... news?
Anonymous commented
Hi Yogesh, what's up?
Anonymous commented
You must be soooooooo busy AYE YOGEEE??
Anonymous commented
Hey Yogesh PAL!! Time to pick it up BUUUUDD!! Do some effing work
Quentin Fevre commented
I'm waiting this feature since a long time! It would be great and help us all to do precise gestures using a brush.
I can't wait to press "R" like on photoshop. That's on my X-mas list anyway :)