Rotation of the Canvas
Like in Photoshop it would be great if an Artist could rotate the artboard/canvas in Illustrator. If you draw a line from left to right it's never the same stroke as from up to down.

Hi friends! I have some great news for your today. Rotate View (Canvas) feature is available in Illustrator 25.3 (Desktop) now. Thank you all for your feedback which helped us shape up this feature.
Anonymous commented
Great customer service!!!
Anonymous commented
An unbelievable hole in functionality. A totally believable sense of urgency from Adobe. Thanks Yogesh Sharma!
Megaflow commented
This is really an unbelievable hole in what should be the basic functionality of a world-class app. Just adding a comment in case Adobe is still looking.
KS commented
"We will be picking it up shortly" November 2017
Sure, as Adobe always do ... -
Igor commented
It would be great to be able to FREELY (not via manualy punching in numbers) rotate the Canvas in the same way you can do it in Photoshop. When you select the Rotation tool you can just freely rotate the whole work area/canvas/art-board along with all the content on it. This way drawing some lines that are in a difficult angle will be much easier. After you are done just like in Photoshop when the Rotation tool is selected pressing the ESC button will re-rotate everything to the original position
Heather commented
A tool similar to the rotate view tool in Photoshop
Emily commented
Canvas or view rotation is a MUST for packaging. I'm constantly working upside down for side and back panels--so frustrating! I resort to rotating artwork back and forth which is time consuming and opens the door to mistakes when working on exacting die lines.
Alex commented
Canvas rotation, similar to what InDesign is doing. Keeping artwork in place.
Neal commented
Another plus one for this. Indesign has been able to do this for ages and you can use the pen tools and gradients in that app, sooo I really can’t see what’s the hold up. Especially as they are both from the same company!
Tyler Gilbert commented
I mostly use Illustrator for desktop publishing (my company prefers Illustrator to InDesign, so it's the tool they have me use), and I print a lot of pamphlets that end up getting folded in complicated ways. Being able to rotate the view would be a lifesaver because much of my text ends up needing to face various angles to facilitate for the folds, and it's very difficult to edit when it's at a 90º angle or upside down!
Tyler Mackin commented
If this isn't in the next update....
Anonymous commented
Haha that’s funny! Yog you wouldn’t leave us hanging would you brooo?
Preben S commented
Yogesh doesn't work at Adobe anymore. According to his Linkedin-profile he left about a year ago.
Luke Flego commented
Yogesh's profile 404s - please don't tell me this idea is stuck in limbo. Maybe it's where Trump's wall is, or just next to Star Citizens' release date...
I suppose there's no difference anyway, he says 2 years later.
Matthew Cooper commented
Man - I check this a lot too. Would be so great for most people, but particularly package designs who frequently have to look at stuff upside down. And flipping objects in a file with a million layers is risky of accidentally leaving one element behind (locked layers etc).
Anonymous commented
Yeah, you have this feature on photoshop & indesign. Don't you think this might be helpful within an illustration app? DUUUHH
Mustafa Mamdouh commented
Literally I check this thread every week to release this feature to the community
Justin commented
The rotate canvas (or view) feature would be fantastic! Especially since it's a very useful feature that is already incorporated into photoshop & indesign.
Miriam Brückner commented
Any news on this one?
Nick Busfield commented
Easy free rotation of the artboard is a must for freehand linework. In artrage I have it setup to the wheel on my intuos tablet and it's adds so much to the work flow. Add to that, the ability to use the width tool to clean up line widths (without reverting to basic brush) and we're winning. 😁