Allow adding Patterns and Gradient swatches to Color Groups
Expanding on the existing request for gradient swatch support in color groups... We need groups that support all swatch types. I understand the purpose of Color Groups but the intuitive way to use these folders is as a generic "Swatch Group", without limitation to swatch type in order that we can organize assets appropriately within a project.
My suggestion is either to allow gradient and pattern swatches to be added to a Color Groups or add a new super group type that can contain any swatch type and color groups as well.
Groups would be organized in rows: color, gradients, patterns
In order that it's easy to discern between types.
Would be ideal also if these sets:
- are CC Library compatible
- can be exported as swatch files
And where:
- exported swatch files can be imported as a group (as opposed to a discrete swatch palette)
- exported swatch files can be dynamically linked (to allow one master swatch file to serve many working files)

The 29.1 general release now allows to add gradient and pattern swatches into color groups.
Tony commented
7 years later and still no ability to group patterns with the color swatches.
This is something that would be extremely helpful for my workflow and I'm sure for many others. Part of my job requires making simplified illustrations of our products that use a single color but need a different color depending on where they are used so I'll have multiple versions of the same illustration in one file just with different colors. There are times where I use patterns to help quickly show areas that have velcro or differentiations of material. It would be great if I could group these patterns with their respective color group to help keep the swatch panel organized and make it easier to find which pattern I should be working with; especially if the colors are similar.
Anonymous commented
please make the possible to move gradient swatches into folders.
Kim Yoonmi 김윤미 金潤美 Surname first commented
I need the organization. PLLLLEEEAASSSEE. It's a pain having to click through swatches, not sure which one is the one I want, even if I name them all.
TT Kiker commented
Currently, you can only show pattern swatches in the top row of the Swatches panel. It would be handy to be able to group them together or with similar color swatches in Color Groups.
Krissan Pattugalan commented
Rebekah Venturini commented
Please! Please! Please! I would love this and I don't really understand why it's not an option.
Max Mugen commented
i'm not referring to ASE, just folder structure here
For ASE gradient swatch management in illustrator have a look here -
Max Mugen commented
please make the possibility to move gradient swatches into folders
Sooo basic feature, and we need that for better organisation of files
Krissan Pattugalan commented
Yeah the excuse of gradients not being cross compatible shouldn't restrict the functionality when only using one program. You can just restrict it when users try to bring gradients in to another program. (i.e all the non gradient swatches get brought across with pop-up that states "Gradient swatches are not cross compatible and will not be brought across with swatch groups"
But, don't stop us from being able to work efficiently in our own program. That doesn't make any sense and is incredibly annoying and user-unfriendly.
nate commented
Mark Gould commented
I don’t know why more importance hasn’t been given to this request. It’s important to be able to save patterns and gradient fills to Libraries, in addition to saving to your local computer. We need this.
Anonymous commented
PLEASE make this update Adobe! This is a commonsense feature and it's hard to believe that the swatch palette doesn't work like this already! It's been several years since the idea was introduced, please add to the next Ai update! Thank you!
GudG commented
This would be so great to have. Much easier to organize.
Lucas Shepherd commented
Jeannie Tomoda Harrell commented
It's been four years and I continue to agree with this idea, but I guess setting up Creative Cloud subscriptions was more lucrative I mean important
Jeannie Tomoda Harrell commented
Also to be clear I'm collecting a consultant fee if you use this one
Jeannie Tomoda Harrell commented
1) DESCRIPTION: Right now, we can set gradients as swatches, and we can set several swatches to go into a group. However, we cannot save gradients to a swatch group. But what if we could?
2) WHY IS THIS VALUABLE TO YOU?: Because, Adobe, why would you have "swatch groups" when you can't even put the different varieties of swatches in them?
Jeannie Tomoda Harrell commented
1) DESCRIPTION: Right now, we can set gradients as swatches, and we can set several swatches to go into a group. However, we cannot save gradients to a swatch group. But what if we could?
2) WHY IS THIS VALUABLE TO YOU?: Because, Adobe, why would you have "swatch groups" when you can't even put the different varieties of swatches in them?
Anonymous commented
I completely agree with this idea. It's incredibly frustrating when I'm trying to keep ALL my swatches across multiple artboards as organized as possible but Adobe prevents it. >:C
MarkR commented
I just tried to add some Gradient-Swatches to a custom color group AND COULDN'T!!!
Seriously, there must be options to create Swatch Color Groups with gradients, please. I'm designing and constantly updating, hundreds of mockups for web-app development, and if I have to recreate each and every single gradient styling for whatever, it's going to be a nightmare... looks like it's going to be a nightmare for me.