Make guides to be like in InDesign
Certain features of the guides are very disturbing. The fact that the guides are movable in the counter intuitive directions (horizontal guides can also be moved sidewise and vice versa) create situations when "objects" are being moved out of the canvas, which prevents curtain actions. Basically, the fact that guides behave like objects is a problem. Guides always get mistakenly grouped with objects, which leads to deleting objects when attempting to delete guides. Guides are being copied with objects when objects are chosen in hide guides mode - bad news. The feature of being able to align guides with objects is great but it's not worth the rest of the head ache.

You might want to look at this very much related request: -
Mikael commented
Guide selection in Illustrator should work like in InDesign.
How it works in Illustrator today:
When you drag select objects+guides everything gets selected unless you have locked guides.How it should work (like InDesign):
When drag selecting objects + guides only objects/paths gets selected. Guides can be moved selected when selecting only guides. -
David Cuesta commented
HI people can we cross pollinate this.
Sometimes I need guides be movable and group-able. But I agree about the option to disable it.
Jeffrey commented
Make it so guides do not count as part of the project so you get correct measurements when selecting all.
Jeffrey commented
Make it so guides do not count as anything when copying/pasting. They stop you from placing objects at times.
Dave Moulton commented
Please stop treating guides like artwork, when I delete a layer that contains only guides (No Artwork) illustrator warns me that the layer contains artwork, this wastes my time as I then have to double check that it's talking nonsense as normal.
Introduce a dedicated guides layer (like FreeHand) this is a much better way of working.
Please seriously consider this as it is extremely frustrating having to work in this inefficient illogical manner.