Add ability to hyperlink text
Make text linkable to a url or email when exported to a PDF, like you can already do in InDesign.
Only being able to do this in a PDF means that if you make an update in Illustrator and export as a PDF again, you have to re-do all your hyperlinks.

While the bug with dropping hyperlinks added through Attributes panel while exporting as PDF was fixed in 27.6.1, the original request for adding inline text hyperlinks was never completed.
It’s now split into a separate request here.
Those who actively commented on the original feature request got added as voters already. If you think that ability to add, stylize, and customize hyperlinks in text is something you’d like to have — please upvote it.
Andrew Boddy commented
We really just need hyper links to work the way they do in IbDesign. In the text. Simple.
And save out when PDF is exported.
I frequently use Illustrator for documents that need to be created really quickly and are just PDF'd not printed artwork. Because the drag and drop nature of the pasteboard I find really fast.
But not having hyperlinks properly solved is a major downside.
(Edited by admin) -
The solution is nowhere final, done in the most basic way possible, merely a bug fixed, like if no-one in the team did try to make it useful at the level of today's standards.
— A partial text selection can't be made into a hyperlink.
— No widgets are given on the canvas to see if an object has a hyperlink assigned or not, and to open the link directly from the canvas (with or without a modifier).
— Attributes gives no way to jump to a previous/next hyperlink in the document.
— The 'browser' button uses the IE browser, not the assigned one at the OS level.
— If I cover an object which has a hyperlink assigned, with another object that has another hyperlink, the area they shared together is overtaken by the one which is below, and not according to their z-order (see the GIF — the intersection area should display 'orange', not 'green'!)
— 'Polygon' image map option does not work, the object gets a rectangle area still. The sacred knowledge about creating polygonal image maps in Ai is long lost, and the only mention the official manual has about it is here ( — but it never actually tells how to create these. Surely not via rectangular-only slices. It should just happen automatically, and it does not.
— What about automation? To have the links to be auto-tagged, like this solution for InD does (
— What about auto styling, like InD provides?
— Will we be able to fine tune the look of the Character’s 'Underline' option? Nobody places lines this close to text anymore on web.So yes, this should be made BETTER.
New idea from comment
This comment was upgraded into a new idea: Add ability to hyperlink text (properly this time) -
LRSmith commented
I need a 508 compliant hyperlink style such as an underline with capabilities like you can in InDesign
I would like to be able to set a consistent point size line under selected text.
The underline tool in the Character panel does not allow a precise point size or offsetting the line further away from the text. If I use light text I get a light underline. If I use bold text I get a chunky thick line.
Deon, unfortunately, no. That’s why this request now exists — — please upvote it!
Deon Lieberum commented
Hi Admin. Is there a way to hyperlink just a portion of the text inside a textblock?
The method Dan described below is the only way currently to create text hyperlinks directly in Ai.
And this method is a torture, let’s admit it. I can hardly call this request 'Completed' — the team just merely fixed a bug with the ancient tech.
There is another request here — — for an ability to make NORMAL hyperlinked text, in the modern way, the way almost any editor can do. Please come and upvote it. -
Dan Wetzel commented
Figured I would explain this a slightly different way for others:
• Window > Attributes
• On this window, click the hamburger menu > Show All
• Draw a rectangle (it can be transparent)
• Under Attributes > Image Map, select Rectangle
• Enter the URL
• Save As PDF
• Under General > Options check boxes > Make sure 'Preserve Hyperlinks' is checkedThis is what worked for me.
Raphael commented
@ Stefane Guilbaud
Sorry, just retraced my steps and realised what I was doing wrong. You're absolutely right.
So it's still in the attributes panel but you have to select Rectangle from the "Image Map dropdown" and the Illustrator gives you a URL box to type the hyperlink inside.A bit hidden, but it's there I suppose.
Stefane Guilbaud commented
Raphael commented
@ Stefane Guilbaud
Thanks but your solution seems to be just a workaround. Why do I have to create an object to define the "hyperlink" area when the software should automatically do that?
I just want to select an object, right-click or go in a panel and type the hyperlink. Like you would do in any other software for the last 20 years!!
Raphael commented
Just tried this, exported as .PDF, doesn't work. How are we supposed to add these hyperlinks? Can you please explain?
Stefane Guilbaud commented
@Raphael :
- make a square
- open the "Object option" window
- choose "rectangle" reactive image
- fill in the url
- export as a PDF by checking the "Keep hyperlinks" box in the PDF saving options -
Stefane Guilbaud commented
Finally !!!! Thanks to the devs! It's a shame that the latest version isn't compatible with Catalina, but that's another problem! Adobe thinks that in a company you can change Os version as you like without disturbing other company software !!!
Raphael commented
Great to see that this functionality has been added to the new release 27.6.1, however...
It would be useful if you actually showed us how to do it. The attributes panel doesn't have any sort of options when a text/image is selected. How do you actually add a hyperlink to an image/text?
Written a whole documentation about how to use the search function for layers but didn't bother explaining this one in your documentation ffs.
KK Warrior commented
Urdu Language Please............
KK Warrior commented
Need to add Fillable Form interactive in illustrator and Table ability like how we use in indesign: also Urdu Language is missing since decades
New idea from comment
This comment was upgraded into a new idea: Need to add Fillable Interactive Forms in Illustrator -
Marci Stewart commented
Totally agree this should be added. I'm shocked at this point it isn't. I add them in the PDF after I save - but then if there are any changes made to the AI file after the fact - I have to do it all over again.
Audrey Coumerilh commented
This is a VERY needed feature! It can be done after making the design a pdf and then opening it in Acrobat but that is a weird workaround for professional-level software.
Marcio Gutheil commented
Yes pleeeeease! It's 2023! I have been needing this feature for 20 years!
Hanaa Othman (Nooshi92) commented
Very important and makes user experience much better when designing brochures, etc. Having to redo things in PDF with every adjustment in Illustrator is such waste of time.