Allow to collapse all items in Appearance panel
The Appearance panel looks somewhat similar to Layers, but it differs in many ways, excluding several QOL methods to deal with large amount of items.
For example, one can Opt/Alt-click a bracket next to a layer or a group in Layers to collapse unfurl all the children within it.
Sure, Layers miss just a button to do it as well, and there is a request about it here at UV ( — but Appearance just don’t have any method to collapse the items (and these do unfurl all the time — take a look at this bug report:
The panel just doesn’t have a root item anyway to use the same approach as Layers, since it allow only one level of displayed hierarchy, and nested appearances are navigated in a completely different manner — with double-clicks on 'Contents' and 'Group' rows...
Please don’t force us to scroll through the panel and collapse these one by one.