High Sierra (macOS 10.13) GPU rendering issues with RGB document - Intel Graphics
Illustrator 21.1.0 has issues with GPU rendering in the latest High Sierra public betas:
Paths will appear jagged and generally do not display correctly.
Altering the zoom level affects these artefacts.
Switching off GPU rendering altogether fixes the issue but this way, performance is obviously affected.
Additional Note: Works correctly in CMYK document.
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the issue has been resolved by Appple in macOSX 10.13.4
Please upgrade to resolve the issue
Michael commented
I f*cking gave up and bought a MacBook Pro with a Radeon 560. Works now. Thanks Adobe & Apple ^^ *ka---tschingggg*
bobby commented
what a story chad
Leah Phillips commented
Hi Chad, I too have just installed the MacOS 10.13. (4) Beta on my 13" MacBook Pro with the Intel Iris Plus 650. It has resolved my rendering issues too in Illustrator. Thank you so much for the heads up.
Chad M commented
HI @Salwaak! Yes... 10.13.(3) still has those issues. The 10.13.(4) beta seems to have fixed my rendering issues.
Salwaak commented
Hello Chad, I have the same 13" Macbook Pro and same intel plus 650 but the latest version of the ios is 10.13.3!! Still the same Issue :(
Chad M commented
Just installed MacOS 10.13.4 on my 13" Macbook Pro with the Intel Iris Plus 650 and it seems this update has resolved this issue for me in Illustrator and InDesign!!
So far so good in RGB mode. Can anyone else install the beta and confirm this fix?
Martin commented
MacBook Pro 2017 - 10.13.3 - same problem. Shame on you APPLE and Shame on you ADOBE.
Anonymous commented
Still having this issues, running on MacBook Pro 2017 - intel 640 plus, please fix it :(
Andrea Il Mio commented
I just updated to 10.13.3 it does not work again ...
The Apple support says that it has never recognized the problem and that the solution must come from Adobe. -
Anonymous commented
This has apparently been around since 2015... I am only noticing it now after installing High Sierra. At this point, nobody should be surprised at Adobe's amount of bugs. Adobe cares more about making the next incompatible version of software instead of just perfecting what we are all using right now. They just create more bugs.
Anonymous commented
Come on!!!! this behaviour is unacceptable from a company like Adobe/Apple.
Anonymous commented
Preview keeps defaulting to GPU in both Illustrator AND Indesign, and glitches with what looks to be tears/odd shapes in the on screen renderings. I need to manually switch the preview to CPU very often to see my work normally. Very annoying. Mac/High Sierra. Core i7 3.33ghz, tons of RAM, Macbook Pro.
Abel Peeters commented
Today I got updates for Photoshop, XD, Premiere and After Effects. Why aren't you guys working on this bug?
王智永 commented
It's been three months.................
Anonymous commented
It seems that they do not care about their users ...
Anonymous commented
We need this to be fixed ASAP. My company is paying for annual subscription and we have several projects running now. This issue is slowing down all our projects, I have reported this issue to Adobe many times with no response.
Jett commented
Called adobe today. And Apple. Apple said it's on Adobe's end and Adobe said it was on Apple's end????
Chad M commented
I have been wrestling with this issue since I bought my new 13" Macbook Pro. It's extremely frustrating that neither Adobe, nor Apple it seems, is trying to fix this. This drowns a professional workflow and grinds things to a halt. We need a fix ASAP Adobe. This is B.S.
Bea commented
I pay yearly to CC, somebody please fix this mess.
I have tons of project waiting in line to be finished. This issue slows me down as ****. -
Anonymous commented
Yeah, no way ,sherlock.
Everyone knows that, but illustrator gets hella slow then 😑