Non printable layers / Template Layer name no longer show in italics in illustrator CC 2018
Non printable layers / Template layer name no longer show in italics in illustrator CC 2018

We have the fix available in the latest release. Please update Illustrator using Adobe Creative Cloud application to the latest build for version Illustrator CC 22.1.
Please refer to our knowledge base FAQ – if you face difficulty in update.
Or get in touch with us at any of the other support channels –
Warm Regards,
Ashutosh Chaturvedi | Sr. Quality Engineering Manager – Illustrator
Adobe. Make It an Experience.
Anonymous commented
This bug has been reported for 2 weeks ... Everyone is waiting for the fix !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anonymous commented
This bug has been reported for 2 weeks ... everyone is waiting for the fix !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anonymous commented
Need a visual cue that the layer is set to not print.
Anonymous commented
Please bring back Italic for Non-Printing Layers.
Neil commented
As below. The italics make it easy to spot non-print layers at a glance.
Gerry McLoughlin commented
I am on the very latest version of Illustrator and have just noticed that on layer options the 'visible' layers that are set 'not to print' are no longer marked in italic. Having those 'non-print' layers set as italic text was very useful. Now I can not be 100% sure what layers are actually print active.
Suggest going back to previous setup.
thegoframe commented
looking for fix
Zenoform commented
Please fix this ASAP... VERY important visual clue when proofing files!
Laura Ault commented
Please bring back the italic text for non-printing elements in the Layers window. This was an important visual cue that everyone in the compositing departments at our company used to mark dielines and other non-printing guides. Please bring back this feature, at least as an option.
Cheryl Reed commented
This really needs to be fixed. Dies on packaging must be easily spotted in files. I do not have the time or the money for the AAs that will be caused by double clicking on each layer
Joel commented
When I had a layer set to not print on previous versions it would list that layer in italic. It was very nice feature we used to double check our files before printing. We would love to see that feature resinstalled on 2018.
Anonymous commented
Whats the ETA on this fix please.
Anonymous commented
Please fix ASAP. This will for sure create problems with our workflow.
Anonymous commented
This needs to be fixed as will course problems within our workflow
Anonymous commented
When will it be fixed?
Angi commented
Layers used to be marked in italics when not a printable layer. Now there is no markings or indications of which layers print.
Kris Hunt commented
I just noticed this as well. Irritating!
IllustratorFTW commented
Since we hae updated to 2018 version, non printable layers description is not oblique any more, which really is a huge problem for us. Sending wrong data to the printing company will be the result as you need to double click the layer to see if it is set to print or not.
Hopefully this is a fail of the current version and will be fixed soon...