Rotation Handle Tolerance overrides scale and selection functionality while using Wacom.
Hiya. I have an issue with the Selection tool and the rotation handle functionality overriding both scale and shift+selection of other objects while using a Wacom.
Essentially, the rotation functionality tolerance seems to be 2-3 times higher than when using a mouse, which means that I have to zoom in far in order to either scale or select a nearby object.
This behaviour has been in every version of Illustrator since the original Illustrator CC - which behaved flawlessly.
I've also had it occur on 2 different computers with 2 different Wacom devices (Intuous 5 and Cintiq 13HD) and multiple versions of the Mac operating system (Yosemite through to Sierra).
You can see a video of the behaviour attached below.
- Version of Illustrator: CC2018 (but same occurs in 2017, 2015, 2014)
- Steps taken: Using the selection tool I attempt to shift+select a nearby object or scale the selected object.
- Expected Result: Shift-selecting the nearby object or scaling the selected object.
- Actual Result: The current object goes into rotate mode.

I am happy to share that we have fixed this bug in our latest release – 23.0.6 which is available worldwide now.
Going forward, our goal is to fix as many top User-Voice bugs as possible and as frequently as possible. Given the nature of the fixes, some of the bugs will take a longer time to fix, but we are on it.
You can update to the latest release using Creative Cloud desktop App:
Thank you for all the feedback. Keep it coming!
Rich commented
This bug has categorically not been fixed. Creative Cloud, particularly Illustrator, has become a bit of a shambles.
Julie commented
Definitely NOT fixed. I'm not using a Wacom or anything fancy; still just a mouse/keys. It's difficult to explain how annoying this is (at least, not without getting flagged for bad language). Across product purchases and subscription, I've paid you well over $10,000 throughout my career, and will have to continue funding your monopoly. You got into the Fortune 50 on our backs. You could at least pretend you're grateful by fixing this.
Brian Stokes commented
120 comments on “fixed” bug. I don’t think it’s fixed. I think this program is fundamentally broken in so many ways...
I’m currently sitting here, literally fighting with Illustrator to get it to accomplish simple tasks that it used to perform flawlessly.
Also discovered that Indesign’s drawing tools work better than Illustrators in lots of ways. How is that possible? Can we enlist the Indesign team to help fix Illustrator, Adobe?
Beth Miner commented
Same. So irritating. Monthly subscription to CC is not cheap.... Adobe, please fix this bug!!
Anonymous commented
Having this issue, too, on a 4k monitor, and it's freaking. me. out.
Travis commented
Having this issue on a PC with a high pixel density display, using mouse. Very frustrating. Moving and scaling objects is frequently a chore, they always rotate instead, even though the mouse cursor has changed to the appropriate move / scale cursor. I could work around this more easily if the mouse cursor at least matched the actual behavior, but presently it's a guess-and-check terrible UX.
This feels like a high priority basic functionality bug that should be fixed immediately.
Paul commented
I've been having this issue since I began working at home in Mid-march. I don't remember having a problem with it when working with a large monitor in the office but on my smaller laptop screen it's a real pain. Presumably the tolerance is defined in pixels so on a larger monitor there's greater detail??
Either way, it needs to be sorted out and hasn't as the admin suggested in August. -
Anonymous commented
Yes, the problem still exists. The admin lied; they haven't fixed anything.
Anonymous commented
This has NOT been fixed. I am using PS2020 with a Wacom 16, and I cannot grab and move anything without first zooming in 600+%. The objects rotate, scale, and even round corners, but it is impossible to select and drag. Other times, I try to scale the object, but it will only rotate. It seems rotate overrides everything.
It is extremely frustrating that we cannot perform the most common function with one of the most common hardware tools.
Anonymous commented
This problem still persists. Anyone???
Carl commented
Could we get some info from the admins? Is anybody working on this issue? It is not solved.
Kayla commented
I have to say, I was extremely frustrated with this (obviously from my comment below haha). I finally figured it out. I wish Illustrator would have just just given a solution rather than just saying "we have fixed this issue" when people are still having issues with it. From further Googling and deep internet searching....What you do is Object > Shape >Expand Shape or Object > Expand. This worked for me and basically disabled the rotation unless I specifically grab the corners to turn. I am posting to hopefully help other people.
Update 6 months later: this solution is only good if you don't plan on rounding the corners and etc. as it messes up the object. But, it is a temporary solution to get rid of some of the annoyance. UGH.
Chuck commented
The fact that this has been an issue for 3+ years now makes it obvious ADOBE doesn't give a **** about their customers (other than creating the next subscription product to drain more money from them). How can this be happening? In my opinion, Adobe lucked into its position of being the default creative toolset in the industry. They have always made horribly bloated and buggy software. Adobe... do us users a small favor and get this bug fixed!
Chris Phillips commented
For those still having problems with this - try going to your external preferences txt file, do a search for 'createLiveShapes' and change it from 1 to 0. That helped for me. You can convert a shape back to a live shape if you need to have non-destructive corner radius etc. It's Live Shapes that seem to cause that massive disparity in the rotation vs scale control tolerance.
Kayla commented
I cannot stand this anymore. I am at my breaking point with how frustrating this is. I can't even bring in round edges on my square/rectangle shapes. All it wants to do it rotate my objects! I feel like adjusting a shape is more important than rotating an object!
Carl commented
Now using 24.2. Still have to zoom in on small objects to be able to rotate... will this ever be fixed?
Anonymous commented
I have the same problem on a laptop with UHD touch display. Even when I'm just using the mouse.
Anonymous commented
I agree with all the comments below. Adobe is charging too much to have this many problems with the software. They've used these cloud based updates as a way to get more money out of people while delivering an inferior product. They've lost my business once I get my next project completed.
Anonymous commented
This has made my work flow suffer significantly. It's incredible that they charge more and more for this app and this has yet to be fixed.
Milan commented
By bloating Illustrator with useless stuff, they made it unusable. This has become a joke...